Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 012: An Offical Victory

You know, I quite like children, it was quite difficult to see countless children in an equally worse situation as me during my past life. There was a lot to be said about my “like” for children - in fact some may consider it love since I often went hungry after giving up my meal for a child in my previous life.

Nothing dirty of course. Although I did hear from Mommy that she too was quite fond of children so made a place where all children could come to revel in their innocence. That was exactly the same kind of place that the so-called {Spirit World} apparently was, which all spirits called home, when broken down to its most primal elements.

In other words; it could be said that simply innocently loving children was something of family inheritance that should have been expected.

What is my reason for bringing this up?

“S-someone stop her from beating up Klaus - she’s going to kill him!”

No reason in particular.

That being the case, it did also cause some small issues for me when I initially woke up since I could prevent a lot of trouble by simply ‘removing problems’ early on. My confliction wasn’t due to anything as childishly naive as “they haven’t committed any wrongs yet” since I didn’t find myself caring for any wrongs they had committed even in my previous life. I was fine killing even if just because it would help me.

They were simply a means to an end - to ensure that the ‘end’ resulted in me being in control of this world as well as the narrative - with Jesse by my side (in some form that hardly matters). What made me feel bad was the fact that they were still children at this time so it would make me feel guilty until they became of age at 12-13. Reason for those ages is because those ages are the ‘cut off point’ where they would no longer have their souls relocated into the {Spirit World} to become spirits like me.

How I knew that was beyond me - I certainly didn’t know when I was a male/human.

Speaking off… Can I actually go to {Spirit World} as I’m also a spirit?


<< Answer to {query}.[Can I actually go to {Spirit World} as I’m also a spirit] From {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] >>

<< It Is Currently Impossible To Conclude An Accurate Due To [REDACTED] In Addition To A Lack Of Data On {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] {race}.[Dark Matter Spirit] Due To Being A Unique Specimen According To Current Data Set >>

<<Hence {software}.[BITCH] Is Currently Unable To Accurately Show What {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] Is Capable Of In Terms Of Race; All {software}.[BITCH] Is Able To Show At Current Is Extrapolated From Data Sets On Other {race}.[Spirit]s >>


That wasn’t quite what I expected to hear from an all knowing system.

“S-She’s got my hair; please help me!”

Still, all this information has unambiguously just means that I need to look into what my race can truly do as well as its unique quirks, not that I can do much about that at present. If I knew I was going to become a spirit I would have definitely expanded my breadth of knowledge when it comes to what their countless different variants could do.

All I know at the moment is that they usually have a “magical attribute” as a pronoun to their name - this pronoun also being telling for what they had dominion over. One can say that a spirit is simply a manifestation of an attribute, given both form & self, in addition to a soul just to round it all off.

That being the case; I would need to obviously understand either what a spirit is capable of to know where to begin exploring or to look into my attributes. Unfortunately, as it stands, there is no kind of ‘magic’ in this world with there also apparently being no spirits to be seen. Even if there were spirits within existence (other than myself) they would be close to impossible to find without great amounts of luck or time that could be used better.

With that being the case, I can only look into researching my attribute, so that means finding out exactly what was known about dark matter.

Big B?


<< Answer to {query}.[What we know about dark matter] From {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] >>

<< [REDACTED] >>


Helpful as always…

Seems like I may indeed need to wait for the release of LHO before I explore the more magical side of my race as well as my own capabilities. There would also be a problem in my ability to regenerate my ‘spirit’ if the world right now is already lacking in both natural energy & magic. It would be very problematic if I accidentally use up what is essentially my health bar.

I don’t wish to die for a second ti-

“Do you not think we should stop your little sister?” One of my brothers, thus my own, external supporters abruptly questioned me. Looking toward them I saw little special with my information on them being simply that they “were the male heir of a medium sized camera manufacturer” so he was somewhat useful.

As such I may as well look into what he wanted; finding Alexis was currently standing over a completely bloody faced Klaus with a limp Gunter a little away with an obviously crooked nose. In her left hand she even gripped onto the hazel hair of Leonie who had seemingly long fainted despite looking fine otherwise.

Only one still on their own legs was Umpa Lumpa Jr. who was also the only one who hadn’t attempted to protect the little mister Vagen but didn’t end up looking much better. Instead of charging at her, thus the only one who wasn’t currently in the pile, he had retreated to the corner beside the door with his hands being held to his ear while avoiding getting caught.

