Love (Fast Through)

Chapter 135

Chapter 134: Teddy is fearless (end)

It’s getting colder and colder recently.

The open space in the middle of their tribe, after people trampled for a long time, the soil became very hard, not even a small grass could grow on it, not only that, they washed something in the tribe, the water would not easily seep into the ground. Go down.

After the rain the day before yesterday, there were some small puddles in this clearing. When the night passed, the water in the puddles froze, and it has not melted since.

The area where the Giant Tiger tribe is located should belong to the subtropical monsoon climate zone. Although many trees have lost their leaves, there are also many plants that are still green.

But even if it was still green, those grasses were frozen hard these days.

It’s too cold.

People in the tribe can be very cold. If the solar energy comes out, people will still hunt around the animal skins, but today…

The ground was frozen, the north wind blew, and snow fluttered down the ground.

Faced with this situation…Even if today is a day of hunting, everyone is unwilling to go out hunting.

They still have surplus food, since they can’t die from starvation… let’s lie down at home!

Hu Xiu went out early in the morning, strolled around the tribe, and came back again.

When he opened the wooden plug at the entrance of the hole, the cold wind and snowflakes also followed in, causing Yan Jing, who had turned into a beast, to shiver uncontrollably.

Recently… he doesn’t want to go out anymore.

The other people in the tribe are the same. The people of the giant tiger tribe who like to socialize are now hiding in tree holes and are not willing to go out.

Compared to the outside, the tree hole that can shelter from wind and rain is really too warm!

For example, this tree hole in Huxiu…the inside layer after layer, covered with soft and dry grass, Yan Jing turned into a beast and got into the grass and didn’t want to come out again.

But now Hu Xiu is back… Yan Jing got out and ran to the tiger’s pedicure, grabbing Hu Xiu’s legs and trying to climb up.

“I’m cold.” Hu Xiu didn’t go to hold Yan Jingze.

Yan Jing said: “Wow!” I only came out to let you hug after knowing that you were cold!

Hu Xiu took off his animal skin and placed it on a high shelf. Then he sat down. Yan Jing saw it and immediately climbed into his arms and began to… absorb the energy around him.

As soon as Hu Xiu hugged the salt, he felt that he became warm in an instant.

After he became stronger, the cold didn’t seem to be a big problem for him.

It may also be because of salt that his tree hole has become much warmer.

Speaking of which, this winter, the people in their tribe all had a good time.

They stored enough meat!

And this has a lot to do with salt.

After they ate all the meat that the big dinosaur was intolerant to storage, and everyone in the tribe ate a lot fatter, the hunting team resumed hunting.

When the hunting team went hunting, Yan went with them.

At the beginning, he was very reluctant-salt and tender meat, followed them, maybe he would be bitten by insects and scratched by plants.

But such a thing did not happen.

No matter how fast they are, salt can keep up with them. Not only that, even if the bugs bite the roughest of them, they won’t bite the salt.

Salt wore a hat woven with tiny vines, and followed them everywhere, but in the end he didn’t even get a tan!

Salt has also become the killer of their hunting team.

When they are hunting, the salt usually does not intervene, just watching them, but when they are in danger…

The salt will remind them at the beginning that if they can’t solve it, the salt can easily solve the “danger”.

For example, before, they accidentally awakened a poisonous snake. If it were before, people on the hunting team would have been bitten by a poisonous snake, but now… the salt carried the snake back to the tribe and used this snake to stew a pot of soup. .

It’s delicious.

Salt even gave them some tips on how to catch prey.

Some of the food stored in their tribe belonged to the big dinosaur before, and some were caught by them a few days ago.

The upper part of his hole was covered with meat.

Hu Xiu held the puppy in his arms and stroked it gently.

Yan Jing let out a “Wow” and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The cave is very warm and dark. In addition, he has no shortage of “exercise”, which is very hard. He sleeps all day long these days.

