Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Couch is my best buddy

On the road, I'm interrupted by a few other people for obvious reasons.

You know, I'm a firebender.

I mean, I tried to hide it by just jogging physically (after landing) but the fact that I'm not wearing their clothes and my white skin kinda stands out.

No, I'm not gonna beat up some guy to steal his clothes. I refuse to do that again. I'm not wearing a pant another guy's crotch has been sweating all day once again... Unless quest requires it.

Thankfully, Avatar and his friends have already spread the rumors about your friendly fire bender, otherwise it would have been worse. This is mostly people just staring and pointing fingers at me. Only a few of them actually stood up against me and cut me off.

Half of them stopped after I told them that I was ''ShenLong'', but the other half met bad ends.

No, of course, I didn't hurt them. I didn't even force baldness fashion on them. I could start a baldness trend if I wanted to, but I didn't.

I just publicly humiliated them.

They're going through tough times, they just got attacked by the strong overlord of this planet after all. I didn't want to depress the entire male population just after their ''victory'' (which is all thanks to me) with permanent baldness.

It's okay, they were just feeling heroic after the battle. I understand the feeling.

Anyways, I finally arrived at the pond or pool or whatever they call it.

Spirit Oasis, my memory tells me. Good to know.

Seeing the guards I raise my brow. They were pretty quicky, war just ended like what, 5-10 minutes ago? Two water bender guards, both middle aged and black haired along with well built bodies. Yep, they just look like nameless guards.

I raise my hands defenselessly to show that I wasn't a threat. I can force my way in, but there is no need for conflict. Besides, I want to leave a good impression.

They still get to their classic stance though.

I can only be thankful that they didn't attack on sight like morons.

''I'm ShenLong, the Avatar or Princess Yue must have told you about me. We were supposed to meet here on Spirit Oasis.''

They look at each other for a second before one of them opens their mouths.

''Indeed, we are supposed to let a person called ShenLong in, but how can we know that you are ShenLong and not an imposter?''

''That's... a valid argument.'' my hand comes to my chin ''How can I prove myself?'' I ask them.

''You can't. Wait until the Avatar comes and proves your identity.''

I can't help but frown. This is pointless for me but I can see their logic.



I take out my favorite couch from my inventory and lie down on it under their wide eyes.

''I will wait for him here then.''

I kinda hoped they would see my power and recognize it. You know, maybe Avatar, his team, or Yue told them about my ability to make things appear out of thin air, but no. They're just surprised. Apparently, this isn't enough to prove my identity as well.

It's been hard on this couch too. If I sit another hour on this guy, he will permanently have my ass signature on it.


Seeing the absolutely gigantic flame tearing through the clouds, Aang and everybody near him almost shit their pants.

Sokka gulped ''I was wondering how was he going to convince them to get out of here but...'' his words got stuck on his throat.

''I'm glad we don't have to fight him, we never stood a chance.'' Katara said slowly.

''No shit sister?! I thought that much was obvious when he casually knocked out an elite team of fire benders and Admiral Zhao before even we could move!''

''Could this be a message from the spirits?'' Aang asked, interrupting the siblings chattering.

''Buddy, this was just that guy flexing his powers to scare away the Fire Nation. It was no spirit.'' Sokka answered his question.

''No, I don't mean it like that. Maybe he is supposed to be my fire bending teacher. I mean, look at him. He's strong, probably your age, and he seemed... kind?'' Aang said, sounding as if he was trying to convince himself the last part was true.

''I wouldn't call that kind but yeah, he's not a bad person.'' Sokka nodded.

''Alright, he got his job done already, we should get to it as well.'' Katara broke their conversation, focusing on the fire nation soldiers that were still on the Northern Water Tribe.

------Half an hour later-------

''Was that the last of them?'' Aang asked as he watched the last Fire Nation ship go away with its black fume.

They had already dealt with the fire nation soldiers on the Northern Water Tribe.

After ShenLong's fire stream, Fire Nation Fleet let out some sound and most of the soldiers went back to their ships willingly so they didn't have many to deal with anyway.

They retreated just like that.

Aang gave a sigh of relief after seeing Sokka nod.

''Let's go, ShenLong probably has been waiting for us for a while by now.''


Zuko looked down at his hands.

He had seen it as well. That magnificent fire stream.

'He's stronger than father.'

He was almost sure of it.

'If he did it, can I do it too?' he couldn't help but ask himself.

''Can I be stronger than my father?'' he accidentally said out loud.

''Strength won't give you the happiness nor the satisfaction you're looking for my nephew.'' Iroh said from behind.

''I know, I know. I already know that...'' he took a deep breath ''I don't want to be stronger just for the sake of it, I don't want to be stronger just to surpass my father or take revenge.

''I want to be stronger than him because...*Sigh* look at how he changed the tide of the war so simply, so easily. If I had this kind of power, my destiny would be in my own hands.'' his hands balled into a fist, clenching tightly.

Iroh smiled gently and patted his nephew's shoulder.

''You are not alone. It's okay to ask for help.'' he encouraged his nephew, wanting Zuko to be the one to take that first step.

''Uncle, please help me become stronger.'' Zuko said with a determined face.


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