Lord of Fire is a Gamer

On the Sea

Currently, we are on a boat. A very nice boat actually. The royal family isn't cheap when it comes to their prized daughter's boat after all. 

Overall, everything is going fine. We are going to beat Ozai and put Azula on the throne in some time.


Everything is great, except Katara's constant change of expression that went between a pout and anger in the matter of seconds.

Personally, I think she is doing it because she's disappointed in herself, but hey, I'm not a psychologist.

''I can't believe you guys would do such a horrible prank on me!'' she said again with even more anger this time.

'Yeah, a 'horrible prank'. Very traumatizing indeed.' I had to turn my face away from them to hide my rolling eyes.

''Sis, it's okay. I'm not mad at you.'' Sokka 'consoled' her. ''It's just that... I thought we were closer. I guess that was just me.'' he flicked fake tears away from his face with a pained face.

''Come on Sokka, don't bully her. It was hard on her too. She might have forgotten because of the stresfull situation and stuff.'' Aang tried to reason with them with a troubled face. 

Long story short, Sokka was always on the ship, and forgetting him was just a joke. Katara didn't laugh at our hilarious joke.


Again, I think she is angry mostly at herself rather than us, but her gigantic pride doesn't allow her to be mad at herself. 

Yeah, she was the only one who forgot about Sokka until we got on the ship and she can't handle Sokka calling her out for it.

'This is getting boring.' I thought as I kept back a yawn.

''Alright, that's enough sibling banter for me.'' I said and jumped up.

We have been on the road (on the sea actually, but whatever) for a few hours now, and it's starting to get to me. I will get myself a private booth and do some alchemy or something.

''Hey! Stand down!'' a firebender shouted at me but I just knocked out every soldier quickly and made my way to the Azula.

Avatar trio is pretty much used to it at this point since I knock out the firebenders any time I get up to talk to Azula. 

''Turns out, I don't have the patience to sit and do nothing for the entire trip.'' I said, surprising her.

Yeah, I'm still good at stealth. Nothing much, just flexing how amazing I'm at every fucking field. 

'It's all thanks to the system, but hey, Avatar was born with Raava inside him and nobody calls him out for it.'

She nodded.

''I will tell them to give you guys a room.''

Look at her, she didn't even ask what did I do to the guards that were guarding us. 

No fun.

''I wanted to meet your famous friends, but no luck huh?'' I said, trying to do some small talk. 

''I left them to control the Earth Kingdom. We can't leave the kingdom in chaos now, can we?'' she shrugged.

''Besides, I don't think they would support our rebellion.'' she shook her head. ''I would rather not have such variables in a dangerous destination like this after all.''

''Hmm, you thought it all out.'' I said, uninterested. 

She's completely right, but that's because she doesn't believe in me enough. Whatever changes or unexpected surprises they could bring, they're all meaningless since I'm here. It's kinda cliche, but the old saying is right. Strength triumphs all.

I would rather meet them now, but it can't be helped I guess. There is always a second time. I doubt Tai Lee can avoid me when I become a king.

Even though that sounded suspiciously asshole-ish, I don't have any bad intentions. I'm just interested in them. Come on, that's the fire trio. Mai is kinda plain and boring, but.. ugh. I should stop thinking about such things. 

''Would you rather have them here?'' Azula suddenly asked as if reading my bored face.

I shrugged my shoulders ''This trip wouldn't be so boring if we had more people, that's all.''

Suddenly, my eyes lit up.


I was looking for something to do and I just got a great idea.

A wedding ring. 


Once we exited the damned ship, we went through the roads of the fire capital, and damn. It was an experience.

Obviously, we were locked up like animals. Unknown to everyone, locks could be opened easily by any of us since Azula and I made sure of that, but people really treated us like some kind of exotic animals.

Pointing fingers, whispering to each other, and even loudly talking about us...

Honestly, it was kind of a mixed-up reception. 

It was like the fire nation people didn't know what to feel.

They had the grand Avatar, savior of the world locked up in a cage with metal locks all around his body.

That meant their nation would keep flourishing since their only enemy was defeated, but also their legendary savior would meet his end.

Hmm, it must be kind of weird to see such a legendary (almost godly) figure locked up like this.

I wasn't affected much, but the team avatar, especially Aang, looked pretty down from it.

Anyways, we're about to do some terrorism and shit in like an hour so they have bigger troubles to think about.


'Sigh, we have a few more hours before we get to the exciting part of the plan. I guess you can self-reflect and think about shit in silence.'

I think giving them a good talk right now would be better, but they're smart kids, I'm sure they will be fine even if I leave them to their thoughts.

Let's think about positive things... How about the faces of the nobles?

Ahhh, I can't wait to see their faces when Azula flips the shit and we get into action.

I remember a few nobles that looked down on my father and backhandedly insult us. I don't really give enough shit to make trouble for them, but since we are already jumping into this shit, I don't mind looking deep into their eyes as they realize the inevitable haha.


[I kept saying 'sometime later' and similar things because I have no idea how long it would take to reach the fire capital lol.]


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