Hu Xiu was carried by Yan Jing, and he was also a little drowsy.

But he couldn’t sleep.

The people of their giant tiger tribe will hold the ceremony of forming a partner in the tribe on the day when the sun is out after the first snow and snow stop in winter.

Now, the first snow has fallen.

He had thought about it before, to force Yan to become a partner with him, and if Yan did not agree, he would not give salt to eat meat, but now…

Salt is actually very good to him. He believes that salt has something to like for him.

But some men and women in the tribe have given birth to more than one child and have not formed a partner. Would Yan be willing to partner with him?

You know, once they swear in front of the beast god, they can no longer betray each other, and they can’t be with others, otherwise they will be punished by the beast god!

After thinking about it for a long time, Hu Xiu felt that the little Teddy on his body was awake.

He thought for a while, and said to little Teddy: “Into a human form.”

Yan Jingze: “…”

Yan Jing turned into a human form, and as expected, Hu Xiu kissed him.

His partner is so enthusiastic!

What he travels through is Teddy, the Teddy who lives day by day. He always feels that this body is a little too sensitive, plus he can practice… his ability is really very, very strong!

As a result, Hu Xiu did not seem to be satisfied.

He had never worn a saber-toothed tiger before, and for the first time knew…the saber-toothed tiger was so ‘strong”.

However, Hu Xiu was still inferior to him, and later… he fell asleep.

When Hu Xiu fell asleep, Yan Jing took out some hair from under the thick hay that had been cushioned on her body and knit it.

He has always wanted to knit two pieces of clothes for Hu Xiu to wear, but unfortunately he didn’t find the right materials before, and only recently discovered that… his hair is pretty good.

Teddy’s hair is very long and soft!

Of course, if he becomes a little Teddy, it will be of no use even if all the hairs of his body are cut off, but after he has transformed his beast to its maximum shape, he can comb out the hairs on his body to get it. Come to knit clothes!

Although the hole is dark, he has spiritual power… Yan Jing weaves quickly.

What he knitted for Hu Xiu was a long robe with a belt.

In this way, if Hu Xiu wanted to become a beast, he could quickly take it off.

He was so busy before that he hasn’t finished knitting until now.

But this was also quite good, just two days later, when he and Hu Xiu became a partner, he would wear them to Hu Xiu.

Unfortunately, there is no time to knit one for himself.

Yan Jing has the memory of the original owner, and naturally knows the time of the ceremony of the tribe’s companionship.

The people of the Giant Tiger tribe count the year, and the reincarnation of the four seasons is counted as one year, but it will not be counted as a special date. The ceremony of forming a partner is placed after the first snow in winter because it is easier to remember.

In addition…after the heavy snowfall, people generally don’t go hunting, just because they are free.

If it doesn’t snow in any winter…that’s the beast **** who makes people who want to form a partner to get together later… ahem!

Of course, it usually snows.

That night, the heavy snow stopped.

Not only that, the next day, the sun was still high in the sky.

Hu Xiu climbed out of the tree hole early in the morning and his expression froze when he saw the sun in the sky.

The others in the tribe were very happy: “The sun is out! The sun is out!”

“Does anyone want to be a partner today?”

“Huchun and her leopard seem to be getting married!”

“There are also the patriarch and salt… the patriarch said before that they want to form a partner!”

As everyone said, they looked at Hu Xiu.

After Hu Xiu accidentally damaged the salt tree hole and let the salt live in his tree hole, he always talked about salt to the people in the tribe.

At that time, he praised salt all day long and told other people in the tribe that he and salt would form a partner.

Everyone remembers it!

Hu Xiu: “…” He did say so at that time.

He felt at the time that he gave salt so much meat, salt would definitely be inseparable from him, and would definitely agree to form a partner with him, even if he disagrees… he could tie salt to form a partner with him.

But now, he can’t beat salt!

Although Yan still lives in his tree hole, as long as Yan is willing, he can walk at any time!

