Lord of the Rings: Advent of the Dark Elf

9. Chapter

We packed up our stuff and walked through the night. Luckily for me, I was indeed relieved from some of the weight I had to carry. I gave my bow with the arrows and one of my swords to the white pig to carry it in my place. I could have carried them, but I decided against it. That was the minimum he could do for what he did with me…

We walked through the majority of the night without any events and even rested once for a short amount of time. It was a tedious walk in the darkness and the silence. I couldn’t recall a time when I had to walk this much in a single day… or night. My senses were naturally dulled in the darkness, but I found that my eyes could still see much better compared to the time I was a human.

It was far from a proper night vision, but I wouldn’t fall on my face or walk headfirst into a tree trunk. I was happy with that.

Thankfully, my body was trained. As I have already mentioned it before, my body was covered in lean muscles and a healthy amount of fat, so it was mostly alright for me to walk along the entire way. Of course, I still got tired, but it was bearable.

We have been walking continuously for about two hours now, since the brief rest we took. The sunshine was slowly coloring the lower part of the sky on the visible horizon, with mild strokes of orange and yellow painting on the heavenly palette.

Aside from all the terrible things that happened to me in my short time being in the world of Arda. I still couldn’t completely alienate myself from the sense of beauty. The heart-warming sceneries belonging to this mystical world provided for my new sharp eyes.

Before this, I was wearing glasses; you know? Heh… now I am beginning to speak to myself…

Anyway, now, I was able to see the land in its entire glory. The land of imagination, which no one from Earth could have seen. Beyond the shroud of their own fantasy, wild dreams of adventure or limited framed movies.

Oh, and what a treat it was… smelly orcs left and right, the sounds of their labored breathing from the long walk reminiscent of some F class porn movie from the eighties. The sensation of my own sweat drenched body, covered in layers of dust from the road. The sore pain in my legs and… well, there… Provided by the monotone, but at least authentic sounds of clanking plate armor and iron, or maybe steel weapons knocking with one another after every single step.

My ears twitched a little. Oh, was that the sound of a neighing horse? I don’t know how to ride a horse, but at this point I was beyond ready to learn it.

I heard it once more… it sounded clearer this time. Come to think of it, we have left the cover of the trees entirely some time ago. Now we were in the middle of a large and empty grazing field. As far as the eye could see, there were these green pastures. It was more than an ideal place to raise horses.

Then I heard the sound of hooves trampling against the ground, and an ominous chill ran over my back as I stopped walking. Come to think of it… orcs usually don’t have horses… That means only one other possibility.

The moment I stopped walking, the other orcs also hear the noise that made my stomach plummet to the ground.

Our entire group stopped as if it was struck by lightning.

‘Horses… horses incoming! Get ready! Form a line, you slithering slimy fucks! The pale skins have found our tracks!’

I swallowed when I heard the shout of the white pig and saw all the orcs running around like scared chickens trying to form a line of scrappy looking spear walls.

I looked around fearfully amid the chaos.

On the edge of a nearby hill, a bunch of riders appeared and the very moment they saw us, they immediately changed their course. They headed right towards us…

I jolted from my state of inaction and ran to the side of the white pig.

He only spared a quick glance at me and pushed the rest of my weapons into my arms.


He grunted at me, and I couldn’t help but nod curtly. There was nothing else to say. I was not going to trust my life at the mercy of charging horse-riders… Especially as there was quite a large possibility that they simply kill me as some sort of she-orc variant.

I wisely stood to the side of the spear holding orcs, and after I equipped all my weapons, I grabbed my bow. I never even got to check out this bow properly, but it was not the time to do such a thing seeing the ten or so horsemen charging towards us in battle fervor.

I gulped, seeing the charging warriors getting ever closer. Am I seriously going to shoot arrows at those men?

I asked it from myself silently, I would more happily shoot the orcs in the back… Then again… if the orcs win this fight I would be fucked… quite literally…

I felt my arms shook lightly from the various negative outcomes that this situation could lead to.

Why do I have to fight against these bastards in the first place? Do I really have to?

Seeing the riders getting even closer, a sudden fear induced inspiration came to me.

In a second, I turned tail and bolted into a sprint, heading towards the treeline that I could still see in the distance.

‘Fucking hell, I am just a random elf. I am not going to fight against a bunch of horse-boys!’

It was one thing to be fucked by an orc, and another to be trampled under the feet of horses. In the first place, I only accepted the first because I didn’t want to die!

I heard a few orcs screaming at me from behind.

‘Where are you running, you dumb whore!’

‘Come back here. You can’t outrun horses!’

