Lord of the Rings: Advent of the Dark Elf

7. Chapter

While all the orcs were sending fearful glances from one another, I had the presence to back away from their half encirclement. If a shitstorm breaks loose, this time I will be ready to cut off a few heads or extra limbs.

While grasping the hilt of my blades, I stood to the side. I was far from combat ready in my current state, but it doesn’t seem like I had much of a choice. I am not going to die, not if I can help it, and definitely not alone!

Just try to raise a finger at me, you bastards, I will cut it off from your filthy taloned claws, before you knew it!

This and similar thoughts were circulating inside my mind. However, in my heart I knew that the only chance I would probably get to kill one of them, would offer itself while they continued to underestimate me. If I actually manage to kill one, they will surely stop doing so.

Meantime, the white pig walked closer to us, watching his man with an ominous expression. Then our eyes met, and he froze.

I have already realized that the orc’s behavior has changed towards me, because I washed off the layers of bloody grime from my face. The difference was so much to them that they didn’t even recognize me at first. I bet that the white pig would recognize me at least… He had the chance to take a closer look after all…

While I thought that, I felt a bit of anticipation accumulate in my chest. What will he say? How will he react?

Then I heard his confused voice.

‘Who is that?’

My face fell, and my grip tightened around my sword hilts. I felt angry tears of helpless frustration appear on the edge of my eyes.

One of the orcs answered his question.

‘It’s the dark elf! Boss…’

I felt the pair of black eyes narrow on my form, a spark of hope ignited in my chest. Will this retard finally recognize me?

His mouth opened, but no words of recognition came through it.

‘No way! You should just tell me that you captured a strange elf and stop pulling my leg.’

I felt as if the last spark of misguided goodwill I had towards these animals was being extinguished by an icy wind. My reasoning was gone with it, as a wide ominous smile stretched out covering half of my face, but not reaching my eyes.

The orcs fell silent, sensing a cold shift in the air.

Then they heard the slow icy noise created by a pair of swords which were dragged out of their scabbard. All the eyes in the clearing turned toward me.

There was the same maniacal anger spreading through my body when I almost charged at the tree. It was an expression which held little to no reason or fear. I saw as a few of the orcs stepped back on instinct, while others glared at me in confusion or anger.

Then I hissed out in an icy tone.

‘One more word, and I swear to the god of damnation, that I won’t stop until I sacrifice you lot to Molag Bal, or die trying.’

The words I used, my tone and crazed expression, all seemed to accumulate into a mysterious whole. One that seemed to silence the orcs. Seeing this, I walked away in the direction of the campfire.

The fire was still going on as usual. So I walked towards the dead carcass of the deer and began to chop it up with my sword, to equal portions. Which I could put on twigs and roast over the fire.

The crisp sounds of my blade cutting flesh and bones seemed to turn off the few still horny orcs, that were glaring at me while having second thoughts of biting my arse most likely.

In the end, most of the orcs walked back to their rag, while the white pig remained standing with a complicated expression.

Then, as if a lightbulb had been ignited in his ugly head. He exclaimed loudly.

‘Wait… she is really my woman?’

There was a loud crackling laughter in the background.

‘Well, good luck with that she elf now… If I were you, I wouldn't get too close to her for a while… If you don’t have a few spare limbs, that is… ’


I sent a death glare towards the bastard, who doesn’t even recognize his wife, the one he just raped and forced into a relationship… Thinking of this, I delivered an unusually powerful slash at the body of the dead beast. This caused a few drops of half congealed blood to splatter across my face.

I saw as the white pig became startled for a second and looked aside.

‘You might be right… about that.‘

He whispered to himself silently, but my elf ears have caught the words. With a still burning anger, I cut out another piece of the deer’s body.

While imagining that it was the body of the white pig, that I was cutting up to size, into fine, easily roastable pieces.

I couldn’t help but smile at the thought.

Unbeknownst to me, the rest of the orcs were sending half worried glances in my direction, every time my blade slashed into the meat.

Half an hour later, I finished with my task as I pierced all the meat on twigs around the fire. The slowly roasting scent of meat was filling the air, and my stomach growled in anticipation. Naturally, I wasn’t alone with my hunger.