All the while he was repeatedly mumbling “this makes no sense” over and over again as he just continued to squat there. His words were certainly quite interesting, making me somewhat ponder a theory I had been passively creating after seeing him, yet it seemed like nothing particularly unique. No young boy would be able to accept all of his friends being beaten up by a girl a minimum of 3 years younger than they were. 

“Kids will play.” I nodded with confidence with my brother joining in - everyone else didn’t seem as accepting of the large pile of bodies. Containing kids several years her senior. The three I took note of were just the only ones I knew the names of, there were many others, some of the others being 5 or more years older than me & her.

Surprisingly the other kids around us didn’t seem as convinced by my words as my brother was; giving me a lot of confused or weirded out looks for some reason.

Still - I wasn’t too interested in what they had to say for a matter like this - at the end of the day they were lower down on the totem pole. In terms of business I may have listened to them (as they would have their own insights into different matters) yet this was a social matter. To keep our position as beacons within the social sphere; we can never show any signs of weakness no matter what. A cowardly leader is a useless one in the world of politics and there is no greater sign of weakness than relying on someone lesser.

Thankfully I didn’t need to really listen to them as Alexis had just about finished; dropping the unconscious girl on the floor as I couldn’t help looking up toward the adults area. Sure enough they were watching, all of them seemed more confused rather than angry, with daddy looking a little more proud than he probably should have been.

At first they were probably all shocked from my display of both talent & skill yet Alexis had now completely managed to overshadow me with her ‘own talents’. Knowing that my perfect performance has become second fiddle to “Porshi’s youngest beating the shit out of their opposing faction” got me to feel a mysterious heat in my chest. One that gave me the urge to pull out her hair.

I resisted that…

She would likely beat me up if I tried.


<< Affirmative >>


Who thought it was a good idea to give a mere machine sentience?

Their silence ended soon enough as a loud obnoxious voice bellowed out in a manner which greatly grated upon my nerves. “Klaus you useless disappointment; you managed to not only lose to the Porshi’s backup plan but you even got embarrassed by being beat by their youngest! If I don’t disown you after this so help…”

Looking toward the source of that ‘enlightening’ spiel I managed to see a rather rotund man who… Looked  little like Klaus if I’m honest. I had seen pictures of the head of Vagen since they were the family who was our greatest threat (if you could call them that) and I had also obviously seen Klaus in my previous life.

Even if from a distance.

With that being the case I expected to see the resemblance when I saw them together in person yet the only real similarity I saw was their skin tone and ‘loud personality’ when things went wrong. To be fair, it was hard to really see Klaus’ face with how badly Alexis had ‘rearranged him’. Wouldn’t be surprised if his wife accidently fell on another man.

The family head of Vagen was a rather tubby man who had black hair that was combed over to one side of his rather circular head. He didn’t remain for long as he slammed his palms onto the wooden railing which surprisingly resulted in it splintering; after doing that he stormed off with some other people following after him like shadows & sycophants.

Taking a moment to comprehend the grown man throwing a temper tantrum - I couldn’t help turning to my brother with an inquisitive ask - after all I’m sure he would know the answer. “So do you think the grown man baby will be staying for the remaining days?”

I could hear some sputtering from others attempting to, rather strangely, keep laughing yet brother paid no attention as he tapped his chin. “I doubt he’ll even waste the time to pick up that idiot.”

“He better pick these rats up; their presence disgusts me!” A bloody fisted Alexis came over - making everyone else take a step back. Reminding me that these followers of ours sure are weird. Still, I decided to use a handkerchief of mine to wipe the blood from Alexis’ little fists before chastising her as the older sister I am for her foolish actions.

“Next time make sure to wear gloves so you don’t get so much on your hands!” I’m so amazing as a sister that I’m surprised I’ve only been an older sister for so little time. Even my brother agreed as he crossed his arms while nodding…

Though why are those sycophants stepping away instead of using this as a chance to connect; I suppose children are still children so miss the obvious benefits.

Now, I wonder, will Mr Vagen stay around for the remaining days for this retreat?




As it turned out, no, no he did not remain.

To make matters worse for the Vagen; the results and some footage of the competition would be available for public viewing with someone even having streamed my results. Ironically, it was likely that it was one of their servants who wanted to use this as an opportunity to ruin me socially.

Yet even if I would have failed they didn’t account for the fact that I’m a cute & beautiful little girl.

