Lord of Fire is a Gamer

39 Am I A Badass Now?

Suddenly, I hear an expected and animalistic roar from my side. Of course he is angry, I just killed his sister right in front of him despite the threats he made just minutes ago.

Name: ShenLong (Red Dragon) 

Title: Bored King of the Fire

Class: Fire Magician


HP: 100%


STR: ?







Huh, that's new. It's concerning how his stats rose above what I could see (above s+?), which is pretty surprising since only other person I've seen like that is Megumin.

Megumin stared with wide eyes at the enraged dragon as it flew past her. 

Yeah, I guess he entered the God's territory now. That's impressive.

But, I have a new weapon now.

Name: Kunyo

Title: Fire Nation Mid-class Noble, Second Coming of Combustion God, Dragon Slayer

Class: Firebender


HP: 84%







Titles:Fire Nation Mid-class Noble

Fire Nation Mid-class Noble: +%40 fear and respect from commoners of the Fire Nation. +%10 fear and respect from low-class nobles of the Fire Nation. 

Second Coming of Combustion God: +300% Respect from the people who has practised the combustion art, or the people of the combustion village. +300% Speed of learning any combustion techniques, +100% Effectiveness of the art of combustion.

Dragon Slayer: +50% Effectiveness and learning speed of firebending. +500% Damage towards Dragon type beasts/sprits etc.


Yeah, I'm gonna fuck him up.

I can't help but smirk cockily as he rushes at me with madness.

I should feel bad for this, but I really can't. 

'Don't worry, at least the Dragon race won't be extinct. I still have my probably adorable and yet to be named dragon inside my inventory.)

This time, I want to kill him with Excalibur, cutting through his he-


Don't let arrogance get to you Kunyo. It won't end well.

I sigh inwardly and send a strong spear of lightning towards him.

He doesn't dodge it. Either confidence in his abilities after going into the God's territory, or berserk state made him really fucking dumb.

Just like his sister, he tries to attack lightning with fire. 

As he opens his large mouth widely, a magnificent amount of rainbow fire comes out of it.

It slows down my spear but it can't dissipate it. A slightly weakened spear goes through his fire breath and-

He slightly dodged to the side. His mouth is grazed and misses a small portion of it, the rest of the wound charred black.

'I guess his reflexes and instincts are still here despite his lack of intelligence.' I hum to myself.

His agility improved as well after all.

I disperse the leftover fire from his previous attack and prepare to send another lightning spear.

He opens his mouth again. 

'Won't you ever learn?..' I throw my spear with disappointment.

This battle could have been hard if I didn't get my title. 6,5 times the damage (500%+50%)is no joke at this power level, but his intelligenc-


I dodge to the side with combustion release from right hand and right foot as my instinct kick in.

I watch in slow motion thanks to my observe skill as this bastard sends a spear of rainbow colored fire through his mouth and it lands just next to me, the place I was standing less than a second ago.

My eyes widen as he once again slightly dodges my attack and a small chunk of his forehead goes missing.

'This fucker...' 

Thankfully Observe skill also enhances my perception and my instincts so I can dodge it before his attacks reach me, otherwise, I was dead already.

I see Megumin raise her hand to strike him down with an explosion but I signal her to stop.

She has a doubtful face but stops with her hand still raised in the air, ready to strike anytime.

I'm smiling.

I can't help it. This battle, my life is actually on the line for the first time in ages. 

I activate Gamer's mind to regain my clarity quickly.

'No, my life isn't in danger, Megumin can save me 9 out of 10 times, but this is still exciting enough that I have to use Gamer's mind to stop my emotions from affecting my combat capabilities.' I silently think to myself as my skill clears my mind.

'How to?..'

I quickly make a plan and start its execution. This plan is the most viable one around the 19 others I made just now.

Despite thinking thoroughly, only a second passed in real life. I can't help but be thankful to my increased mental capabilites and my gamer skills like Observe and Gamer's Mind.

ShenLong doesn't open his mouth this time. We're close enough that just attacking me with his body would be the better option. He can't do mental games and surprise me right now. Previous surprises were only due to his instincts and his instinct would tell him to attack with his body right now since it's the best option.

Just as I expected, he dives into me headfirst.

I dodge to the side with my usual combustion+jep propulsion combo and go above his head.

My instincts kick in and I dodge to the side in the air as his long tail rushes past me by a hair's breadth, leaving hot scorching fire behind and burning my face in the progress.

I take out Excalibur while my face heals and wait for him.

Just a second later, his massive head is coming towards me once more.

I smirk internally and let him come as he opens his mouth to swallow me.

Just as he's about to swallow me, I use combustion bending from my feet strong enough to actually hurt and almost cripple my legs.

As I rush above with great speed I've never attained before, I quickly use my free hand to sand me towards ShenLong.

With unbelievable speed, before even he can get away, I rush past him while my Plasma Bending Sword Excalibur passes through his head.

It's not deep enough to split it into two, but the entirety of his head and a small part of his body is completely open with a wide gash.

''ROWARHGH!''  He roars angrily as the pain he can't ignore despite his berserker stage slips into his mind.

Name: ShenLong (Red Dragon) 

Title: Bored King of the Fire

Class: Fire Magician


HP: 19%

Lastly, I bring out Glai as he wriggles in the air.

''I said DON'T PUT ME I-'' I ignore her cries and use her ability.

I slash the air and her ability kicks in, sending a wind blade and cutting open his exposed brain.

The gigantic and majestic dragon falls down with a heavy and loud thud and rolls down the stairs.

With a happy sigh of satisfaction, I turn to Megumin and give a thumbs up.

She gives a thumbs up back. I'm kind of surprised how she is okay with this, but I guess she isn't a teenager anymore. 

If I remember correctly, she has been in the multiverse for a while, she is probably way older than me. A little change is normal.

I stuff the corpses of the dragons to my inventory.

I don't know what will I ever do with them since I'm not a blacksmith (Not that I think I can make a weapon better than the ones I already have anyway) but I'm sure they will be useful somehow.

Not a blacksmith...

I can change that.

I'm not going to change my weapons but this ShenLong would make a good armor, I'm sure. I can even use his sister as boots as well. They wouldn't be separated even after that thanks to me.

How heartwarming.



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