The band of bastards and cowards hadn’t dared to even speak to me since my earlier outburst. Even the white pig seemed to avoid eye contact. I guess he at least managed to understand that he did something stupid. That was progress, I guess…

For a while, I was sitting next to the fire, watching the meat, and turning them around when one side was about to get burned. It was a monotone task, but I was content with my moment of peace.

I also realized that my earlier stunt could have gone extremely badly. But for some reason, I didn’t care about that possibility anymore. I was so humiliated by that retarded pig headed white piece of garbage. I was seriously about to spit blood in my anger.

‘That… imbecile. How did he stay alive for this long in the first place?’

I turned towards the white-skinned bastard. He was wandering the other side of the camp when he sensed my glare on the back of his scalp. He turned in my direction, then he began to scratch his head.

‘Sweet god, if I ever saw a stupid creature…’

His only redeeming factor was his strength. I couldn’t understand how orc children could grow up while remaining so stupid. Without a shred of a doubt, this was the reason why Sauron eventually lost the war. Because his legions were led by complete imbeciles.

I smirked at myself. That’s what you get if you don’t create a basic teaching institute in your realm. When you keep most of the knowledge to yourself, that also means, you will have to solve everything by yourself.

Even if he was far more powerful than his opponents in raw force, he failed to foresee the possibility of the one ring being destroyed in the flames of the vulcan in his backyard.

That’s what you get for being a prick. Serves him right, the bastard.

I picked a piece of meat for myself and pulled the branch out of the ground. I pierced the twigs into the ground around the fire so I could roast all of them at the same time.

Seeing me start eating, all the orcs perked up, and they slowly sauntered towards the fire, picking one twig with a meat piece and headed back to their rags. They seemed unusually orderly all of a sudden.

I raised an eyebrow after seeing this development. Then I shook my shoulder and continued to eat silently. The white pig also took his twig with a meat piece and sat down next to me on the rag.

Oh… so that was why he acted so strange. He didn’t have a place to lie down, as I was sitting on his rag. Was he afraid to bother me? He didn’t seem so sensitive towards my emotions yesterday.

I looked in his direction and saw his surprised expression when he bit into the tender meat with a layer of crispiness. Even in my previous life, I loved to eat roasted meat and vegetables. Basically, anything that could be roasted, I made.

I have gone out on short campings on weekends and times when I had enough spare time and energy. I was not much of a camper, though. Couldn’t have survived in the wild without my own supplies. I guess that changed thanks to God’s help… In all honesty… I was starting to have serious doubts, if the creature I met had anything to do with god.

I was beginning to suspect that it was more like a devil, actually. It was powerful, that was clear, but would God actually refer to itself as the strongest being in the universe?

Would he decisively send me into a world just to get cruelly raped on the first night? Yeah, I don’t think so either…

It seems that I am fucked on many levels.

I sighed and turned towards the white pig, who was eating next to me. I decided to ask.

‘So… tomorrow, we going to head towards Osgiliath, or what?’

The pig looked at me and said.

‘We? No, you go back to Mordor, with three of my man. You are a woman, you are weak and need to give birth to many children. All for the grace of the Dark Lord.’

I looked towards the so-called men, who were supposed to escort me back to Mordor.

All three of them grinned at me, hearing our talk, as they exchanged meaningful looks between each other. I felt a cold shiver run over my back as the words repeated themselves in my mind.

“She has three holes…”

I felt a vein about to burst in my head.

I looked into the black eyes of this white bastard and said.


He stopped eating and stared at me disapprovingly.

‘You will do what I say.’

I took in another breath of air and said it clearly once more.

‘I won’t go to Mordor. Only if you come with me.’

Like I would let this fucker send me into the most deathly place in this fucking world! I would sooner bite off my own tongue and suffocate on the blood. Especially with those three “escorts” raping me on the entire way.

He looked at me amid two bites of juicy meat. I stood his glare, unflinching. Then, to my surprise, he asked.

‘What do you plan to do, then? Hah? Follow me to the battlefield?’

That was actually a reasonable question. I might have judged his intelligence too harshly earlier. So, what do I want to do?

Hmmm…. what a choice…

I can be raped by three retards at the same time, who doesn’t give a fuck about me surviving the intercourse. Or be raped by one retard that at least has some sense of possession of me, and doesn’t want to see me dead. While I also had to go to the battlefield with him?

I smirked, suddenly. It’s not like I have a proper choice here…

I said to him.

‘Yes. I will do exactly that. I will go to the battlefield with you.’

