Lord of Fire is a Gamer


'I have to release it.'

I wanted to finish him off in a single attack, that's why I was spending time by compressing my attack. It was fine. He was pretty angry and easy to dodge. But things went south pretty quickly.

Not only did his anger subside and he started to attack properly, he also had other firebenders on his side to help him.

I can barely keep up with 3 firebenders, only thanks to my gamer skills. Calmly seeing everything with Gamer's mind, observing trajectory perfectly with observe, and lastly inventory by using various things as shields by suddenly summoning in front of me. I would never do that and reveal my power, but they were going to die anyway.

I sighed. 'I hope this will be enough.'

I quickly glanced at June to see her doing okay, dealing with multiple bandits at once thanks to her skills and Nyla's help. Thankfully her hands were full with her own troubles so she didn't have time to see me use my inventory.

As I dodge one last attack from him I push forward both my hands with open palms to reveal unstable, twitching, fist sized fire bombs that looked like small suns.

Seeing that they immediately tried to block but it was all too late. Even if they blocked it, they couldn't negate all the damage from it.

I slightly bent my arms and sent the small suns ahead. I bent my arms in a way that they would hit each other and explode violently in the middle, just in front of the leader's face.

His subordinates didn't bother trying to save him, trying to create the best defense they could solely for themselves.

Piandao's eyes widened.



He opened his mouth for the last time, releasing a warcry to give himself courage and fule his shield even further, putting his everything on it.

The explosion was magnificent.

I knew I shouldn't have watched something like that with bare eyes, not to mention from so close. But I couldn't help it.

Just minutes ago, that big explosion awakened something in me and this proved my suspicions. I'm sure of it now.

Explosions are the most beautiful things in the world.

My eyes burned but I kept staring.

Only after a few seconds, when the explosion died out I could come to myself, mostly thanks to my trusted partner Gamer's mind who helped me every day.


I forced my eyes away from it and gave my attention to the bandits.

Almost everybody was staring at me.

'Of course you would. You are welcome but you don't really need to thank me for showing you the most beautiful thing in the world.'

I chuckled to myself. I knew they were looking at me with horrified expressions for other reasons.

Their leader, Piandao was in front of me, at least what remains of him.

The whole upper body was nowhere in sight.

His guts spilling outside, too burned look red. All charred black along with the obvious lack of blood. I guess it even melted his blood. That explains the red mist.

That broke their fighting spirit completely.

'You are not getting any forgiveness though.'

I thrusted my hand forward at the frozen subordinate. Only one of the three firebender attackers remained alive until now. He didn't even block it. He died with a horrifying scream that made everybody wince, except me.

'I should be worried about this, but not right now.'

''Y-you! YOU MONSTER!''

Somebody was brave or retarded enough to scream like that.

A burly man that was fighting with June until now started running up to me with a warcry.

He thrusted his hands behind him, using fire to propel himself faster and faster towards me.

This got the battle moving again.

Most ran away while I was dealing with him.

The remaining small group kept attacking June with tears in their eyes.

I locked eyes with the mad man with bloodshot eyes.

I got my right leg up and sent a stream of fire towards him while chucking fire bombs to both of his sides.

Seeing the line of fire coming towards him from my leg he dodged to his right, only to come face to face with my firebomb he didn't see while he was focused on the big line of fire.


Explosion was small but it was still beautiful nonetheless.

His head popped like a balloon as his lifeless body fell down.

Unlike his captain, his blood flew down in streams from his neck thanks to his absent head.

Seeing June dealing with his group with no trouble I went after the escapees.

They might be running for their lives, but it doesn't make them faster than me.

I used fire to propel myself in great speed to outside the camp and started running from there. There is no need to destroy the forest for something like this.


Half a minute later I came back to the camp to find June sitting on a chair and drinking some alcohol while a nervous girl with bruises sat next to her silently.

''You finished?''

I gave a nod.

''You gonna finish that, or are we leaving?''

We haven't looted them yet dumbass.''

I chuckled embarrassedly as I sat next to her, taking the cup of beer she offered to me.

''That was pretty brutal.'' How blunt.


''Trying to overcompensate for something?'' She said jokingly.

Ah, I hope I won't get bored of her cheap quips.

''You will see if I'm overcompensating or not.''  We bumped our cups.

''Kinda excited for it after that display. You exceed my imaginations, that's for sure. Need to see it for myself you know. To see if you could surprise me and exceed my imagination again.'' She chuckled and chugged the whole cup.

After doing the same I got up and started going through every tent one by one to loot them. Starting with the leader's tent.

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