Lord of the Rings: Advent of the Dark Elf

5. Chapter

Unfortunately, when I woke up again a few hours of troubled sleep later, I was still in a woman's body. That still very much felt sore from last night's events... 

I set up on the rug, slowly, trying to not make any sudden movements, as my sore body wasn't really happy with those. The white pig, wasn't here at the moment, so I didn't have to be careful not to wake the bastard up. Most of the orcs were sleeping around me, in various positions, but there were a few guards who seemed to be awake.

I looked at one of them and he sensing my glance, nodded at me acknowledging my presence, but that was all his reaction. The crude leather that was covering me in my sleep had fallen off, revealing my bare chest. To my surprise, my chest was actually bruised from the times when the fool grasped them... 

I had no time to measure the injury in detail, as I felt a few pairs of eyes linger on me. I looked up, and saw the orcs staring at my tits with perverted expressions. They did not feel the need to hide their intentions and desires from me. 

I moved quickly and covered myself with the leather blanket. I have already realized from last nights events, that I... as a dark elf woman... had no chance to fight orcs in raw physical strength. Best not to provoke any of them with the sight of my dangling breasts.

After I covered myself from sight, I quickly stopped being in the centrum of attention. 

I looked around, with a little bit of blush still lingering over my cheeks. It seemed that they did not intend to bother me, not physically at least. From what the white pig told me, I have been basically taken in by the tribe... or whatever this was... Since I became his first wife. He assured me that no one would try to harm me among his men, but I was not going to believe such a thing so foolishly. 

The fire was still going, as the slow breathing of sleeping orcs and the crackling sounds of the not entirely dry firewood lingered around the camp. 

I looked for my clothes, I didn't want to be naked anymore, I was feeling extremely vulnerable without my clothes, like a deer in a den of hungry wolves. To my great relief, and slight surprise, my clothes and every single piece of my equipment along with my swords and bow, were left in the place I originally put them yesterday. They were completely untouched. 

My mood was lifted greatly seeing this, as I crawled over to that side of the rag while being covered by the animal skin blanket. While I moved over, I became aware that something was dangling limply on one of my shins. 

I reached down, and found the remaining pieces of my destroyed panty... I pulled it off my leg entirely, and only took a single glance at it to know, that it was beyond repair. In a moment of anger, I threw it into the fire which was only a few steps from me.

One of the orc's gave me a questioning glance, but when I glared back at him, he immediately looked away, pretending to not see me. What a coward! I thought, between two annoyed huffs. 

I turned back to my clothes. I reached out my right arm and picked up the long and soft white cloth piece. This was what I used to cover my chest. There were the two gold coins hidden inside it. After a few trial and error, I managed to tie it around my tits, while being under the cover of the leather blanket. That factor was making the process surprisingly hard to do in a decent way.

Then I reached for the backpack, loosened the string which was closing it and reached inside for the white cloth. I pulled it out, unfolded it and took out the spare panty that was hidden inside. I put back all four of the gold coins into the cloth piece and put it back into the leather bag.

I managed to pull on the panty, and then my short sleeved shirt over my upper body. The shirt was well worned, and stretched. It was a simple white shirt probably made for menfolk to wear. The hem of the shirt reached down as far, to touch the mid section of my thighs. I felt better already, as I was wearing some sort of a cover, an illusion of protection. 

Then I pulled up my socks, and looked for my pants... I eventually found it, thrown on the other side of the rag. I decided that I was clothed enough, to stand up and walk over to it. And so I did. I walked the short distance picked up my pants, and walked back to the rag fast, as the coldness of the ground without my boots on, urged me to do so.

I sat down carefully minding my soreness, and finally got to focus on my pants. There was medium sized rip on it's material, around it's waist area. I cursed silently. That damn brute had to rip my only trouser! Now what am I supposed to do? Thinking for a while an idea came to my mind, there was a needle and some thread in the bundle. I guess, it's up to me to repair it. It wasn't that damaged after all.. I looked for the pre mentioned items, and began to stitch up the poor thing. 

At first, I deeply concentrated on the task in fear that I might ruin it even further in the attempt. To my delight, I had quickly fallen into a familiar rhythm. It seems that I was a good sewer... Another thing that I never thought I would ever say about myself. In a mere thirty minutes, I completely fixed my pants. I was quite happy with the result too, as I immediately pulled it up on my lower half. 

