Lord of Fire is a Gamer


I walk towards the shrine of Megumin with my master as he guides me towards the way.

I'm still kind of excited and a little bit nervous despite being prepared for my meeting with the Goddess.

Probably just a strong spirit but I don't mind calling her a goddess if that's what she wants.

We come to a big gothic church with black paint all over it. It kind of looks like a demonic god's shrine but she probably wanted it like this because of the chuuni factor.

To my surprise, there are no chairs or anything in this big place. Its interior is almost empty but the walls are full of pictures of her doing different things.

Yep. I'm almost sure this is Megumin from Konosuba now.

''You have some good artists around here.'' I open a small talk as I admire the paintings engraved on the walls all around us.

I'm not exaggerating when I say they look incredible.

''Hohoho yes. We have people who dedicate their lives into this to express her majesty properly.'' He said his head smugly and proudly.

''Bullshit. You're telling me people who would draw rather than use combustion bending in this village?''

''No. Explosions comes before all else. I meant as a second job. You should understand that the art of combustion is in our very heart, engraved upon it with sincere love and dedication. I thought you understood us better than this, clearly there is much to improve...'' He said while shaking his head.

'How does he change his personality and talking style so quickly and easily? Is he bipolar or something?'

''Yes master, clearly my dao of combustion and heart of explosion has a lot to improve upon.''

''Hmm yes. I don't know what dao means but I like it. I'm using it from now on.'' Jee said nonchalantly.

I shook my head in amusement as I followed after him.

Currently, I have nothing but clothes on my body. Glai and Excalibur absolutely hate being inside the inventory but I'm not gonna carry them around when I'm meeting Megumin.

He knelt down in front of a small Japanese shrine.

'...An Asian shrine inside a European church. Yep, definitely makes lots of sense.'

I hear him muttering some things as I focus.

''-uo who does the best and most beautiful explosions, oh you who is the most magnificent with her incredible red eyes akin to flames and silky-''

Alright, I'm not listening to that. Keep going old man, summon her for me. I absolutely won't do that weird chanting thing for her. I have my limits.

A few seconds later a small black portal opens up and widens until it's large enough for a human to pass through.

I look at the void hesitantly as Jee passes through it with a wide smile.

'Here we go.'

I enter it and marvel at my surroundings as the environment changed instantly into a beautiful green hill with a river running below it.

I honestly expected her to summon us into a grand castle or something. You know, something chuuni.

Jee turns to me and opens his mouth with a smile.

''Now, we prove ourselves.'' He doesn't say more and gets to the edge of the hill.

'Of course. We're here to show off our explosions. Her actual place is some kind of black demonic castle or some shit.' I shake my head in disappointment as Jee starts chanting.

Wait, chanting? This guy never chants. Combustion bending doesn't require chanting in the first place.

''Oh, blackness shrouded in light,

Frenzied blaze clad in night,

In the name of the crimson demons,

let the collapse of thine origin manifest.

Summon before me the root of thy power hidden within the lands

of the kingdom of demise!


He whips his head forward and releases the biggest explosion I have ever seen.

It looks even better than the nuclear explosion's videos in the neets memories.

Calm down Boner-kun. It's not our time yet.

He whips his sweat with a satisfied grin. This is the first time I'm seeing him so full of life as his eyes basically shine.

I gulp as I take his place for my own explosion.

I watch in awe as the ground, river, anything damaged by the explosions fastly fixes itself for me. The ruined riverbed is back on its place and the water keeps flowing as if nothing happened.

'I understand why they call her a Goddess now.'

As I was about to release my explosion, I stop myself.


Alright, let's do this.

After taking a deep breath I start my chant. Yes, chant.

''Crimson-black blaze, king of myriad worlds,

though I promulgate the laws of nature,

I am the alias of destruction incarnate

in accordance with the principles of all creation.

Let the hammer of eternity descend unto me!


During the chant, I replenished my Chi constantly and put as much Chi as I could into my newest masterpiece.

I totally stole this from Megumin and exaggerated the ending a little bit to increase the dramatic effect.

My explosion is almost as big as Jee's as I can feel his eyes constantly shift from the explosion to my back as if he can't believe what he sees.

'I totally understand old man. Gamer is bullshit like that, you will get used to it, don't worry.'

Seconds later we hear a voice.

''Jee, you stole my chant. Last time you did that I told you to be more original and come up with your own.'' says a cute voice.

''NO! Your excellency, your chant was so beautiful, I couldn't help but try it out myself. I couldn't get it out of my head!''

However, she doesn't listen to his pleas and banishes him from the realm with final words.

''Greatest art is explosion, but every explosion should be unique.  You can't imitate or steal art, and since chant is a vital part of the explosion as well, you are a thief of the worst kind. You disappointed me.''

Jee disappeared before my eyes as I watched the dramatic display with wide eyes. Her voice was colder than I expected.


I can't see her but for some reason, I think she might be pointing at me.

''I like you! Good job on that chant. I used that once in the past as well, I congratulate you for the beauty of it. It wasn't unique but you couldn't have stolen it for me so that can only mean one thing! GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE!''

The cold voice suddenly turned warm and cute as she explained eagerly.

Suddenly, environment changes again and I'm in a living room, face to face with the Goddess of explosions, Megumin-sama.


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