Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 72: Infinite Possibilities

'So that's how it is...'

What Lorien wanted to test was how the 'Future' vision functions, and more precisely how his [Clairvoyance] determines what the future actually is

After all, the future holds infinite possibilities; It is not a single line or course of events that is fixed and must happen

If time had a physical form, it would most likely take that of a river

The 'Past' and the 'Present' would be one single stream of water that moves in a single direction; Irreversible and Unchangeable

But when it comes to the 'Future', this 'river' starts splitting into an infinite number of 'Tributaries'

Those tributaries represent the infinite possibilities, actions, or events that may occur

The future was never 'fixed'; Every action has a consequence: This is true for both small and big actions

For example; Lorien is 'now' sitting; In the 'future' he can either stand, move his head to the side, lay down, etcetera...; The possibilities are endless

Then based on that small action, a new round of possibilities emerges, and it keeps stacking going from there

So for 'Time'; No matter how small the action is, it is still very important; And that's why the butterfly effect exists

After all, we are not alone in this world; One person's action may affect that of other people, who will in their turn affect others, and so on

Time is a very complex thing; The many variables present makes it nigh impossible to predict

The only time the 'Future' truly becomes 'Fixed' is when 'Destiny' and 'Fate' are involved as they can 'set' events and make them inevitable; Otherwise, it is as stated before

Of course, this is just what Lorien's understanding and there may be some discrepancies in there

But this still allowed him to understand that what his [Clairvoyance] actually shows is just the most probable future; So the closer it is, the more accurate it becomes

For example, if Lorien were to see an event happening 1000 years in the future; The possibility of said event transpiring as Lorien saw is very low, that's if it even occurs at all

Unless of course that event is 'Destined'; Then, no matter how far it is in the future he'll accurate see it

As for his short-term 'vision' which is around 1 to 10 seconds, the accuracy is about 100%

Realizing this, Lorien decided to stop his tests as everything is basically understood; All that is left is just to practice using it

But things aren't over yet; After testing his [Clairvoyance], Lorien now wants to check something else, and that's if he could now use 'Limit Burst' and burn his lifespan without worry after gaining [Immortality]

Deciding on this, He existed the house and made his way to the nearby forest; He didn't want to tear down his house while experimenting

The forest wasn't that far away, so it didn't take him long to reach it; Standing there in the middle of the trees, Lorien turned the ring on his finger into a sword; Then, he immediately began experimenting

He didn't bother beginning with just burning energy and stamina and then gradually going from there; The moment he began using 'Limit Burst', he started burning his lifespan

This caused his 'Aura' to increase exponentially; At first, Lorien only burned a small amount of his life force; But even then, the increase to his power was significant


With his weapon raised above his head, Lorien slashed forward, his sword piercing through the air; Thanks to his great control no power was 'spilled' or wasted in the process, all the power was condensed on the blade itself allowing for maximum damage

This caused the slash to look normal very normal and somewhat 'weak', but the moment the power condensed 'exploded' forward, the results proved otherwise


In the direction that Lorien slashed at, the earth in front of him was cut apart as a somewhat long 'wound' appeared

But that wasn't all; Some unlucky trees were also in that direction which caused a number of them to get cut in half, slide down, and eventually fall to the ground



Only the lower portion of those trees still stood there; The cut marks left on them looked mirror-like; It was as if a knife had cut through butter; This alone shows how 'sharp' the attack was

But Lorien didn't stop there; After taking a deep breath he began burning a larger amount of his life force; Then, he slashed forward again



The power of this attack was greater than the one before it as it created much more damage and caused another row of trees to fall down

Not stopping there; He began burning an even larger amount of life force; Then, he slashed again



This routine continued for a while with Lorien increasing the amount of life force burned with each try







After repeating this for around 10 times; It seems that Lorien had finally reached his limit

Contrary to the previous attempts where he was in complete control over himself and the power gained using the technique; This time even standing there he looked a bit 'shaky'

This was mainly because he was currently burning too much life force which created a huge force inside of his body that he couldn't control or contain

This force was currently tearing his body apart from the inside; If it weren't for his regeneration he would have most likely died; Realizing this, Lorien quickly slashed forward


The moment he slashed, the earth in front of him was torn apart as a grand pothole was created

But sadly the damage wasn't only limited to that; His own body also couldn't handle the force; Just as the attack 'landed' and the force was 'delivered'; Lorien's hands exploded into chunks of meat getting launched everywhere


If it weren't for the painful training he previously had in the dream; He wouldn't be able to handle such pain

Sweating profusely, and clenching his teeth, Lorien tried his best to not scream out loud

Thankfully for him; The moment his hands 'burst' his regeneration also kicked in and in fractions of a second they were back to normal except for his destroyed and bloody shirt

'Good to know it works...'

With the pain subsiding as quickly as it came, Lorien clenched his fists, then waved his hand causing the sword that had just flown away because of the 'accident' to return to his hand

'As expected, my body couldn't handle that much energy...'

'But on the bright side, I can feel that my lifespan wasn't really reduced by much, it seems that this immortality is very effective...'

'At least this technique isn't able to spend that much life force; moreover, I feel like the life force I just spent experimenting is recovering on its own, so I don't gave to worry much...'

After realizing this, Lorien heaved a sigh of relief; He felt worried about this immortality and if it had any limit, but it seems that he was just being paranoid

Turning his sword back into a ring and fixing his clothes with his ability; Lorien then looked around at the damage he caused

'It seems that I am also contributing to deforestation...'


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