He stopped eating and looked at me as if I was asking something stupid. Then he said.

‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes, these swords are not just for show, you know… and I am an elf. That means I am good with the bow… ’

He raised up one of his eyebrows then said.

‘Good, then I will accept you as my warrior wife. From now on, your position is changed to that. Be aware of your additional responsibilities.’

Another ridiculous thing I never even heard of… What kind of responsibilities does an orc warrior wife have? I couldn’t figure out so I asked him that exact question.

‘Oh, I forgot that you are not an orc, well… You need to cook on the road… You need to warm my bed at night, give birth to children and you follow me to battle, when you are not with a child. Also, in case I am injured, and the Dark Lord musters its armies, you will go in my place to the battlefield.’

How the fuck did you forget that I am not an orc? Are you completely senile?

He continued his speech.

‘It is a rare position, as woman doesn’t like to go into war, usually… But, you seem to differ in that regard, I don’t really mind since I can pierce your soft cunny every night, this way. Ha-ha!’

I swallowed some of my accumulated saliva while listening to his perverted words. So, that is why he agreed so easily… I should have known…

‘Do we… have to do that every night? I am tired… and not really into the mood now… also-’

‘You don’t have to be in the mood. Just stay on your knees and hands while I fuck you. If you are cooperative, I don’t need to get rough either, and you won’t have to walk funnily all day after. If you are not, we will continue where we stopped yesterday. It’s your choice. I am good with both.’

My mouth opened slightly, hearing the absolute factual shamelessness of which he spoke. As if, as if I was nothing more than a tool to be pulled on his dick when he wanted to. It was disgusting… but then, why do I feel this strange warmth? Am I slowly turning into a fucktard?

I felt my face being assaulted with a strong blush as blood rushed into it. The orc looked at me and smirked cruelly. I could see that glint, the desire for possession shine even stronger in his black eyes.

He wants me to be his fuck whore… I… why does this make me so excited? I don’t understand it anymore…

I felt his possessive glare run over my body, could almost feel the way he stripped me bare with his eyes. I felt my breathing quicken as I turned away, staring at the piece of food pierced on the twig that I held.

Do… do I look the same to this white pig? Like, this piece of meat looks to me?

I mean, I was a man, just recently… But? This level of possessiveness that the orcs showed towards me was not something I experienced in any way…

It could be because of their barbaric and animalistic nature… Their desires are less controlled, more primal, and wild. Is this why he turns me on so much? Because he shows his simpleminded, but true nature without a carefully created web of lies?

I don’t get it… I was not gay back then… It must be because of that Go-… no, because of that demon! It must have done something to my mind, wait? Come to think of it… He… he said that I will feel desire, and love towards those who are powerful? Could that be the reason?

And it’s not that I had a choice in this matter to begin with… If I am fucked anyway, then I guess it’s better to enjoy it somewhat. Even if that thought makes me cringe internally.

I imagined my old self being fucked in the ass from behind… and almost dropping the skewer in a physical reaction of discomfort.

I am a woman now… I am a woman! It’s normal to be fucked like that, if you are a woman… I… I mean, not in the ass… but from behind?… In a doggy pose? How do I say this…

I felt my cheek turn crimson from the perverted thought that haunted me. I decided to shut my eyes and bite down on the meat before it could turn cold entirely.

When I managed to eat half of the portion of meat which I put on the skewer. I already felt completely full. It seems I can’t eat as much as I could before… I grabbed the half eaten meat piece and put it away in the bundle next to the bread and bacon.

At that time, I finally managed to calm down and clear my mind from sinful thoughts. I also realized that the camp was surprisingly silent. The orcs even seemed strangely content? Am I imagining things… wait, could… could this be the effect of my perfectly roasted deer meat?

If that is the case, then I might be saved? If I managed to show them that I have other values, than being screwed… Then, they might change their behavior towards me. I was on the brink of materializing my new goal. When I felt a rough hand, grab my shoulder and push me forward.

I felt scared for a moment. What was going on now? I didn’t even do anything this time… Yet I was pushed onto my stomach all of a sudden.

I straightened up and sat on my knees, looking around questioningly. A few of the orcs were smiling at me, waiting for something. I felt my throat dry up as I turned around with a spike of fear.

The white pig was standing there, in the process of pulling down his pants.

