Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Public Service

Kunyo held back his anger as he slowly turned around to face the most annoying spirit he had ever met.

''What do you want?'' he said simply but didn't let his guard down.

''Did you know? I didn't actually want to fight you on our first meeting.'' she answered slowly as she approached him with small steps.

''That wasn't an answer... Seriously, what are you doing?'' Kunyo said as his friends looked around in confusion.

''Don't drag this out please.'' Kunyo followed up. Thankfully, he didn't owe courtesy or kindness to her.

''Is she like his ex or something?'' Sokka whispered to Aang as he was puzzled to the core.

He was expecting a fight, not this weird talk.

''Let me finish.'' Kurumi said as she gritted her teeth. Her relaxed and almost smug face crumbled for a second before turning back.

''I wasn't going to attack you or anything, I was simply interested in the mortal who change-''

''Cut it short please.'' Kunyo cut her off rudely.

'I can't have you tell them how I changed the timeline now, can I?'

He didn't truly think Aang or his friends would get mad at him for that, but it wasn't a variable he wanted in his life. Everything was going fine the way they were, adding extra knowledge from his past to their brain was completely unnecessary.

Her face turned red momentarily before turning back. Before she could continue, Katara joined into the conversation.

''Cough'' Katara coughed into her hand and got their attention.

''Hello miss, are you perhaps an old friend of ShenLong?'' she asked curiously and politely, but still on edge.

Kunyo and Kurumi exchanged glances and stood silent for a few seconds before Kunyo finally opened his mouth under everybody's attention.

''Seriously though, what are we?''

They probably weren't friends and they weren't exactly enemies.

'Acquaintance maybe?'

He raised his brow in thought but didn't let his guard down.

''We're enemies ever since you did 'that' to me.'' she said with anger seeping from her words.

Aang, Katara, and Sokka curiously and cautiously looked at Kunyo. What could he have done to somebody this strong?

They could clearly feel her strength as she did nothing to hide it the moment she revealed herself.

''Told ya it was his ex-ACK!'' Sokka whispered to Aang's ear before he got an elbow to his waist from his sister.

He looked at her resentfully but didn't retaliate.


'She won't be a hypocrite and act like I attacked or something right? I was clearly just protecting myself.'  he thought, remembering what happened in his old teacher's house.

''I just wanted to impress and maybe scare you a little bit, and look at what you did to me!'' she shrieked angrily.

''I seriously have no idea. I didn't do anything that wo-'' suddenly, Kunyo's voice got cut off as he fell into thought.

''Oh'' he said simply with a blank look on his face as if reached an epiphany just a second ago.

'I didn't think her sickness would stay.' he dreaded. 'I thought she would get better with just some quality alone time.'

He finally saw what he was deliberately ignoring the whole time.

'Why is your lower body posture so weird?..' he asked the question to himself, despite knowing the answer.

'Her face wasn't red from the anger, was it..?'

''At least Megumin isn't here.'' he mumbled under his breath.

''I knew it! You just admitted it didn't you?'' she growled with a flush.

''I'm a peaceful spirit, so I was going to wait until it left and let you go.''

Aang's eyes widened.

'That's a spirit? She looks so... human-like.'

''But no matter what, it never went away! It just got worse.'' she started bashing her leg down in frustration as if trying to beat the ground she was standing on.

''I even sped up the time on my body but it just accelerated the corruption!''

'She's going through abuse withdrawls.' Kunyo never thought that he would see such thing in his whole life.

She had a crazy glint in her eyes.

''I will do anything to make it stop.'' she growled.

Kunyo just had a sorry look on his face, as if he was done with this life.

'Why did this happen to me?'

''Alright.'' he sighed in sorrow. ''Let's get it over with.''

He knew what happened to her, it was obvious.

It's just that she didn't realize it because she was a spirit who never had any experience with this sort of thing.

'It's pretty weird how she has human bodily functions despite not needing them. Can she even give birth?- No, bad Kunyo. Stop thinking about that.'

He knew he could have this cute and powerful girl under his finger if he wanted to. She was sick and he had the cure with an almost unlimited supply. But he had a golden rule to live by.

'Don't stick it in crazy.'

He reminded himself.

'Wise words to live by for sure.'

''You guys might want to fly away.'' Kunyo said as he hopped down from Appa.

He would be much more relaxed if he was fighting without their eyes and he didn't know the outcome of this battle. Unless Aang got into the Avatar mode (which he couldn't do at will), all three of them would be near useless in the upcoming battle.

''We are not leaving you ShenLong.'' Aang hopped down as well with a determined face ''You are my friend, and I'm not leaving you behind.''

''Yeah dude, where did that come from. I thought you trusted our abilities.''

''We'll stay.'' Katara said firmly.

'Ugh, how annoying... but I don't really hate it all that much.' he mused to himself.

''This has nothing to do with you. I will let you all go free of harm if you don't stick your nose in our business.'' Kurumi shouted at them.

She knew the timeline would get even more messed up if she somehow harmed one of them as they were an essential part of fate. Those three could be harmed, but not killed, not right now at least.

''Guy's this is kinda personal.'' Kunyo encouraged them to leave. ''Besides, don't get me wrong, but I doubt you would have much help. That person you is the Spirit of Time. THE Spirit of Time.'' he dropped the bomb.

Katara and Aang recoiled in shock as Sokka's mouth got to work in fear.

''Pfsts B-WHAT?! Yeah maybe we should leave!'' Sokka screamed out.

''No! I'm not leaving ShenLong behind!''

''Aang, buddy, don't you see he clearly has it allll under control!? Don't worry about him. We shouldn't play around with our precious lives anyways. You still need to kick Ozai's flamy ass.'' Sokka said as he dragged  Aang and Katara out of there.

Both Kunyo and Kurumi secretly had a sigh of relief for a second before refocusing on their opponents.

''To be honest, I just want you to leave me alone.'' Kunyo spat out and cringed on the inside after seeing her flush even harder.

He didn't want to deal with this crazy shit, but he knew he had to.

'I created a monster, it's my duty to take care of it.' he thought of cheesy lines. 'Shit like this makes it pretty heroic, right? Hopefully, I will get a big reward for it.'

He didn't even have a quest for fighting Kurumi so it felt like a waste, but remembering his theory about his 'heroic' and 'merciful' titles, he at least wanted to get something out of it.

'Yes leave me behind to protect you guys. I will fight with my life on the line. This is alllll to protect my precious friends and the avatar's ass- life.' he nodded to himself, trying to brainwash himself as best as he could before the fight's start.

''I will give you one last chance to get the curse off me.'' Kurumi said as menacingly as possible.

Her shining red and gold eyes complemented her black and red dress. She was as menacing as a 157cm petite and young girl could ever be.

'You might have creeped me out for real if you had a crazy grin with a hand on your cheek, too bad lost your chance.' Kunyo grinned to himself.

''I will beat the psycho out of you.'' His grin grew wilder and wider.

He was ready for his public service.

'Audacity!' Kurumi's eyes flared up as she saw him all ready to fight, without an ounce of fear in his gaze.

'He even called me crazy when it's all clearly his fault!'

'You brat, do you actually think what I showed you earlier is all of my power?'

Despite her thoughts, she kept it all inside of her. Talking was useless by now, she would beat some sense into him.

If he didn't gain his senses by the time he died, she could always resurrect him by reversing the time on him and beat the shit out of him again.

It would take time, he would come around sooner or later. They always did, he would too.

'If only this weird feeling didn't make it harder to fight...'



Patre0n/Lowkeygoodstuff for advanced chapters.

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