Lord of Solples

Chapter 157

54. Fort Hard (2).


What are we going to do?

When Apollo returned, the answer was already complete in the mind of the single.

‘I have the perfect opportunity to catch the Talisman. ’


It is no exaggeration to say that it is the most valuable thing a user can catch in a Warlord right now.

‘No, we have to catch him unconditionally. ’

Rather, it was necessary to seize the subluxation by force before the subluxation became a variable.

In that situation, I had the opportunity to catch the subjugation, but there was no reason to do so.

The only question is, can the Bigsmile Guild catch the whirlpool?

‘Now you’re lucky. ’

I can’t catch it.

Cursed Castle, the situation is completely different from when Singlee went there to face the Hajj Tal Tal. At that time, Hajjaetal was a minor opponent to Singlee, while Skeleton Warrior was a more minor opponent.

But what about the subjugation now? Levels are already meaningless comparisons. Most importantly, there is a big difference in item settings. Items in Subtraction are not on a single level, but a user who currently sets items better than Subtraction in Warlord

There is, I must say. Abandoned Prince Sword, Armor of Agardo, Token of Secret Corps, Corruption Judge’s Ring, Corruption Destroyer’s Necklace, and so on.

How are the Skeletons of the Suborbital? A fan of the subjugation analyzed the battle footage released by the subjugation and said that the subjugation cost an average of 2.33 million gold for Skeleton Warrior arming.

The average value obtained is also based on when dealing with Frost Night. Hashemite hasn’t released the footage yet, but the story that Hashemite summoned Death Knight against the skull collector is a user who passed through the Voodoo Ku Tunnel.

Rumor is, I don’t know cotton. The sublimation is much stronger than when dealing with Frost Knight.

A bigsmile guild like that steps up and catches him? If you’re just a regular hunting ground, you should measure your odds. But it’s only consumption with monsters that you need to lead a large crowd here in the Dark Continent.

Nevertheless, Single thought he was lucky, and he thought he could catch it.

That’s why.

I’m glad Clover’s unit is nearby. ’

The Poker team that raised the B&B Guild to the top guild, one of its Poker teams, Clover Squad, is heading to Fort Hard.

‘When Apollo joins the members of the expedition with the Clover unit, the number is approximately forty. You use Apollo as bait, Clover as bait. ’

Clover troops can be trusted. The Hands Guild is the work of those behind the Single.

At this moment, Singlee had her last thoughts.

‘Unless the Uree Hunter Guild is in contact with the Talisman and you two are holding hands. ’

He pondered the worst variables, and after pondering the possibilities, Single opened his mouth.


Yes, it is.

The late answer that came out after Jango, however, Apollo did not urge a single.

“Let’s catch it. Let’s catch the Hajj Tal this time. ”

Do you have a subluxation?

Apollo reacted a little surprised, and Singlee told me straight away.

“You can hold hands with Clover Squad under the B&B Guild’s poker team. Clover unit is nearby. ”

Let’s do that.

Single, who could not seem to answer, now saw Apollo answering with a smile on his face full of flesh.


Hirkan’s secret weapon, the Mini Ogre Skeleton Warriors, was better than Hirkan expected. They chased the fugitive faster than anything else and bothered the captured fugitive.

As soon as the subjugations appeared in front of the ankled fugitives, they gave up their escape.

“Come on! Fuck, let’s see who wins! ”

However, for many years, users who have not seen a volleyball in a game called Warrod have used their own evil in front of Hirkan. Burned tenacity.

Of course, that tenacity became meaningless in front of the Skeleton Warriors summoned by Hirkan and Skeleton Knights.

Scary tracker.

It was the moment when a new mask appeared beyond Hirkan’s mask.


‘I know it’s because I’m a 30-year-old guild, but I still use expensive things. ’

Of course, it didn’t take long for the creepy tracker Hirkan to turn his face into a hyena wandering around looking for rotten meat. Hirkan searches the bodies of game-over users.