‘Stupid woman, I will whip you for this! If I ever get my hands on you! Come back here or else!’

Hearing the cold threats, I felt my determination waver for a second, but then I heard the sound of heavy hooves kicking off the ground behind me, and I was reinforced in my decision.

‘Fuck you guys! I hope you fight for your last breath! Don’t disappoint the Dark Lord!’

I heard an annoyed grunt and a series of curses sent after me, but I couldn’t care anymore. I ran like the wind as the freshly pumping adrenalin filled my veins. In the distance, I heard the clash of weapons, and painful shouts of half crazed man and beast.

My sweat dropped when I thought of the possibility that I could also be there if I was just a bit more stupid than I am.

Yeah, sure, I was not the sharpest knife in the drawer.. I mean, just look at my achievements: isekai into Arda, fucking good idea… live your life as a dark elf, good idea… get turned into a woman, then captured by a bunch of orcs, get raped, twice, checked… and now fight with a pack of Rohirrim riders or who the fuck they are...


There is a bottom line for me after all… I might be a warrior in theory, but I am definitely not a soldier. Why should I even fight on the side of orcs, the only reason I wanted to be a warrior wife, or whatever, was to avoid being gangbanged… I have no misguided trust or sense of responsibility towards Mordor, or the army of Sauron!

He will be fucked eventually anyway, so why should I fight for a lost cause?

I ran like there was no tomorrow while clenching my bow in my grasp.

I was running and running, but the treeline was still ridiculously far. At least the battle sounds were slowly getting weaker as the distance between us grew further.

My already tired and battered body from the earlier walking and other things was crying out in protest against this crazy paced running. My breathing was getting ever more erratic, too.

I… I probably can slow down a bit. They must be occupied with fighting, right?

I slowed down to a more comfortable jog. Then I heard the ominous sounds of heavy hooves coming from behind me. My wildly beating heart skipped a beat or two as I turned around, looking at a pair of horse-riders gaining on me.

My eyes widened in fear… seeing them so close already…

I swallowed my saliva, and raised my bow in front of me, nocking an arrow with a fluttering heart. To my surprise, even against all the terror I felt, my arms were steady and precise.

I never shot with a bow in my previous life, but I held the weapon as if I did it thousands of times. The strange set of movements came to me so naturally as the need for breathing air.

I drew the string back until it reached the right side of my face, barely touching the skin next to my eye. Both eyes were wide open as I stared forward.

Sensing the lower half of the string slightly touching the surface of my left breast through the cover of leather armor. I aimed it at the closer rider’s form and in a single and quick movement; I let go of the tense nerve.

There was a dull sound as the string vibrated after the arrow flew towards the man. I watched it in fascination, following the course of the arrow that seemed to be correct.

Then the rider raised his circular wooden shield at the last possible moment, and the arrow stuck it in the upper half of the shield.


That was my only reaction.

Before I could nock another arrow, I saw the same rider lift a small axe, and he threw it right at me. My instincts kicked in and I jumped to the side with a shriek. I accidentally dropped my bow in the process.

However, I couldn’t care less, as the two riders were too close to use a bow anymore…

The axe hit the ground with a thud just behind the place I stood earlier… That would actually hit me right in the chest if I didn’t move…

With a slightly shaking hand from the earlier close call, I drew both of my blades out and stood in a medium straddle-stand.

My body was shaking, and I breathed in large gulps of air, my raising panic was getting out of control. How am I supposed to fight these idiots? I am not Xena… what is wrong with this difficulty level?

I saw one of the horsemen charge at me with a raised sword. I wanted to close my eyes in terror as tears threatened to appear on the edges of my eyes, but the skills and warrior instincts honed by my current body didn’t allow me to do so.

I blinked away the tears, and my body moved out of the horse's way, dancing to the side in a pirouette, twirling both of my blades in a swirling storm of steel.

I felt a heavy strike against one of my blades. I winced from the momentum and raw power the sword had behind it. My posture changed subtly, and the sword skidded down on the surface of my blade, directing away the deadly momentum.

Before I could think about what just happened, I heard the sound of approaching hooves once again… And I remembered, there was another rider!

I twirled around and saw the raised blade of the bearded man wearing a dark green colored cloak.

I instinctively raised both my blades in front of me, crossing them above my head as the heavy strike thundered against it. The sharp sound of steel clashing against steel rang in my ears.

The blade of the man was carrying the entire momentum of his horse's charge, and it came from an alleviated position, meaning that I fought against gravity, and momentum while the man himself was likely stronger than me in pure physics.