Damn... it felt good to be clothed decently. I also pulled on my thigh-boots, which were warm and cozy for my freezing legs. At last I donned my leather armor for my upper body and equipped the swords on my waist.

I glanced at the few orcs who were standing guard around the camp. They only spared a bored glance at me then turned around continuing their staring into the dark forest. I was a bit baffled by this... I thought that they would get fearful or angry at me when I reached for my weapons. However, they couldn't care less, it seems. Then I remembered... They probably still think that I am an actual orc... or half orc. Ugh... This was so stupid... I never thought that I would end up like this... Worst of all, if every single idiot in Arda would think the same way as the orcs... then I... I think I am actually better off here... with them. 

Even thinking that in my mind left me in great discomfort. But... to be entirely honest... being an orc, in Arda, is nothing sort of a curse. Poor sods are hated by everyone, and chased with fire and steel on ever turn. It's not much of a surprise that they ended up evil.

I sighed... What am I thinking, one of them just raped me the other night... But, then again... he didn't really think of it as rape... He said that I am his first wife now. I guess, at least the white pig plans to take responsibility. That's actually more then I could say for certain people. Maybe these bastards simply didn't know any better... And, it turned out, that I actually misunderstood his way of asking my hand. I never thought that you could ask a woman to marry you with a piece of half burnt meat. Orc custom's at their finest. 

I narrowed my eyes in a fearful thought. Seriously... what if I actually become pregnant. I am a full-blown woman now and that is a very likely possibility after last night.

I am not sure that I will be a good mother... I thought back to the words of God, and remembered that my child will be a dark elf because of my special strong blood. That was a good thing at least, giving birth to a half orc would probably be much more painful, for they are larger in size... 

Giving birth... ugh... That thought, gave me actual goosebumps. I will have to get used to the phrase... Until now, giving birth and the whole mystery about it was always handled by me like it was someone else's problem. Which was true, in a sense, but that quickly changed now. Do I have to? Most likely... I am in Middle-earth, that could be another phrase for middle-age... A woman who doesn't give birth to kidds is probably frowned upon, heh... not that I would care normally. But, if your hubby is a two meter tall monstrum, who wants kids, and food on the table, which we apparently don't even have. The table I mean... Then my girl... you better open your legs, and start to grill that meat. I mean... the food, ah... fuck, let's forget about that...

Otherwise, you can be my guest trying to explain to him my unnatural... No, my very natural fear of giving birth. Don't blame me if you end up with an iron pike in your guts though.

Whatever... I should probably check how much these bastards think of me as their own kin now. 

I walked over to one of the sitting orcs while resting my hand on one of my sword hilts. Giving him a more than subtle sign of danger. He gave me a questioning glance, than said with all the charm of a giant cockroach.

'Spit it out, woman! What do ya' want?'

I showed him a strained smile. Then asked politely. 

'I want to go to the river and wash my face. Tell me where it is.' 

He nodded towards the forest with his head while saying.

'Walk that way for some time, and you will find a branch of the big river, you can use that. Then come back quickly, boss says from now on you will roast the food for the band.' 

I looked in the direction he nodded, and grumbled silently. 

'It seems so... Where is he, the white pig... I mean the boss...'

The bastard grinned at me lecherously. 

'Already hungry for another, pounding? He-he... We all heard your moans last night. I would wager that even the pale folk heard it on the other side of the river. I would even challange the white one for the right to hump you, but I knew that he would kill me in a minute.' 

I felt the blood rush into my face, coloring it to a deep crimson. I felt my ears become hot under the extremely awkward embarrassment.

Great, just what I wanted, being the gossip of all the orcs in the camp. And what did he mean, by earning the right to fuck me? Is that another orc custom, can this become even better? Damn... is this story about to turn into some obscene hentai... I am not sure, if I will be able to keep up with all the things happening. Especially if I am fucked into unconsciousness a few more times... 

I felt my breathing quicken unnaturally. The sex... that was actually brutal... I didn't really enjoy it in a normal sort of way... but I didn't hate it either... I... What is happening to me? 

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to calm my breathing.

The orc seeing my crimson face, started to laugh even harder. As he shouted after me, while I hastily ran away, towards the river that was hidden behind the tree lines, somewhere.

'Don't worry, you will be taken care of... you horny elf-wench. Ha-ha-ha~'


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