You must carry the consumables in the Warlord. Of course, if it’s a game-over, the user’s consumables will just fall to the ground. 48 hours later, even if the item stored on his watch is intact, the cow he was holding

Parent item will not be recovered.

Of course, when you usually use PK, these consumables are handled as blemishes and everyone focuses on the watch. Hirkando usually does that.

But in the Dark Continent, stories are different.

‘It tastes different. ’

Hirkan smiles lightly at his appearance as he takes consumables before his wristwatch.

Of course, Hirkan also took his wristwatch.

Puck, puck!

I cut down the user’s wrists with the sword I was holding, and I took his watch.

‘The Lung Royal Sword is amazing. Good slicing.’

If the blacksmith saw what he had given to the heroes who defeated the prince of virtue to save the world, he would have been praised by the wrist cutter.

It will.

Of course, Blacksmith Olf is not here, and there is no reason for Hirkan to worry about that.


Hirkan smiles, staring at his pockets, thickened like a hamster’s cheek, which is full of food. It was the smile that made me feel the best in the few smiles I had since I came to the Dark Continent.

But that smile didn’t last long.


When the user disappeared, monsters appeared this time to harass Hirkan.

The fugitives and pursuers have been wandering the hunting grounds relentlessly, and the monsters are trying to see it, so there is no way to move on. No wonder Aggro, the only surviving monster, is headed for the user!

Hirkan smiles as he sees a sign of something running towards him.

‘It’s a real fucking game. ’


An eye-opening reproduction on a pleasant mattress looked closely at the wallpaper of a pleasant ceiling.

‘Oh, I want to move. ’

Recently, he wore cheap horn glasses, and reflectively operated a tablet PC next to the glasses. The tablet PC seemed to work a little slower than usual. It could have been a mistake.

Anyway, the face of An-relay turned fat.

Soon, a sigh came out of Anhyeong’s mouth.

‘I never thought this day would come. ’


There was enough hope for Hyeong-hyun right now. It wasn’t enough to overflow.

But I couldn’t afford that money. It was a waste of time to even deliver food to the non-reproductive who had to play the game for a few hours a day.

Especially in situations where the closest busy schedule, tense days, and the golden towers that have been piled up so far in the wrong moment may be Pisa’s messenger, all had to be scheduled for the game.

Is that why?

Ahn Jae-hyun did not feel like his money, such as the revenue from the sale of new paid video and sponsorship and other income.

I don’t know if I can yell at any of my game items with this money, but it wasn’t even that.

Because of this, Anhyeong turned away from the numbers that made him so excited. I changed the screen of the tablet PC. I searched for Warlord articles and information instead of the balance of accounts.

The main search words were five guilds, including the B&B Guild and the Big Smile Guild.

There was a lot of information retrieved.

The B&B, Bigsmile, Sweepers, Moonlight, and Blossom Five Guilds have recently revealed their blatant ambition for the Dark Continent monopoly, and naturally they have become hot spotmakers for the Dark Continent, the stage on the side of this ruined kingdom. Hot is always a lot.

It is a way of making.

The reproduction, which looked at the contents related to them, had a short tongue.

‘Certainly there are many Ackards to try, so the outcome is different. ’

Particularly bitter was the role of the B&B Guild’s top powered poker team.

The content of the article about the poker team and the battle footage they showed on the Dark Continent left behind a bitter laugh.

‘Even a few days ago, the bastards who said they would obey all the Raid Time Attack records. ’

Even before the Ure Hunter Guild captured the Blades Slime Dragon, the poker team declared the new record of Raid Time Attack recorded by an existing 30-year-old guild as a core content. At some point, they crossed into the Dark Continent.

I’m standing on a bow.

In fact, it was not a matter of laughter.

“Amazing, though. ’

Guilds in their thirties move huge amounts of money through live channels. The money is not just their money. It is the money of investors, patrons and others. It can’t be easy to deal with someone else’s money the way they want it.

Nevertheless, the B&B Guild took care of it so easily. That must have been borne in mind.

The B&B Guild has also been disrupted as a result. It won’t help.

