Lord of Fire is a Gamer

The Talk

Kunyo stood against his father's bedroom. It had been years since his mother had passed away. It was only his father's bedroom for a long while now.

He was waiting for almost half an hour by now, trying to write the perfect script for it while waiting for his father to wake up. The headache had woken him up earlier than normal.

'I obviously can't reveal the gamer system or my future knowledge... Blame it on the spirits. Yep.'

Just as he finished thinking the door opened to reveal his groggy father.

''Ugh, what are you doing this early?''

He yawned as he walked past his son to the kitchen.

On the table stood a magnificent breakfast prepared by their maids.

Kunyo hid a sniffle 'I will miss these meals.'

'No, seriously. I don't know how to cook at all. How am I going to survive in the wild? Am I too hasty?'


'Nahhh. I will just grab a shit ton of money, that should take care of the problem.'

He sat next to his father as they started eating the filling and nutritious meal prepared by professional chefs.

And Kunyo dropped the bomb without single mercy.

''Father I got touched by a spirit.''


His father spat out the orange juice and started coughing as he stared at his son in shock.

''*Coughcough, Ahem. What do you mean?''

Kunyo kept eating his meal leisurely and gulped down the last bit of his orange juice before answering.

''I have to leave, I want to leave.''

''What? You can leave of course, you are not a prisoner.'' His father asked confusedly.

''I mean I will leave the country and travel the world. The spirit has given me visions father.''

''Hahaha don't joke around. You have never even been out of the royal capital before.'' His father laughed catching onto his joke. Truly his son was a genius who got his humor from him.

Except he wasn't joking.

''I am serious father. I want to leave. Please.''

Sensing the seriousness of his son he stopped laughing.

He eyed his son carefully.

His only son. The last gift his precious wife had given him.


He couldn't let him go out and kill himself in delusions.

''I wasn't asking for permission. I was giving you a notice. I am sorry father but I have already made my plans. It is not something I decided on the spot (yes it is). Please don't worry about me.''

''...How long?''



''You can't. You are not ready for the world. You might have learned some firebending and brawling but those alone won't let you survive out there.''

''I have been planning this for a while father. I am prepared.''

His father growled from anger.

''I said no! IF Y-''

Before he could finish his sentence Kunyo gave him a heartfelt hug.

His words stuck on his throat he fell silent.

A few seconds later he spoke again.

''If you have really made up your mind, I will allow you to leave. But you have to promise me not to die.''

''I promise.''

''As if I would believe you little brat. I am getting the best instructors money can buy. Before you leave, you will learn how to act in the world, how to survive in the jungle and many other things. I don't want my only son to die from a poisonous plant or get himself killed by attacking a earthbender for no reason. You WILL learn how to act low and cook at least simple things. No compromise. I am not taking no for an answer.''

'I can sneak out but listening to my father only has positives. I admit my knowledge of the world is lacking and my father can give me financial support before I leave. Both of these can be solved with a few weeks, maybe months of learning.'

Kunyo nodded slowly with a smile on his face.

''Okay.'' He looked up to meet his father's teary but stern eyes. ''I understand.''

His father nodded with a smile as well.

*Cough* A maid cough with a blush while holding a stack of papers

''My lord your schedule-''

''God damnit not now!''

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