Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 59: Last Push

Holding her wrist Lorien immediately began using his Ability

Turning Nezuko back into a Human is relatively easy, But turning her back and allowing her to keep her ability and her immortality while also removing all demonic factors from them, is difficult

Previously when helping her get the ability to live under the sun, he knew exactly what he was doing, and that was making the two conflicting energies inside her body reach a balance

But this time, that wasn't the case, he didn't know precisely what needs to be done to achieve the results he wants

So with no other solution, he decided to give the order to his ability and just let it work its magic

Even if the Energy required were to be a lot more than usual, he's willing to pay, After all, he's so close to getting the fruits of his hard work and he won't back down now

[Dream/Realiy]: Order- Turn Nezuko Into A Human, Remove all Demonic Factors, Keep Ability and Immortality

As soon as the 'Order' was given, Lorien's ability quickly started operation as some sort of mysterious power abruptly appeared inside of Nezuko's body and started slowly turning her back into a human

The demon blood in her body was immediately suppressed, and the wild and demonic factors were being quickly found and erased

And not only that, but her ability was also transforming slowly, it's essence was changing, it was getting stripped away from the demonic blood and transformed into a new shape that doesn't need demon power to function

This transformation lasted for around half an hour before it finally came to end, And as soon as it did, Lorien quickly started checking its results

According to his observation, the demon blood inside of her body weakened, but miraculously, her Immortality And Ability didn't weaken one bit, they were completely unaffected

This was exactly what Lorien wanted, so seeing this, he heaved a sigh of relief and said

"We'll take a rest for a couple of hours and continue, It'll take a couple of days to achieve the results we want, so don't worry about it for now"

Hearing this, Nezuko nodded, thanked him, and then walked back to the house to continue playing

Then, just as Lorien walked back and laid down lazily on the couch wanting to get some rest, Saigai came over and said

"Am going out for a walk"

"As usual?"

"Yes...But it's becoming harder"

The walk Saigai is talking about is similar to what Lorien used to do to absorb Dreams before he made the Dream Tree, but in her case, she walks around absorbing the power of Doom, and Calamity

She's been doing this since the day she got her power, otherwise, she wouldn't have gotten this strong so quickly

Lorien could help her get Knowledge, Techniques and guide her to better control her powers, but he can't help her improve her Physical Strength, Soul, Energy, and Ability

For that, she is on her own, and until now she's been doing a relatively good job

But it seems that she is now facing the same issues Lorien had before when he felt that the Energy he was getting by walking around wasn't enough and wanted more

Lorien fixed the problem using the Tree, but she is still struggling a bit to find a solution of her own

Sadly, this is not something Lorien could help her with as it involves her [Talent Ability], so if she wants to cheat like Lorien, she has to find a way herself

Otherwise, she'll just have to go the slow growth way and just wait until her Perception Range grows big enough

Her Perception Range is similar to Lorien's with his allowing him to absorb dreams and hers absorbing Doom and Calamity

Speaking of Perception Range

"How big is your perception range now?"

Hearing this, Saigai closed her eyes for a moment before responding with a precise measurement

"57 meters"

"I see...Try to think of a solution or else it'll become very bad"

Nodding slightly, Saigai then walked away and made her way to the door

Looking at her fading back Lorien gave off a light sigh, this is not something he could help with


Shaking his head lightly, he threw all those ideas aside and focused on recovering energy

If the last 'session' with Nezuko was an indication, then he needs to pick up the pace and work harder, else he won't be able to turn her back into a human before the battle


It took Lorien about 2 Hours to fully recover his energy, and as soon as he did he called out for Nezuko

"Let's Start!"

This 'Healing Session' was nearly identical to the previous one, in both the process and results

As what he got after it was just a slightly more human Nezuko

"I'll rest for a bit, Then we'll resume"




"Nezuko! We're starting again"









5 Days Later, Evening

During this period of time, Lorien worked very hard, only taking rest when it was time to eat or sleep

He was so busy, he didn't even take the time to absorb Dream Energy from the Tree

And because of that, it has been accumulating this Energy all this time, waiting for him to absorb it

But that wasn't the main thing right now, as Lorien is sure that this 'Healing Session' is the last he'll have with Nezuko, as following it, she'll be completely turned back into a human

The only other time he'll have another 'session' with her, will be when he extracts the 'Seeds' of 'Immortality' and 'Physical Talent'

Standing in front of her, Lorien asked her with a happy smile on his face

"Are you ready?"

Hearing this, Nezuko who was currently sitting nervously on a chair nodded quickly in excitement


After this, she could finally return to being a human, she had enough being a Demon even if she were able to live normally being one

Looking at her, Nezuko was completely different from 5 Days ago, most of her demonic features such as the cat-like eyes and sharp canines were nearly gone

And now, Only the last push was needed to finish everything

"Let's Begin!"





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