Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 009: A Childish Suggestion

With the old men all talking, it was decided that us two heirs sit down to spectate, and thus let us experience what a business meeting was like. At the same time we could use this time to revise the information that had been supplied to us upon our holopads.

As such - we both found ourselves sitting at a small desk that was off to the side in two far smaller seats - it was essentially a smaller version of the ‘grownups’ table. In fact, we weren’t the only people to be sitting at this table but just the youngest. Many of the young masters & misses that would become the foundation of the future of this little business venturer of ours were here.

This also meant they were all technically ‘family’ (thus had very similar features to both brother & sister) yet I didn’t recognise a single one from my memories of this or last life. Either way, that meant they weren’t important enough for me to pay much attention to their lives nor deaths. Even if they weren’t aware of it; they were all replaceable to me unlike my immediate family.

Not to mention - the fact they obviously immediately pegged me as the ‘outsider’ - their eyes lingered on me without an attempt to hide their distaste. It was a rather obvious result, since the only thing ‘Porshi’ about me was my surname as well as having some ‘blonde hair’ even if I appeared more bleach than their golden retriever style blonde. Most of them have such blonde hair - those fools probably preferred to have the offspring taking over for them having the same appearance.

Sadly they’re not as cute as the purebreed dogs.

Ironically, their disgust was actually more subtle than that of the ‘experienced generation’ as they didn’t immediately rush to try something. Then again, they likely didn’t wish to be yelled out of the room for causing a commotion just like the coot, there was nothing to gain from attacking me now.

Those old men were still debating loudly - yet I followed my brother's example in quietly putting all my attention into not just remembering but understanding all the data I was given. Thankfully there wasn’t just a brunch of boring old men & women recorded but also a lot of useful information on firearms.

Of course, while there was the information of firing as well as cleaning, it also stored a lot of the basic science behind the mechanics of revolver. Sadly - there was only the simplest information about revolvers - with that appearing to be the very start of my troubles.

Although I had been recognised, it appeared my ability to learn had either been underestimated or daddy had rushed it so much due to a somewhat sudden decision to promote my position in the family.

Simply put, there was nowhere near enough information for me to keep busy throughout the entirety of the several hour long meeting, I needed more to do. Hence it only made sense that my attention eventually drifted towards the room around me; only to abruptly take notice of a strangely familiar pair of wings fluttering around where they shouldn’t.

It was hard not to instantly recognise those rorshack-like wings - flapping above the group of businessmen all discussing the ‘state of things’ with partially raised voices. While it wasn’t too hard to figure out why they didn’t notice the insect, it was above their heads after all, it was harder to understand how it managed to get into the city let alone room.

Not only were we thousands of metres up in the air but also an even greater amount of metres away from where I initially met the butterfly. Hardly took a genius like myself to recognise the impossibility of it being the same bug yet, at the same time, said bug was too unique to be anything else.

I suppose it’s just a matter of it being a guardian beast? But then why would it randomly appear inside a heavily guarded building - like our Berlin headquarters - that would obviously be quite far away from anything it was guarding?

Unconsciously, I couldn’t help noticing it purposely circling around the grown ups, making me take a larger interest in what they were actually saying.

“We’re seeing some backlash from central america after a rather large crash had occurred.”

“You mean that one from the A16; that wasn’t even related to our cars.”

“Those in the United States are good at generalising - with their politicians & media being quite good at labelling entire cultures as evil - so we’re getting caught up in this nonsense.”

“No wonder they lost the wars…”

“What should we do then?”

“More like what can we do when those bastards have never listened to anything that didn’t come from their forefathers mouth.”

This argument continued on for a while - causing me to sigh out - which appeared to catch the attention of those on the children's meeting table as I felt some eyes on me. “No point in focusing what the adults are saying when you can’t even speak properly *snort*!”

Turning my head I spotted a boy sitting opposite to my brother which shows clear opposition; I’m in the centre on the left side of my brother due to being ‘new’ as well as arriving last. This was not such a big matter for me since it made some sense - I wouldn’t be immediately recognised by outsiders as even Arthur & mother had doubts.

Considering, I was only one chair away from the last person ‘on my brother's side’, it clearly showed my support for my brother yet also showing I wasn’t going to demand without proving my worth. Simple tactics that had gotten approval from some of the smarter members; in contrast there was the bespeckled boy who had more of a strawberry blonde hair.

Ironic that he would pick a fight with the ‘strawberry’.