I felt my arms pushed back almost immediately. I stepped back, trying to balance my body, but the horse's momentum added to my blocking blades simply swept me off my legs.


I fell on my back, doing a backward roll on the ground. I cried out in pain and confusion. My arms felt numb, and new tears appeared on the edges of my eyes… I still grasped the blade in my right hand, but my left hand only grasped empty air. I seemed to drop it somewhere…

I sat up, feeling dazed, as the sound of hooves surrounded me on all sides. I looked up, with a dull gaze, and saw the two soldiers circling around me on their horses. Looking down at me with anger, their expression deformed in disgust.

I heard as one of them, said to the other.

‘What sort of dark spawn is this?’

‘I never saw one similar to this.’

‘She was with the orcs… maybe it is a she-orc?’

‘I never saw a she orc before… you might be right…’

‘She fought surprisingly well. What should we do with her?’

‘An orc is an orc, no matter what is between her legs! Cut off her head and be done with it!’

‘You are right, we shouldn’t let her give birth to more offspring of Mordor. Our hands are full enough as it is.’

‘Will you do it? Or should I?’

‘I am not comfortable to kill a woman, even if that is an orc… If you don’t mind me asking that, then do it in my place.’

‘You are still young, will have enough time to dirty your hands later… Fine, I will do it, and do it quickly.’

My dazed mind has cleared from almost being trampled over, and I listened to the words of the soldiers with a sick fascination.

I indeed understood every language, it seems!

That was my first thought, then as the argument proceeded, the fact that I understood their words turned into an additional source of terror.

I saw as the older soldier, the bearded one, stepped out of the saddle and began to walk towards me. Seeing his cold merciless eyes, I jolted and tried to stand up, but a terribly harsh pain flared up in my lower back. It seemed like my slightly healing injury got hit again, and this time it was even worse.

My knees buckled under my weight as the sharp wave of pain ran over my body. My breath leaving my lungs in a painful sigh… I was unable to breathe in from the sharp pain, the slight movement of filling my lungs with new air, caused my back to scream in pain as prickling stars danced in front of my vision.

I saw the men holding his sword and walking towards me. Seeing my state of helplessness, he lowered his weapon. Pity crossed his eyes as he sheathed his sword.

I thought for a moment that he had changed his mind, then I saw as he pulled out a large knife instead and stepped closer.

‘Now, now… calm down, it will be over quickly… Better for the both of us that way.’

I tried to raise my sword, but there was no more strength in my body, as the pulsing pain made all of my limbs feel like lead rods.

I couldn’t hold my tears anymore, as I crawled backwards with all my strength.

‘Do we have to do this, sir? I almost pity her… ‘

‘Do you think they will feel the same pity towards you and your loved ones when they rape them and enslave your mother and sister?’

‘I… sigh, you are right…’

In my complete terror, between the pulsing waves of pain, I finally managed to breathe in enough air to struggle out a few words in their language.

‘I… I am not an orc… please… don’t do this…’

The eyes of the man widened with surprise as his body stopped in the middle of his movement.

‘Did she just spoke?’

Asked the younger one, still sitting in the saddle. Both of the riders were gazing at me with sick fascination.

In the background, the rumbling sounds of another quickly closing horse's beating hooves could be heard. However, neither one of the riders could care to look at the incoming rider.

‘Yes, she did… this one is quite smart, she just denied that she is an orc. No doubt, because she heard us saying that we had never seen a she-orc before… quite cunning, I must say. Didn’t expect her to know our language.’

I felt a knot in my throat as I heard that… what is with this logic…

‘No… please, I am really not an orc…’

‘Silence! I won’t listen to your wile words bitch of Mordor! What else could you be? Let me guess, an elf? Yes? Is that it?’


My voice broke in a sudden sob as he stepped closer with the glinting knife.

‘Please… no, I… I will do anything… just don’t kill me…’

There was a satisfied glint in the man’s eye.

‘You will do anything?’

He asked almost humorously.


‘I have only one thing to ask from the likes of you… so listen carefully. DIE!’


I sobbed even harder as he stepped closer, getting ready to cut my throat. While I tried to push away the knife, or kick him in his shin, or anything.

‘Please… NO!’

‘You should have tried pleading, before you shot that arrow at me! Fucking bitch, I might have listened to you then…’

‘I was scared! I am sorry!’

‘Heh! I bet!’

The sounds of a dashing horse were coming from very close at this moment, even I could feel the slight shaking through the ground, none the less, I didn’t give a shit about it… I was trying to activate my internal ability… but the flames didn’t appear…

Could it be, because there hadn’t been twenty-four hours since I last used it? Oh no… please, not that. I don’t want to die like this… not after all that I suffered!