Here too, the Ure Hunters Guild has been silent lately, but they have stepped on the Dark Continent before anyone else. I don’t know when it will become a variable and harass reproduction.

Ahn Jae-hyun took off his glasses and wrapped his face with both hands.

There is only one answer that can be made in this challenge.

‘When the tail is caught, it’s over. ’

We have to change this competition to run.

First, we need to turn the runner into a winning game. Whether there are hundreds or thousands of people behind you, only one must be turned into a first-place winner.

An-rereproduction, who had his hands off his face, stood up in his place wearing glasses. When the replica went near the sink, a high-end coffee machine with an old-fashioned feel that did not fit into the old and worn out sink landscape welcomed the replica.

It was a capsule coffee machine recently purchased. Of course, he bought it with expensive money, and he made money recently.

And it was actually an expensive one. The color of the coffee filled with a wonderful coffee glass after putting in an old-fashioned capsule was brilliant, and the aroma was even more savory, unlike the charm of cheap coffee that Anhyeong had ever drank.

But Ahn Jae Hyun immediately dropped his favorite glucose candy into the coffee.

Afterwards, Hyeong Hyeong nodded, who took the coffee to the mouth.

“Well, good. ”

‘I feel like a New Yorker. I bought it well.’



The massive cliffs and massive architectural debris, including the massive rocky columns that rose between the forests, which set out in front of the canyons looking at each other, faintly reflected the existence of the fortifications that had been blocking these canyons in the past.

I was giving it away.

Hirkan breathes heavily and exhales, discovering the trail far away.

Behind the breathing Hirkans, nineteen Skeleton Warriors and two Skeleton Knights stood poisoned and in a state of pregnancy. The appearance of those skeleton men was traceable. A few moments ago, after a fierce battle,

A sign of the need to wage a fierce battle in the future.

That’s why Hirkan used this time, this time to take a deep breath.

‘It’s not what I knew. ’

Once Hirkan stumbles upon his memory, he recalls the stage that was the first stronghold of the Dark Continent.

Before returning to the past, the first Node Area discovered by users crossing into the Dark Continent was in the heart of a huge lake that was bitten black, not a canyon.

In other words, the stage itself has changed, not the name.

Hirkan boldly folds his expectations, perhaps only his name has changed.

‘But I think I saw it somewhere. ’

At this moment, however, Hirkan tilts his head at the feeling of guilt felt from a different stage than that in his memory.

“Where were the big canyons, the big canyons, and the canyons that set the stage? ’

But Hirkan was not given time to think deeply. The same was true of rest.

Hirkan looks back once.


As the cries of the polite monsters encouraged Hirkan, he pushed his back.

“Second place should be avoided. ’

I don’t know anything else, but as far as second place is concerned, Hidden Hirkan moves back towards the ruins of Hard Fort.


[You have entered the ruins of Fort Hard.]

[You acquired the title ‘Hard Fortress Excavator’.]

[You acquired the title ‘Explorers of the Ruins Kingdom’.]

[You acquired the title ‘First Discoverer’.]

The miserable Fortress of Hart gave her an unmistakable gift to her first visitor.

Hirkan smiled in front of the title.

‘You avoided second place. ’

Just in case, I’m worried. The worry that there might be a user here before himself melts away.

Hirkan immediately confirmed his achievements.

[Hard Fortress Excavator]

Title Effect: All Stats +15

[Ruins Kingdom Explorer]

Title Effect: Magic Power +20

[First discoverer]

Title Effect: HP +40, Magic +40

The title options were excellent. Hirkan looks past his stats with a title effect.

But I didn’t fall for it. Hirkan, who only checked the approximate readings, immediately brought a woodcarb to his ear. It’s not over yet. This wasn’t the first prize for real treasure.

Find the flag, find the flag.

The Carpenter once again shows Hirkan the way, and he turns his head and looks around.

I became a hawk’s eye and searched the surroundings. Then Hirkan’s eyes suddenly loosen slightly. I also laughed at my hard-working head.