Still, he looked more competent than your average brat, since he had relatively sharp features that allowed for him to have more of a ‘genius’ look than my pretty boy brother. Square framed glasses also sat upon his nose which he constantly pushed up his nose; they probably over compensated in order to prevent his big head from snapping them.

It was a very arrogant move to sit in opposition to the clear future head of the main family - truthfully a smart person would have tried to use me against my brother. There were many ways to do that. Yet, picking a fight with me most certainly wasn’t one of them, hence it appeared as if he wanted to show off rather than actually plan for the longer term.

For me, this was the perfect chance to show those who were siding with him (or were still neutral) that the brothers' side had only gotten stronger.

You want me to pay attention to the meeting, Mr butterfly?

Very well!

“Fawther why don’t you tawke adawtage ov thew cuwture ta mawke a woss a pwus?” So I said in baby language - in a loud enough voice to make everyone abruptly go silent to turn to the cutesy voice that had either interrupted their talk or studying.

Although they were certainly more polite than before; once more one of the old men opened their mouth with a feckless smile on his face. “It’s smart of you to know how to think about the best situation, however any adult can come up with that idea after all.”

“Hmpf! Acting too smart for her own good; as expected of an unwanted child.” That strawberry blonde brat mocked, causing those on his side (including a few neutrals & even allies of brother’s) to laugh as those who supported the brother grimaced, a similar scene happening on the adults table. Brother just raised an eyebrow up while looking toward me with a mixture between worry & curiosity if I actually had a plan.

“Continue on, Armor.” Those laughs all stopped as daddy’s voice cut through the room like a max level swordmaster's mastered slash skill.

“Wew it’s exawctly wike what that old miwster said; centwal Amewica puts a warge impowtance on its fowefathers which incwudes theiw idewls. You cowld always use this to jump on boawd with the Amewican popuwus by wusing youw own avenues to comment on how howible the incident was fwom that pewspective; mawking it wess of a ‘them versus germany’ to make it on a ‘them in addition to us versus an obvious criminal.” I chirped in happily causing those watching to be greatly shocked.

Even daddy leaned forward, with a slightly mad smile, while brother seemed to glow before quickly beginning to write on his holopad but I was hardly done. “We always could even hewp support those who suffered, which would wose us maybe a few hundwed thowsand marks, giving tons of goodwill & thwus positive pubwicity.”

“Indeed… It is quite an interesting proposal.” Daddy leaned back in his chair as he audibly mused over my suggestion with clear pride oozing out his tone.

Meanwhile, those old men were practically petrified due to my suggestion obviously being far beyond what they were expecting from a kid like me. That butterfly also seemed quite pleased as it fluttered away from the table to seemingly vanish as ripples in space came from its wings - only to consume it - disappearing just as quickly as it came.

Such a phenomenon can only be called teleportation from my own perspective.

I can’t be sure what method of ‘teleportation’ was used but this did affirm something; although it may have been an insect it wasn’t insignificant. Teleportation, at any level, was something that was highly prized. So it is somewhat surprising that I didn’t actually have any information from the ‘future’ on such a beast…

“Anyone have anything to add; if not I think that’s a pretty good idea. Fitting proposal for the young heir of our Furstin subsidiary which I think we should see the predicted numbers for.” Abruptly daddy’s voice brought me back from my thoughts, causing me to turn back to him from where that little insect vanished, as he had a very satisfied look within his eyes.

No one else found it necessary to comment. As I glanced around the adult table and back on the kiddy table I could see many bright eyes from those on my brother's side. Meanwhile that strawberry blonde brat had puffed up cheeks that combined with his blush to make him into a tomato; this shall be my new nickname for him.

“Wow, that was really impressive of you!”

“I would be too scared of being hit afterwards to speak up…

“Can’t compare to those of the main family; sure enough.”

Many squeaky little voices from my left side called out, with clear awe radiating from their entire being. while even those remaining neutral couldn’t help look at me with a sparkle. I couldn’t have this be used as a wedge between me and brother, however, so it was time to play a little bit with these kids. “I wudn’t be awble ta do et if not for bwother & daddy weminding me what ta study befowe and as a test; they wanted ta wuse this as a test for me so I’m glad I could pass.”

Offering those on my brother's side a bright smile as I spoke in baby speak; secretly peeping at Arthur through the corner of my eye. At first he was quite confused at my word - yet he wasn’t the heir for the entire corporation for no reason = as he suppressed his expression as if to make it seem like he knew about this all along.

Whether he completely understood or not didn’t matter as long as he could act his part; I would just make sure he knew after the fact.

Now, I just need to wait for this to be over, so I can learn more…

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