Hu Xiu was a little anxious.

But he did not let others see it.

Everyone just felt that… the patriarch was serious, as if thinking about something important.

Huchun asked: “Patriarch, are you ready to give the salt a gift?” The ceremony of forming a partner requires each other to give gifts!

Hu Xiudao: “Of course I’m ready… how about you?”

“I’m ready too, but I hesitate a bit, don’t know if I want to partner with the leopard tree…” Hu Chun was a little entangled.

Hu Xiu immediately said: “It is better to form a partner, so that the family is more stable, and it is good for you and your children!”

If Huchun doesn’t become a partner with Leopard Tree…In the future, when she finishes giving birth, what will Yan start pursuing her again?

Hu Xiu always remembered how much Yan liked Huchun in the past!

“It’s also…” Hu Chun thought for a while, and felt that what the patriarch said was very reasonable.

Hu Xiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Huchun said again at this time: “Patriarch, if you like me, we must have married and gave birth to a child.” Although she doesn’t like Huxiu anymore, after all, she has chased Huxiu for so long before and didn’t follow him. Hu Xiu always felt a bit regretful together.

“I only like salt.” Hu Xiu’s voice was a little low.

“All right…” Huchun said, and while he said, he took out a piece of barbecue to Hu Xiu, “Patriarch, I especially want to eat the kind of fried pork that I have made with slate before salt, can I use this piece of meat, Replace that slate with you?”

Hu Xiu thought for a while and agreed: “Yes.” That slate, I ran out of salt before, and I lent it to others…Salt shouldn’t mind borrowing the slate.

Hu Xiu reached out to pick up the meat Huchun gave him.

However, before the meat was in his hands, it was snatched away.

Yan Jing grabbed the meat and looked at Hu Xiu angrily: “Why did she give you meat?”

He happily climbed out of the tree hole, and wanted Hu Xiu to try the clothes he made, only to see that Hu Chun gave Hu Xiu meat, but Hu Xiu actually accepted it!

This is too much!

Yan Jing is a little unhappy!

When he was so unhappy… he remembered something else!

In the memory of the original owner, there have always been many women giving meat to Hu Xiu!

There are many people who want to dig his corner!

Wait, Hu Xiu always told him about becoming a partner, but recently he didn’t mention a word, but he always mentioned the child…

Huxiu, shouldn’t he see that Huchun is pregnant and start wanting a baby, right?

Yan Jing believes that Hu Xiu likes himself, but the primitive people in this world don’t care much about love, but pay more attention to reproduction.

After they form a partner with a person, they will be single-minded to their partner, also because they believe that those who betray their partner will be rejected by the animal gods.

But if they haven’t partnered with someone… then really, most people don’t have any morals.

Thinking of this, Yan Jing watched Hu Chun guardly.

Huchun has pursued Tiger Repair for several years! several years!

Now I’m pregnant, I even gave Huxiu meat.

Huchun: “…”

Huchun didn’t know what to say.

In the past, when she gave Hu Xiu meat, Yan would be angry, and then glared at Hu Xiu like that, but now…Salt glared at her!

When Yan first was with Hu Xiu, she thought that the salt might have been forced by Hu Xiu… But at that time, Yan was starving to death. It was a good choice to follow Hu Xiu, so she didn’t say anything. .

Later, after Yan showed great strength, the women in the tribe asked Yan if he wanted to have children with them, because… Everyone felt that Yan and Hu Xiu were together just to get enough food.

But then Yan refused, and they gave up.

Seeing that Yan and Huxiu have such a good relationship recently, everyone can’t even think about it anymore.

“I want to change things!” Hu Chun said.

Yan Jing coughed slightly, “What do you want to change?”

“I want to change your slate to use.” Hu Chun said.

“So it’s like this… Did you say that earlier,” Yan Jing laughed, “I will give you the slate immediately!”

