Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 002: Meeting The Family

My skin tone & setting wasn't the only major change that I noticed; even if they certainly were the most obvious at a first glance. 


It was a strange feeling, at first I didn't even realise what it was, but between my legs there was most definitely a definite lack of 'manhood' that made me unconsciously raise a brow. That being the case - there was no way I wouldn’t want to get to the bottom of this change.


As such I reached down to my wonderfully silky one piece dress; using one hand to gently hitch up the skirt of my new dress in order to get a good view of what there was. Strangely I noticed that my body was far smaller than my previous one which was a good indication I was also younger.


Below my dress, though, were some little white & blue striped panties that were certainly too smooth to be hiding anything underneath from anyone. "It would seem I'm indeed a gi-" 


"What are you doing Armor?!" A mature female voice cut through my deliberation leading to me turning towards them - right in front of me was a rich looking white lady who was wearing a similar dress as myself. Of course, the dress and apparently gender were the only things the same between us, there was also another girl who was a bit taller than I was at the moment. 


I had always been short so this probably meant she was a tad younger then I was.


Then again, I couldn't really be sure, maybe this new body would grow up to be taller than my previous one was? Still this body obviously had some history - one which led to the lady being quite worried about my appearance as she quickly pushed my skirt down. A rather obvious reaction to seeing a little girl flipping her skirt up I suppose.


When she pressed her hand against my forehead to check my temperature I suddenly felt my brain heat up as a flood of memories entered my head.

Although my name was the same as in my past life; the contents of my previous & current life could not be anymore averse. While it was still true that my mommy was gone I was not abandoned at a poor orphanage but picked up by a couple who were friends with mommy soon after I was born as opposed to the 10 or so years I had training.

The couple themselves were struggling to bear fruit themselves at the time. Having only managed a single son through external insemination yet still desiring a daughter of their own to raise - hence they ended up more than happy to adopt me. This woman testing my temperature (to make sure I wasn’t loopy) was the exact woman, Sarah Porshi, who was struggling to give birth… Not that she hadn't.

In fact, the girl who arrived behind her proved such, she ended up conceiving just under a year after I arrived making me quite fearful for my position in the family. Surprisingly the Porshi family was a warm one with plenty of cash so I needn’t have been fearful of them suddenly abandoning me.

Since I was in their care I would need to make sure that I wouldn’t besmirch their name so some changes would need to be made to my plans to cast them in the best light but I should sooth her first.

“Sowi mom… Had a bwad dweam where I was a boy wike bwother!” I spoke in a sad fashion while wrapping my arms around mom’s arm in a fawn-like fashion. The baby talk is of course something I fully intended to do - there being no possible way I would be so bad at controlling this body that I naturally just slurred my words.

She quickly caved in to gently stroke my head, a doting smile while patiently whispering into my ear, rocking her body softly as if trying to lul my energy. “Now, now, I told you not to sleep under the sun since you’ll get bad dreams. My silly girl…”

I just hummed softly gently to her sermon while enjoying the brand new warmth that surely can only seemingly be brought from a motherly figure. It was a strange feeling yet I felt it was certainly something I could get used to; at the very least it seemed worth the inconveniences that my new family brought.

Mom seemed to have spotted the surgery book upon the beach chair - picking it up to study it though keeping me inside her embrace. “This is the book left by your real parents… Do you enjoy it; seems a bit advanced for a five year old girl?”

I could hear a bit of doubt inside her voice, likely worried I was missing my real parents, so I decided to use my cuteness to seduce her a bit more. “I wove the book wike a wove you mom!”

With that I dove into her ample chest only to be greatly surprised with just how soft her chest was even if it was a little fake. At the very least - while it was very comfortable - I soon had to say goodbye to it.

“Mo~m! It’s not fair! You always give her all your attention!” The always jealous little Alexis cried out in dismay that she wasn’t getting any attention. Of course, she always got attention, yet it seemed to make her more vindictive which was a trait I hoped she would slowly fix.

It would make both mom & dad sad if I had to eliminate her in the future.

Still I willingly gave up my place, nuzzling mom’s chest, while looking up at her with that same bubbly smile that I always gave to just about everyone. “Don’t Wowie momma. Amow big girl now, so cawch up water!”

“Are you sure?” She said gently with a worried frown clearly on her face; her eyes had ‘am I relying on her maturity too much’ written clearly inside. Nonetheless, I didn’t get greedy and nodded my head with a proud shining smile, a beacon of confidence if one had ever been seen.

Seeing my reaction - the little brat wasted no time in pulling mom away while screaming her head off like a little blonde banshee - only making it harder not to put her on my list. “Huwwy up!”

Of course, there was no way I was actually being nice to that fool of brat, I’m playing the long game where I’ll be far more appreciated than her. In fact it was very likely that mom & dad will always unconsciously compare her to me - such as saying “why can’t you be understanding like your older sister” or “that’s strange, Amor understood instantly”.

They were only little words that may pop up once a month, or maybe even less, yet it’ll slowly build up giving me endless satisfaction.

That fool was none the wiser to this master plan; meanwhile mom seemed already relieved at my understanding nature as I just gave her an understanding yet happy smile. “Remember that our Merlin wants to talk with you about something, so go see him before we all meet up for our evening meal, okay?”

“Wight momma~!” Waving her away with a big smile on my face as she proceeded to walk back towards the manor with Alexis’ hand tightly in her grasp. It wasn’t as if I was just sending her away for my long term plot to monopolise; instead I did have some other reasons.

There were a few reasons why I desired to be by myself for now - though all of them could be put under the general umbrella of studying my body. That was not in any way perverse since I currently had zero desires of that kind; instead it was because I had certain questions.

Such as why I couldn’t feel my heart beat or why I had still not taken a breath since awakening from my previous life.

Pressing my hand against my chest I discovered that, sure enough, there was neither a beating heart nor inflating lungs. This was certainly an interesting development yet what to do with this information… I had absolutely no clue.

Afterall I have no ability to study myself more than that; I certainly wouldn’t be stripping my clothes once more since that would displease mom. That being the case, it may be a better idea to go meet up with father, he did seem to want something from me.

There was a major problem with that though - I have absolutely no idea where he could possibly be.

As I had previously noted, this property was insanely large especially for a 5 year old child who is below average height, with this only being our winter home. In the words of rather - only used this home to “escape from the homelands cold” hence it was rather small & homely.

Compared to the more modern homes we have in the various cities across the world; this manor is absolutely tiny yet still far too much for me to explore alone. Thankfully there should be servants somewhere around that I can ask so I would just have to wander around.

Indubitably I did not forgot to grab my book, hugging it against my chest, before jumping out my seat to land with a satisfying *plop* on the floor. There was an unnatural lightness to my body that combined with a springiness to my step that I could never have expected from a toddler.

As such I lost my balance, to fall onto the floor with a *thud*, making a frown unconsciously form on my face.

It seems I will need to practise walking…

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