Lord of Fire is a Gamer


How is he still alive despite being so old? Wonders of great amounts of chi?

Or is he another disciple of Lao Ge? Maybe he learned how to be immortal...

I kept my composure and erased those unnecessary thoughts. I will have time to think about them later.

Although, I have to wonder. Does Fire Lord leave them be because he doesn't dare to do otherwise?


I'm sure Fire Nation can suppress this place. Maybe not easily, but they still could after some losses.

Maybe he doesn't see it worth losing so many soldiers for this? They are in a critical stage of the 100-year war after all. A civil war with an ancient firebending tribe would be more than just troublesome. Not to mention losing their (admittedly small) support and maybe even possibly wiping out the combustion bending from the firebending pool. They are still resources he can use, combustion man is an example after all.

Or maybe, he simply doesn't know of their strength? They are pretty reclusive after all. No firebender decides to live in a high mountain for no reason. Firebenders get weaker with cold air, and here, the air is pretty fucking cold.

'Alright say something already...'

They have been silently looking at me and examining me for almost 5 minutes now.

Kouilin seems to be used to it as she doesn't say anything but it's pretty unnerving to be stared like this by 2 old masters and an ancient pinnacle firebender.


Jee watched the young boy with great interest as he kept his composure.

He could feel the... unusualness of the boy the moment he came in.

He had a good amount of chi for his age, but that wasn't enough to take his interest.

This boy, he had perfect control over his emotions and chi...

The energy reading part of the firebending was greatly underestimated and mostly ignored, but you had to be able to energy and chi to be called a true master.

He could clearly see how clear his chi flowed through his admittedly large chi veins.

That was... strange.

Nowadays everybody fueled their firebending with their emotions (mostly anger), especially young people.

Nobody could become a true master like that but it gave quick success. Quick but small success that was needed for the war.

Fire Lord had decided he would rather have 1000 experts rather than 10 true masters. It helped in war, but it led to people forgetting what actual firebending was.

This boy could control not only his emotions but also his chi almost perfectly.

'The moment he saw me, his body heated up and chi got chaotic for a second before he got it perfectly under control as if he was sleeping.'

'This boy loves explosions?' He could hardly believe it.

'He is most likely a spy. Maybe that little brat Ozai finally decided he couldn't trust our words on peace.'

''So... you like explosions?''

No boy with such calm chi could be obsessed with explosions.

Kunyo's face lit up for a second and started telling them about his journey on finding his... true self.

'Okay, he's just crazy. Most likely not a spy then.'

Kunyo explained in great detail about how he exploded heads with his 'art' and even his pursuit to create an entirely new style based on explosions.

Jee smiled and nodded his head.

It was always nice to see another man of culture.

It was truly a great day, welcoming another enlightened brother and teaching him their art was always good to see.

''He's mine.'' He said matter of factly as the other 2 elders looked at him. One in shock the other in anger.

''Come on Jee! You got the last one, let me take this one for myself.''

''Nope. I see great potential in him. He hasn't been exposed to our art yet, but he's still wiser then most of our village. To know and appreciate the art of explosion at this young age... No need for more words. He is mine, I was getting bored anyway.''

He couldn't be bothered with their looks. The decision was already made anyway.

'Heheehe. Let's see how deep your love goes for the explosions boyy.'


'That was so damn easy!'

Holy fuck. I had planned on what to do and what to answer. I had more than 20 ways the conversation could go in my head, preparing to give the best answer possible.

I would start out honest, and tell them about my love and explain why. They are a tribal society. They should have deep bonds, and explosions should stiff me inside those bonds.

But. But that was it.

I didn't even need to offer them anything. Honestly, I was ready to use my connections to give them some benefits or connect them with some merchants, even maybe marry a daughter to get into the village if I needed to. I was afraid they would say 'we only teach family' or some shit to force me into a marriage, but even that didn't happen. They were just happy to spread their religio- cough* I mean, art. Happy to spread their art.

Fucking hell, I'm so happy. I feel like I could shoot out the biggest explosion in my life right now.

Calm down boner, its not the time yet.

They aren't tricking me are they?

I arrived at my house with my chaotic but frankly happy thoughts.

Apparently, they always have 2 houses for guests. I can stay there as long as I pay a small amount of money or just do some work for them ranging from anything to anything really.

I officially became the last and currently the only disciple of a pinnacle-level firebender. Holy fucking shit. How was this so easy?

Is this the God of Explosions helping me? Spirit of Explosions? Thank you.

I gave a small prayer to my new best friend and settled in.

There was anything you could ask for in the small house, so I didn't need to do anything other than some small cleaning. I have enough money to pay 10 years of rent for this place as well, so that's not a concern either.

Now, I just need to focus on doing some real fucking fine art. Explosions.

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