‘I think I’ve actually seen it somewhere. ’

This time, he provoked Hirkan again.

‘I must have seen it somewhere. I definitely saw a place like this on the ruins side of the kingdom. ’

The question disappeared as soon as I saw a cottage-sized stone tomb built of Hirkan stones. The flag at the end of the tomb itself decayed and the only flag left was Hirkan’s reflex. Anti-colored hircan

There was no sense of guilt in her head.

Near the Stone Grave, Hirkan once again brings an ear to the Carpenter. But this time, the Carpenter didn’t say anything. It means that the woodcutter has finished my role. Hirkan shook a woodcutter! I threw it back.

Afterwards, Hirkan pulls out a sword full of waist dancing and begins to dig through the tomb with the sword. Because of the high strength stat, the dizzy stones were treated like rocks, and the big ones were gross! Hit him after he smashes with a crashing blade.

I cried.

It was a grave for something, no matter who saw it, but Hirkan had no hesitation in being a grave thief.

Hirkan, who was digging through the tomb repeatedly, found a black box hidden under the Gearco tomb.

‘Black Treasure Chest, as expected. ’

When Hirkan opened the Black Treasure Chest, he saw three scrolls that were clean enough to make the passage of time colorless.

The best reward given to the first person to arrive here.

Hirkan picks up a scroll from one of the dogs and touches the red rope that ties the scroll.

[Do you want to open the Ancient Power?]

The system notification immediately provided Hirkan with an option. Hirkan didn’t think about it.

‘Of course. ’

It was then.

[The Sleeping Souls of Fort Hard are awake.]

Hirkan touched the alert with a new system. I did not feel much confusion. Even if you look at Indiana Jones, isn’t there a crisis when Harrison Ford discovers the treasure he was looking for?

I expected as much.

No, it was a natural order. Now Hirkan must deal with the boss monsters who are guarding the ruins of the Hard Fortress in order to make the Hard Fortress a Node of the Dark Continent.

‘Come, anyone! ’

Such a system kindly informs Hirkan of the identity of the enemy that he must defeat.

[Wake Anugas, the giant who eats souls of the sleeping soul of Hard Fort.]

[Quest ‘Revenge the Hard Fortress!’ Starts.]


And in the notification, Hirkan’s head turned white, and a lonely giant with four arms on the ground was revealed, along with an earthquake just a short distance away.


Only then could Hirkan know.

‘Billiard Canyon! Villiers Canyon with Anugas! ’

What he felt was his identity.


‘Hashtal, you son of a bitch, but really fast. ’

Apollo, whose mission was changed from exploring the Harold Fortress to removing the Hajj Tal, shakes his head with dismay whenever he reports traces of Hajj Tal passing by.

The hunting speed shown by the Harpoon Talisman on the Monster Stage was really processed. And the rapid hunting speed allowed for rapid movement. To be honest, a corner of Apollo’s chest was already admitted. chasing subluxation

The fact that this is not possible means · · · · ·

It was around that time.

By the time I was torn to shreds with anger and annoyance about the disfigurement that one corner of my chest acknowledged.

Hashtal found!

The tracker who was tracking the subway announced the appearance of the subway. Apollo turned to reflexes.


The position is moving in a different direction than the direction the subluxation was going.

“So what? ”

It appears to be moving away from something.

“Are you being chased by a monster? ”

You can’t see the monsters chasing the subway.

As soon as Apollo heard it, he gave the order.

“Unconditionally stop it! Don’t let him get away with it! Unconditionally stop him from that position! ”

Yes, it is.

The answer came straight out, but Apollo did not hear it. I switched voicestock channels before I even heard it.

“Clover Squad, Clover Squad. This is Bigsmile. I’ve found the subway. Time will be drawn. Location will be · · · · ·. ”

This is Clover Squad. I’ll go to the location I gave you right away.

At the end of a short conversation, Apollo smiles.

‘Hajj Tal, it’s your last day. ’

54. Fort Hard (2). Ends

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