No way… is he going to… no-no-no! Not in front of everyone… That… that’s just not fair… it was already too much that they could hear my voice yesterday…

‘Pull down your pants. We will do it quickly today. We need to march through the night after all.’

I found myself slowly crawling away from him. He can’t… not while these bastards watch…

‘I-I please… not in front of the others…’

He looked at me and grunted in annoyance.

‘You wanted to be a warrior wife. I let you be. You don’t want to go back to Mordor, so I let you stay. Now you don’t want to be fucked while my men are here? What is next? Should I bring you flowers, like the pale skins do? In the army, there will be thousands of orcs. Do you think we can find a private place for every time? Get used to it, wench!’

I was left there sitting, mortified by the suggestions… This bastard, all of them… I should have poisoned their food while I had the chance. In fact, why didn’t I think about that earlier?

‘Stop staring and pull down your pants!’

I felt the white pig’s saliva splatter on me once more, when he shouted. And with a pair of lead like arms, I started to unbutton my pants.

I hesitated only for a few seconds before I pulled it down to my knees, together with my panty… I felt as the men’s gazes focused on my body, looking at me with hungry eyes… I was feeling sick in my stomach, and felt like dying form the shame… This… this was not a joke anymore…

I was tossed forward once more. This time, I managed to catch myself with my arms. I felt two large hands grab my hips. As I heard excited words coming from behind me.

‘Finally, I was waiting for this all day.’

I felt the now somewhat familiar protrusion touch my lower lips.

An alarmed thought jumped into my mind as I shouted.

‘Wait.. not right awAY AHH~!’

His stiff penis, was pushed into my sore pussy and I gasped for air, my body quivering in the process.

The bastard did it again!

I felt my lower half pulse with pain, as this idiot rammed into me with his entire length.

‘Argh! This hurts you IDIOT!’

‘Hoh? My Da told me that it was supposed to hurt. That’s how you know you are doing it right!‘

'What-at? That's not true at all!’



Did he just slap my ass?

‘Silence, wench! What do you know? It’s not like you know what a man is supposed to do, better than a man himself.’

There was a series of giggling laughter coming from everywhere around us.

I bit my lower lips while trying to hold back the slowly appearing tears. I was getting desperate here… This fucking hurts! And he hadn't even started it yet…

‘Now stay silent and let me work!’

With that, he began to monotonously grind his penis against my pussy.

I bit into my lower lip until I felt the taste of iron. Hearing the sounds of his skin slapping against mine and feeling the constant momentum punishing my already sensitive lower back and nether region.

While also forced to listen to the voices of other orcs laughing and saying nasty things about me. I felt lost and alone in the company of beasts. Soon I could feel warm tears dribbling down my face… As many stars of pain were blinking in and out of my vision.

I will fucking kill you all at the very next opportunity. So enjoy your victory while it lasts…

I swore to myself silently.

My mind was in a whirlwind under the constant stimuli, my own body was slowly betraying me, as it started to react to the repeating penetration. As my sexual desires slowly turned on, the pain started to lessen, and the sensation of pleasure began to appear.

Just when I was getting to feel something resembling enjoyment, I felt one of his hands grasp my ponytail. He pulled back my head forcefully, making me release a sudden sob. He pushed against my cunny even harsher a few times in quick succession. I couldn’t help but release a painful and surprised shriek.

I am going to gut this bastard. I will pull out his guts and smother him with it!



He slapped my ass one more time… The stinging pain forced out another painful moan from my throat, but it resembled more to a sob, then a cry of joy.

And he wants to do this every day? And this is when he isn’t rough?

I felt a wave of self pity, while feeling his hot seed suddenly fill the inside of my vagina. He pushed a few more times as his penis jerked inside me. Then, with a content sigh, he thrust one last time against my behind, forcing a weak moan out of me, then he pulled out his limp dick, and I collapsed on my stomach… Gasping for air, like a good wench.

All that in the mids of loud cheers coming from the other orcs. 

I felt his sperm slowly dribbling out between my lower lips, as my body still pulsed with pain, and slowly awakening desire.

I was extremely humiliated, tired, dirty; I felt as if my entire rump was on fire. And in general, I just wanted to hide in a fucking cave for days!

Tomorrow, I will fucking massacre these cretins. Just wait until I get back my ability to fill the runes on my blades with fire magic.

I will cut you all to size, ouch… If I can move, that is…

On top of it all… I didn’t even get to the good part…


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