Lord of Fire is a Gamer

48 K-Pop isn’t that bad, right?

Kunyo looked down on his newest creation.

[Minor Face Morphing Potion]

[Effect: Imagine the face you want after drinking it. It can only make adjustments to your face, rather than creating a new one. The effect lasts 48 hours.]

''Megumin, you coming or what?'' he called out to her, ready to drink to the potion.

''Naaaah. Just do what you want.''

''What? You're actually not coming?''

''I understand you want to be stealthy and stuff, I won't get in your way. Besides, I can't explode anything in there.''

'Actually, you can explode all the fire nation ships, but that would bring way too much attention to my buddies back at the crimson devil tribe.' he sighed to himself. 'Everything could be very easy that way, but I would not only be a murder-hobo who solves everything with murder, but also an ungrateful fuck who brought disaster to his beloved village...'

He shook his head. ''Kay. Have fun.''

He jumped down from the portal she opened for him.

He didn't even jump on Zuko to preserve his energy as it wasn't the fastest choice. He used the insanely inefficient jet propellers to fly towards the Northern Water Tribe.

'Firebending definitely wasn't made for flying. Thankfully I have my insane bonuses from the system and my Mp potions backing me up. Otherwise, I don't think anybody can actually use this method to go around.'


'Am I going insa- No. Pull yourself together Azula. You're becoming more and more like Zuko day by day.' She silently growled to herself

'All because of that bastard! And the worst part is, he didn't even explain anything, just dissappeared to who knows where!'

When she woke up, she couldn't even believe what happened and thought that it was all a dream. She thought she practiced too hard and just knocked herself out.

That never happened since she was 5, but it was still more possible than some random noble overwhelming her so easily.

She couldn't ease her heart with just that. She had to make sure that it was all a dream.

She investigated (a rather short one) and found out that it was all in fact REAL.

She took deep breaths to calm herself down.

'I need to find him...'


''What're you going to do?'' asked my uncle with a concerned voice.

I feel bad for concerning him like this, but this has to be done. I need to do this. I HAVE to do this.

''I will figure something out.'' I said to my uncle with a voice as reassuring as possible.

Iroh of the royal family. Once a grand general, now a fat old guy who is stuck with someone like me.

'I will get my honor back, uncle. I have sacrificed so much, I have tried so hard. I can not give up.'

''Don't forget, your bending will get weaker there. You remember the breath of fire right?''

I nodded to him. This is not only for myself. This is for you as well uncle. I will show you that you didn't waste your time on me.


I inspected myself in the mirror. Overall, 8/10 handsome bastard.

No, that's not really fair. More of a cute bastard?

In the mirror, a rather cute guy with soft features looked back at me.

Unfortunately, the effects of the potion were even lower than I thought.

I couldn't even change my eye or hair color!

What a fucking scam.

In the end, in order to look as different as possible without looking hideous, I had to give myself soft features close to a boy's.

If my height was lower, I might have been mistaken with a shota.

''I never thought that one day, I would look like a K-POP star...'' I said as I inspected the goods.

Not gonna lie, it's not bad.

''Alright, enough admiring my fake beauty. It will start to feel pathetic in about a minute.'' I refocus on more important things.

I already had a rough plan on how to sneak into this place. My experience in sneaking around isn't that high, but there's a start for everything, right?

Besides, I can just start blasting if things go wrong.


'Now, am I stupid and horny enough to go after Sokka's moon girlfriend?'


'Naaaah. Let him have a good relationship for once. She loves him anyway, no need to break up a good couple just because my brain is smaller than my dick.'


''The day we have feared for so long has arrived. Fire Nation is on our doorstep. It's with great sadness, I call my family here before me, knowing well, some of these faces are about to vanish from our tribe... They will never vanish from our hearts.'' Leader of the Northern Tribe said somberly on the platform he was on. Behind him, his daughter Yue and the grandmaster Paku.

''Now! As we approach the battle of our existence, I call upon the great spirits. Spirit of the Ocean! Spirit of the Moon! Be with US! I'm going to need volunteers for a dangerous mission.''

''Count me in'' I bellowed out.

''Sokka?!'' my sister yelled out, bewildered and concerned.

'They destroyed our home, southern water tribe. I won't let them do the same to this place as well.'

I slowly looked beside me. Aang. I won't let what happened to you happen to us.

I won't let water benders just become a thing of the past.

[Zuko in S1 was still all about honor this honor that, but he still respected his uncle deep down. Yeah, he wasn't much of a smart guy those days, but he was at least grateful and respectful towards his only family member (still living lol, his mother doesn't count) that showed him patience.]

[Sorry for not posting for a few days. I was really busy.]


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