Lord of Fire is a Gamer


''So... It's really happening huh?'' Sokka said with a slight amount of nervousness in his voice.

Kunyo nodded with a relaxed smile to Sokka's slightly nervous question.

'Well, he has a lot to lose this time after all.' Kunyo chuckled to himself. 

'He should be happy, thanks to me he doesn't have a moon girlfriend anymore, it's a normally cute girlfriend.'

'Everything will be fine though. Azula will win, and whatever happens afterward, we can solve it with brute force. I have already scanned everybody around us and some more, in an all out fight, they're not much of a threat to all of us.'


Sokka coughed into his hand and asked another question.

''So, what's up with the crazy chick?'' he said while pointing at Kurumi. He had long ago learned that she wasn't bothered by something like this.


Kunyo's eyes wandered off to Kurumi who was looking around with slight interest.

''We already talked about it in the ship, if you're so nervous that you have to talk to relieve yourself, you can ask much better questions to relax, like 'if I'm getting cucked right now?'''

''Yue would never!'' barked back with a voice that managed to make every soldier around them even tenser somehow.

''Glad to see your spirit back.'' Kunyo chuckled.

'What a weird atmosphere...'

It wasn't as fun as he thought it would be, but his plan served its purpose well enough. Right now, they were sitting together while watching Azula and Ozai get ready for their Agni Kai.

There wasn't really much to get ready actually, it was just that Ozai wanted to make this an exhibition out of this so a lot of nobles were walking around and sitting down in their respective seats.

Yeah, seats.

''This is a lot different than what I thought would be.'' Aang voiced out his thoughts as he looked around nervously.

''Yeah, they don't look nervous at all. They don't think we are capable of being any kind of threat to them.'' Sokka said as he held back on insults.

Kunyo sighed and looked down to see the concrete they were sitting down on while all the other fire nation nobles were on their nice seats.

''Alright, that's enough.''

He felt the soldiers around him tense for a moment but he didn't mind it as he pulled out his favorite couch from his inventory under the shocked gazes of everyone.

It didn't take long for young masters to attack with their gigabrains.

''Wha- that's illegal! It should be! How dare he sit on something comfier than we noble sit on?!'' screamed classic arrogant young master templateV2

Fire nation soldiers looked between each other and then at their commander as they tried to figure out what to do.

Fortunately for them, it didn't take long for their commander to decide.

''That couch is suspicious, we are taking it to investigate.''

Kunyo slowly turned his head around to give a 'for real?' look at the captain's fierce eyes.

''How is it suspicious? Are you afraid that I will kill your people with jealously or something?''

''We don't need to disclose that information. I said get up and let us take the couch nicely before we force you out of it. You're on the Fire Nation grounds, and you shall obey the rules Fire Nation has set.''

Kunyo looked at around to see Aang and his team tense and nervous but also ready for action at the same time. Coincidentally, the fire nation soldiers had the same feelings, despite their higher skill at hiding them.


''So demanding... Sure, sure, take it. It's my gift.''

He got up with his friends and watched the fire nation soldiers shoulder the couch before taking it away.


Another couch appeared and Kunyo threw himself onto it under the shocked gazes of everybody else.

''What?'' Kunyo gave an annoyed look at the Fire Nation Commander who came back.

''Th-... That couch is suspicious too.'' 

''Fuck off.''

''How dare you! You're under arrest f-''

''We are already under arrest. You know that right?'' Kunyo pointed at everything around himself.



Their argument was cut short as Ozai's rigorous voice filled the air with authority.

While everybody was enjoying the 'fight' between Kunyo and the Fire Nation officer, both Ozai and Azula had already taken their places along with all the nobles that were invited.

Fire nation soldiers went silent before quickly saluting and getting back to their post.

Kunyo smiled at them before taking out hot popcorn, some other snacks, and various beverages from his inventory, right after taking out a small table to put them on it.


Sokka gulped seeing all the glorious things on the table and sat down next to Kunyo as his sister and Aang followed behind.

''You guys can relax. Azula can win the match.'' Kunyo said with a smile.

He wanted to cheer her up but she was already focused on her opponent and didn't look like she would appreciate someone disrupting her concentration.

'Awww, I want to embarrass her a little bit, but it's okay I guess. This is an important match for her after all.'

Kunyo knew that Azula needed to win this Agni Kai to truly get out of Ozai's control. She looked as if she was already independent, but he knew how much effort she put into her voice, just to talk back to him for a few seconds. She needed this.

''Today, is a day of glory and mourning.'' Ozai's voice echoed as he walked to the middle.

''The day we caught the greatest sinner of humanity.'' he gestured at the avatar as some young people booed before getting shushed by their parents.

''Wow, he's really making this into an exhibit huh?'' Sokka said out loud as he looked at the nobles looking down on them.

''I feel like an animal in a zoo.'' Kunyo added, thankfully, he was already used to such treatment on the way here.

''What's a zoo?''


Sokka and Kunyo's conversation was cut short as Katara shushed them after noticing the death glares they got from their surroundings.

''But this is also the day we learned of my daughter's betrayal.'' Ozai looked remorseful for a second before plastering a determined look on his face.

''As her father and her King, I shall take on the responsibility of re-educating her.''

''By the time we are finished, you won't be in any condition to 're-educate' anybody, dear father.'' Azula said back to him.

Kunyo almost face palmed at her reply.

'Did her burning skills get worse because of her nervousness?' 

Ozai's sharp eyes locked onto her as if a hawk that locked onto its prey.

He said nothing as he walked back to his corner, a few steps back, and let the elderly woman on the side start the sacred Agni Kai.


Patrehon/lowkeygoodstuff if you wanna see the fight early.

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