‘Someone… please!’

I cried while trying to push away that cold knife, which seemed to inch ever closer to my neck.

‘Nobody is going to save you orc wench… I told you to stop struggling. We could have been done with it by now… Haha, you want to make me look like the bad guy here, is that it!?’

‘Please, don’t kill me! NO! HELP!’

‘You were the one who attacked our land! The fact that you are here should be enough proof to cut your grey throat with a knife!’


I sobbed, as the knife was almost touching my neck now.

The sounds of heavy hooves were right on us, never slowing, only getting quicker. This caused the younger guy to look up in annoyance to see why the closing rider didn’t seem to slow down.

There was a loud, wet crunching sound. The man holding the knife looked up in confusion. Soon, the neighing of a scared horse was heard as a body fell to the ground with a heavy thud. There was no other sound, no scream or large splattering blood.

The eyes of the bearded man opened wide in terror, as a shadow passed over us.

Then a heavy body fell, no jumped on the man holding the knife over my neck. There was a flow of wild movement. A cold sensation found its way to cut along my left cheek. I felt a sharp pain and pulled my face back with a hiss. I could feel as the knife drew blood grinding across my cheekbone.

I heard the shouts that soon turned into horrid screams as the man fought against that white… thing?

There was another this time, a sharp crackling sound, and the screams stopped, along with the flailing arms.

I turned to the side, and saw the other man, laying on the ground with an enormous axe stuck between the area of his shoulder and neck. Staring at the sky with empty eyes…

From the edge of my vision, I saw the tall form of an ugly bloodied man stand up and look at me with a sharp disappointed glare. He… he was the white pig… and, and it was… the most beautiful sight I could ever see in this fucking world.

He stepped closer to me. I was about to jump at him and kiss the ugly, smelly, but beautiful bastard.

Alas, when I moved closer, he slapped me. The very next moment, I believed that I didn’t just see random stars, but a complete and complex gathering of constellations… Then the splattering saliva followed with its sobering effect and an angry shout.


I looked back at him, holding my face with a dull expression.

Then I said…

‘I… I will give you as many children as you want if you forgive me for this once… I am sorry… I was a fool, and got scared…’

He seemed surprised for a moment… then calmed down as he said silently.

‘Whatever… stand up…’

‘I… I can’t… I am injured… my back hurts too much…’

‘This is why, woman is not supposed to be on the battlefield… you are weak!’

‘I am sorry… ‘

‘No matter… we got a few horses this time. That will solve that problem. We need to unite with our major forces, since two third of the boys kicked the bucket… along with you, almost…’

‘I am sorry… I will be a better wife… from now on… just don’t leave me here…’

‘Hmm… as long as you understand.’

He crouched down and ripped off a piece of cloth from the man whose neck was stuck in a weird position, and quite purple… I had to look away… He threw the reasonably clean cloth piece into my lap.

‘Your face is cut, clean it with that…‘

I nodded… doing as he said. While still feeling the icy touch of the knife on my neck… Or the sharp pain as it carved into the flesh on my cheek.

I looked up at the large orc and asked, feeling a sudden shyness.

‘…Your name, I don’t know your name yet…’

‘Huh? Oh… yes… I am called Grilguth…’

I stared at him with dull eyes, feeling the strange warmth that was circling inside my body suddenly die out, as I asked back.

‘Grilled Gut?’

He barked at me with sudden annoyance.

‘It’s Grilguth! What is yours, then… ha? Is it any better?’

I suddenly blushed as I said with a stutter.

‘I… I don’t ac-actually have a name…’

The orc looked at me with a stupefied expression.

‘Ha? Are you retarded?’

‘No… it’s… sigh, you know what? Give me a name, since I am your wife now…’

‘Huh, is that some sort of dark elf custom?’

I felt my blush strengthen… as I lied with the tip of my ears turning red too.

‘Yo-you could say so… just give me a name…’

‘Your people are weird… but whatever...’

I looked at him with a flicker of annoyance, as I thought. I don’t want to hear that from you! But, I decided to hold my mouth.

He stepped closer and lifted my face with one rough hand. Ugh?

‘I name you Ash. Because your skin is the color of cinder, while your eyes hold a wild and powerful flame within.’

I looked up at the huge orc as he stood above me with an unmatched strength while lifting my face with an unexpected gentleness. My heart fluttered, and my face turned red… While feeling that mysterious warmth returning with sixteen times the detail.

That moment, I knew that this orc will be the father of my children, and that next time, I will not hesitate to kill for his sake in the many battles to come.

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