Lord of Fire is a Gamer

My Old And Not So Alive Friends

Lee smacked Hide on the back of his bald head.

''I fucking told you to stop staring. Look what happened!''

''B-But boss, isn't this better? He cornered himself thinking he could beat us up.''

''If you didn't notify him of our presence we could kill him in our territory with a proper plan, now we have to follow him into a place he chose and might have placed traps otherwise risk losing his tail.''

''Y-yes. I'm sorry. I will be better I promise.''

''You better fucking be.''

''But he can't really trap us, can he? He doesn't have the equipment for it.''

Lee fell silent at that before smacking Hide's head again.


''I know he doesn't have any fucking equipment for that but he can still use the environment to his advantage.''


Ikem, their boss and the only firebender of the group shush them.

''We're being followed.''

''Yeah, it seems he has some hidden guards we didn't notice.''

They were on the first city right after the capital. The young master didn't eat or wait, immediately went into a creepy alleyway and disappeared from their eyes.

It was obvious he knew of them but it was too late by now. They couldn't lose him so they had trust their own power and fight him directly.

They entered a small abandoned house, following Kunyo's trails.

''Should we be quick and attack the brat before his guards show up, or deal with his guards first and brat later?''

Lee whispered to Ikem.

''Kid is our priority. We can't waste time with his guards, he might disappear the moment we lose his trail. Fucking bastard is lucky to find such a convenient place where he can both hide and escape.''

Ikem cursed and kept following.

They were on alert for any throwing weapons the kid could have. Very low probability, you wouldn't think a young master like that would fight like that, but better to be cautious than sorry.

They came upon an old, wooden door.

They exchanged glances and Lee went ahead. Being the bulkiest, fastest and most experienced meant he couldn't let Hide go first. Of course, firebender was out of the question.

'He already knows we're here.' He thought and instead of going quiet, he smashed the door open.

He found himself in an empty and wide living room with a single metal table big enough for one person.

'He is hiding under it.'

Just as he was about to signal them to come-


Lee and Hide heard something, an arrow going extremely fast towards them through the air.


It was too late.

The only firebender with slower reflexes had a poisonous arrowhead going through his neck.

He clutched his neck desperately, trying to do anything to stop the bleeding as his eyes widened with fear and pain.

'DAMNIT! He wanted me out of the room since he knew only I could save master Ikem.'

There is no way someone inexperienced like Hide would be fast enough to save someone else.

Lee quickly took cover under the metal table after flipping it, noting the direction arrow came from.

He overloaded his senses and tried to hear as much as possible.

Both Lee and Hide held their breaths, fearing they would miss a sound due to the sound of breathing.


Hearing a noise, inexperienced and nervous Hide quickly came out of his cover and threw his knives to the place he heard before even looking.

'Huh?' A stone. A small stone.


Another arrow came but he was faster than the dead firebender.

But he wasn't fast enough. He couldn't dodge it but he could barely block it with his right arm.

Blood spilled as an arrow went through his right arm.

Hide held back his scream and went back to hiding, only to realize something horrible.

'THIS BASTARD! What kind of noble are you? You aren't only ambushing us but you also poisoned the arrows?'

He fell down while cursing on the inside.

Lee's breath quickened.

'Did he already have a helper? No way this is a young noble.'

'I still have time. His arrows can't go through this metal tab-'

His thoughts were cut as he heard another noise. Something he didn't want to hear.


He instinctively jumped as his back burned from the hot metal table that shielded him from the powerful fire blast.

'Oh shit.'

Was his last thought as he saw an arrow right in front of his eye.

Arrow pierced through his eye, embedding itself deep into his brain.

He fell with thuk.



I wiped my sweat.

What I did just now wasn't physically tasking but it sure made me nervous. Thank you Gamer's mind. I don't know if I could execute my plan so perfectly without you. Not to mention sweet observe letting me see their strengths and weaknesses along with the perfect vision of it.

'Oh, I need to get away quick. My guards are coming.'

As I slipped through the small crack and joined a crowd I couldn't help but think

'I know it didn't even take a minute but why didn't my guard save me yet?'

Battle was short but my 'secret' guards should have been able to come fast enough.

Well, it only makes it easier for me to slip out.

'Second part of my plan is null but whatever.'

I pulled up my status window and my suspicion was right.

Battles made increasing stats easier.


Name: Kunyo

Title: Fire Nation Mid-class Noble

Class: Firebender


HP: %100

MP: 1020







My physical stats didn't change since I didn't even move around much. But making a plan and executing it perfectly increased my INT and WIS stats very well.

Good thing I didn't pussy out of it.


[An: He is this okay with killing is because of Gamer's mind and his education and upbringing as a noble. In his mind, killing was already justified (they're criminals) and the emotional part (conscience etc.) was solved thanks to Gamer's mind. Mc didn't notice it because it was the first time he killed a human being.)

[An: Why they couldn't cath up is on the next chapter. Thanks for reading.]

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