Huchun: “It’s not necessary. After the ceremony of forming a partner is over, you can lend me again!”

“It’s okay.” Yan Jing agreed, again a little depressed.

A few days ago, he wanted to talk to Hu Xiu about forming a mate, but he only mentioned a beginning. Hu Xiu seduce him, obviously he didn’t want to talk about it with him.

Does Hu Xiu want to go back and stop partnering with him?

Yan Jing looked at Hu Xiu.

Hu Xiu was a little nervous.

These days, he deliberately didn’t mention the matter of forming a partner. Yan mentioned it several times. He also deliberately interrupted Salt’s words and led him to do happy things, but he didn’t want to hear Yan’s rejection.

But now…it’s this day.

If Yan is unwilling, she must refuse now.

If Salt refuses…

Hu Xiu lowered his head, not looking at Yan Jingze.

Hu Xiu even avoided his sight!

Yan Jing pinched Hu Xiu’s chin, raised Hu Xiu’s face, and kissed Hu Xiu on his mouth: “Hu Xiu!”

Hu Xiu was kissed in public, a little confused.

Yan Jingze is about the same height as Hu Xiu. He looked directly at Hu Xiu and threatened in a gloomy manner: “Hu Xiu, today is the day to be a partner. You’d better be a partner with me obediently, otherwise… I’ll grab it.” Your position as the patriarch will shut you in a tree hole and will not let you out!”

Hu Xiu liked to threaten him so much before, so it’s time for Hu Xiu to feel it!

It was Hu Xiu who threatened him by not feeding him meat, and now he has changed his threat method!

Hu Xiu: “???” Did he get it wrong?

Yan Jing kissed him again: “Be obedient, you know?”

Hu Xiu didn’t say a word, he suddenly felt that it was interesting that Yan had robbed him of the position of the patriarch and locked him up, wait, stop! It is more important to form a partner with salt!

Hu Xiu nodded.

Yan Jing breathed a sigh of relief and said, “You are mine, do you know? Keep your distance from others in the future!”

Hu Xiu nodded again, and at the same time felt that this was a bit familiar…Oh, he had said the same thing as Yan before.

“It’s okay if you understand…Hurry up and prepare, and the ceremony will be held soon!” Yan Jing said.

Yan Jing suddenly understood why Hu Xiu had to talk to him like this…it was really domineering to say that.

Especially, Hu Xiu really turned his head and went to prepare.

Yan Jing quickly followed.

He was a little afraid that Tiger Xiu was upset, cough!

Hu Xiu was not unhappy, he was actually quite happy.

He was wrong before! Salt is willing to become a partner with him!

In fact, he is really unhappy these days, and it is not counted. After all, salt has been with him and can still eat and drink.

But he was thinking about things in his heart, and he felt depressed from time to time.

But now, he has no depressed mood at all!

Hu Xiu happily went into the tree hole to get a gift of salt that he wanted to give him.

Yan Jing followed in: “Xiu…”

Yan Jingze’s words did not go on.

Because the tiger is dancing in the tree hole.

The kind of jump that twists the body.

This kind of dance is in the memory of the original owner, and he has also seen people in the tribe dance.

But he didn’t skip it himself, nor did he see Hu Xiu skip it.

While the others were writhing, Hu Xiu kept sitting tightly.

But now… Tiger Xiu also twisted, twisted and twisted, and also tore off the animal skins on his body.

Yan Jing said: “…” It’s terrible!

Hu Xiu looks like this…He wants to do something in particular.

Hu Xiu also saw salt.

He was so happy that he didn’t stop dancing, but came to Yan and twisted around the salt.

After twisting, he said: “Hurry up and prepare! Do you have a gift? I have prepared an extra for you, do you want?”

The gifts that partners give to each other are usually animal bones and teeth.

It’s weird to say that he has never had the idea of finding a partner before, but he has been saving teeth and saving a lot!

He made a beautiful necklace with those animal teeth, and he planned to give it to salt!