All I would get would be “aww”s and “ooo”’s as they watched an adorable me ‘play around’ only to be bullied by mean boys. If anything it may have improved my recognisability in the future. More than my victory has… Well if not for the fact that they also caught Alexis ripping & tearing through the gathering of boys after Klaus attempted to beat me up.

As a result; not only did Mr Vagen not stay in the retreat but he didn’t even bother to bring Klaus with him unlike the other parents within the Vagen faction. This resulted in just about everyone )other than Klaus & a few staunch loyalists) being a part of the various Porshi related factions. Honestly, it was better for us for a few of them to remain as it helped curb any infighting that may have come from a ‘gap of an enemy’.

There is no way I could say with confidence that we are a completely united faction. Everyone will have their own personal needs & goals. In such a power focused society, only difference from the one in the future being the forms of power, it only made sense that each of them would move for their own benefit. It would therefore become our job as the ‘leading power’ to try to appease as many of them as possible while at the same time trying to not appear weak or subservient to them.

Of course that was only in a situation where there was no enemy; even then we had to keep the image that they were an enemy however I believe Klaus would do that for us on his own.

Even in the future he could hardly be called an expert in “human relations”.

Having an enemy present should make even those who (would otherwise) have fickle thoughts at least somewhat hold back with their covetous desires. Although I had to question how much of a benefit this was - if he wasn’t here we may have been able to discover possible descenters. Thanks to their childish innocence not preparing them for a game of wits.

Even with my knowledge of a possible future - I knew very little about the actual future as it relates to the end of the Porshi except that it likely wouldn’t have been bright. One can tell from a glance that Klaus was not a very forgiving individual even at a young age. It doesn’t take a genius to think about what he may have done to both brother & sister who no doubt would have shown him up.

Likely would have been similar to my plan at having Alexis constantly compared to me… It wouldn’t have been very good at breeding mercy in him. That is beside the point right now.

For all I knew - anyone could be a potential enemy - there was no way to tell who would ally with the branch families of Vagen in an attempt to take over as the new head family. If there was no enemy, there may be a way for some foolish kids to get bright ideas, taking issue with our rule. Yet that would be a-

“Are you focusing, Amor?” Mother’s voice brought me from my introspection; to realise I had once again gotten fully absorbed into my own thoughts. Glancing around revealed that not much time had passed as I was currently sitting at a table with my other family members doing their own thing.

As usual, the brother was busy studying something on his holopad, daddy leaning over his shoulder to help guide him now and again without need for prompting. Opposite to them - and on the other side of mother to me - was Alexis who was currently drawing a pretty picture with some crayons. When I say pretty I of course mean it looks like something you’d see if you dipped your head into a spatial rift in order to peek into the abyss itself.

At the moment (there were actually very few people sitting down) they all wandered around to discuss amongst themselves while glancing back towards Klaus sitting down with just the three I recognised.

This could be said to be the opportunity in which those of lesser stations approach those of higher stations in order to discuss. Most of the time it’s about attending a more private party or maybe offering a marriage of some kind if they have enough cards to play.

If this happened yesterday there would likely be quite a few of those, who were currently sitting, who would show obvious interest in offering to take me & Alexis ‘in’ as a daughter-in-law. Yesterday was still fresh in everyone's mind - revealing that I am still considered an heir to a lot of the wealth of the main family in addition to Alexis being… Being a tad intimidating.

Those realisations likely brought with them a change of plans. Leading to those with such intentions needing to reorganise their thoughts before trying. There is no doubt that they will still try something or another however that is a problem for later.

Either way, I won’t need to worry about them starting some drama.

“Yes mother~!” So I replied - without worry or caution - as this was an advantageous position where they wouldn’t be able to easily undersell my value.

The reason for this only expanded even more as mother placed a hand on her face as if to try to hold back that smile on her face, “Just a look online shows that you’ve massively blown up;  all those people have recognised just how cute and talented you are. Still, You need to be careful not to let this get to your head else it may negatively affect you like with that Klaus.”

Indeed, the results blew up, once again making me wonder which result would have been better for my popularity. However I didn’t intend to be content either way. I would make sure to keep this popularity going (if not grow it) so I could take advantage of it when LHO finally came out.

Meanwhile mother turned to look toward Klaus in disgust - as well as amusement as the boy just sat there silently trembling - seemingly almost in tears as everyone ignored him. Those that didn’t end up ignoring him only did so because they found it amusing to talk about him behind his back. He seemed wise enough not to lash out anymore.

So this year's competition for the rich would go by swiftly.

Now I need to focus on being ready for the real competitions.


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