In addition…before considering that the salt should not be able to give out any gifts, he also made an extra string, preparing to let the salt give it to himself.

“I do,” Yan Jing took a deep breath, “you’re so good-looking… I’ll show it to me next time.”

“Good!” Hu Xiu didn’t hesitate.

Knowing that Yan is willing to form a partner with him… He now feels that his body is full of strength and joy.

Salt likes to watch him dance? He will jump every day from now on!

By the way, Yan still seems to like to drill tree holes with him… He will continue to work hard!

Definitely please salt!

Hu Xiu put on a new animal skin skirt and happily climbed out of the tree hole.

Yan Jing didn’t dare to follow it out.

Hu Xiu is simply dancing, with no physical reaction at all.

But he is different… He has to rest for a while before daring to go out.

Otherwise, they will be onlookers!

In addition, the clothes he made for Hu Xiu should also be taken out.

When Hu Xiu came outside again, he found a lot of people watching him.

In addition to wearing animal skin skirts, these people also wore animal skins on their bodies.

This animal skin is actually a dinosaur skin.

“What are you doing here?” Hu Xiu asked with a frown.

No matter how he dances in the tree hole, he is still very majestic when he gets outside.

“Patriarch, are you threatened by salt?” Someone looked worried.

Someone said: “The patriarch, I heard that Yan forced you to become a partner with him?”

The people in the tribe looked at Hu Xiu caringly.

Many of them heard what Yan Jing said before, and they were a little worried about Hu Xiu.

Although salt is very powerful, they still pay more attention to tiger repair in comparison.

Hu Xiu said: “I have not been threatened… ahem, the salt is really powerful, right? Do you think he is strong too? He can do everything…”

He hasn’t praised salt for many days!

I’m afraid that after he exaggerates too much, the people in the tribe will fancy salt and rob him.

But now that Yan wants to become a partner with him… then you can continue to boast.

Those who were originally worried about Tiger Xiu: “…” They really had a brain problem, and they actually felt that Tiger Xiu was forced.

Obviously Hu Xiu went to drill the salt tree hole at the beginning!

Really want to be forced, but also the tiger repair forced salt.

“Patriarch, let’s clean the ground!”

“Patriarch, I’m going to light it!”

“Patriarch, I’ll go and watch some children!”

Hu Xiu’s audience ran away in an instant.

Seeing them running away, Hu Xiu reminisced about how he got along with Yan with joy.

Salt used to like Huchun, but now that he is willing to form a partner with him, he must be in love with him!

As for why I like him…

Because of his enthusiasm?

He took the initiative to drill the salt tree hole, he seduce salt… Salt likes it!

It is definitely because he is passionate enough to let Yan empathize and fall in love with him!

Think so, men in the tribe, who doesn’t like drilling tree holes!

Some people would rather be hungry, but also give the meat to others, so that they can drill holes in the tree!

This is really a very comfortable thing, and he likes it very much.

Hu Xiu was in a good mood and held a ceremony for forming a partner with Yan Jing. That night, he danced for Yan Jing.

The tree hole is so small, jumping and jumping… ahem!

Yan Jing spent a very beautiful night in the bridal chamber.

That is… He who was pure and low-hearted before, has now completely changed.

How long has it been since he turned out to be a different person… So he is essentially such a person, right? !

This world is really… different.

His taste… also strange.

He actually fell in love with someone who crawled on his bed at night!

Also, why does he feel that… Compared to a person who likes him, Hu Xiu is more greedy for his body?

Hmm…no time to think about this.

Hu Xiu hasn’t slept yet, and he’s moving his feet again.

As for him… there is no way to be pure-hearted.

But it feels… actually pretty good.

He has fulfilled the wish of the original owner, found a partner who is more powerful than Hu Chun, and can repair the world logically, and then leave.

But now… he thinks he can live in this world for a few more decades and enjoy it.

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