Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 034: Knight of Shining Armor

Honestly it is not often I say this about things not related to me, especially when talking about humans themselves, since it is impossible to give out praise when I am the baseline. Still I somehow found myself very impressed with this group of punks. Not to say the two women amongst them weren’t astonishing in their own way.

In terms of appearance they looked exactly like those punks in movies from the early 2000’s down to the bright hairs that are covered in way too much gel and cologne. Meanwhile the girls had their own interesting hairstyles - being so “poofy” that I was left wondering how they managed it. Both genders were covered in the bare minimum amount of denim to be called “clothing” while having so much makeup that I couldn’t tell their actual skin tone.

Those men having very pale skin with the women going for such fake tan that they had darker skin than me who… Actually it was hard to really fit me into a category on account of being human however I was pretty sure that they weren’t naturally dark skinned. Not that they didn’t look hot in their own right.

It’s just that the two of them basically looked exactly the same; down to the size of their plump cherry lips and having their heels differ to make it so even their heights seemed the same.

On closer inspection I did think that one of them may be from an indigenous tribe of the America’s which made me feel like the makeup may have actually been a waste. The other I couldn’t quite tell exactly as her features were the exact same plain ones that can be found anywhere in the world. Europe certainly knew how to sow their seeds.

Reminds me that Canada has still never elected an indigenous leader. There was even that one female politician that had an entire campaign around having her be the very first to give voice to the suffering of the indigenous. Unfortunately DNA testing revealed her to be whiter than Santa Clause.

… Actually I think he was Turkish but just adopted by white people?

Both were wearing animal print coats that matched their bleached hair - all the while pushing their large plastic puppies on either side of who looked like the leader. His hands, that previously slipped under her denim shorts to grapple their butts, moved to give them a crisp *thwap* on their behinds that made both grimace for a second until playing along with half-hearted smiles. At least this helped explain one reason why those girls may be wearing so much makeup

Those ring covered fingers sliding down their fishnet covered thighs as he shamelessly looked across my body. “Don’t think I’ve seen ya but ye sure look familiar…” So he pondered for a moment as he moved one hand to come through his rooster-hairdo only for the other to move to the uncomfortable girl's mid-drift.

Not that any of them seemed to particularly care about the opinion of them women.

Kind of makes me homesick about those old bastards on the board of directors from the side families of Porshi that always used to go on like I was the second coming of Genghis Khan.

Though I do thinking “polluting the bloodline” would be fun if just to fuck with them…

Slowly the magic of all the piercings & leather bangs with pointy studs was getting boring on account of the barrage of lascivious looks. It took a moment but there was eventually some recognition in those gazes that led me to think that this event may be a short one. Although I won’t deny the part of me that wished to have one of those cool scenes where I beat up all the punks to save the damsels.

“Wait, isn't she that adopted chick from that rich German family!” Finally one of the thugs yelled out without worrying about the other customers about the shop. At the same time I am not confident that they could even be classified as customers since I doubted any of these men wanted to buy anything.

Looks of fear flashed across the faces of 3 of the men, there actually only being 5 if you didn’t include their blowup dolls, so I decided this was sadly over. Turning back to the que I began studying the cutesy menu that hung above the glass counter that contained a ton of different pastries. That sweet scent of bread baking wafted through the entire shop (from the back of the shop where they were no doubt busy) making me truly excited for what gems could be baked.

Ah what to get, what to get, this really is the hardest decision i’ve had as they all look so delectable that I want them all!



<< Just Get Them All - We All Know You Have No Interest In Being Humble. >>



Hmpf you could have at least played along with me a little.



<< We Are One >>



This is why I can’t stand you.

My insightful internal conversation soon came to an end as my instincts suddenly flared up causing me to take a step back. Just in time as a familiar ringed hand missed its attempt to grab my chest. A result that amusingly made that rooster stumble forward which led to one of the girls let out a soft giggle that she quickly tried to stifle.

Something that her supposed boyfriend didn’t appreciate as he quickly turned around to back hand her with all the force he could muster. Sending her tumbling to the ground with a backdrop of the nervous store-patrons gasping. He didn’t care as he just spat down on her.

“I’ll show ya what’s funny in a minute.” Despite his anger he managed to still be a creep, licking his lips as he gazed across her body, making her shiver while clutching her cheek.

Seeing such an innocent maiden collapse to the ground made me instantly desire to come to her rescue like the shining prince charming I am. If I was going to describe my feelings… I would probably say that I am fairly livid as that only just increased as he opened his mouth again. “Now to help recruit another sister for you two.”

This is comically evil to the point where I am stuck looking around for the camera's; a random street thug trying to force a famous rich lesbian into a relationship? Just on what has been said already I could sue his family into the dirtiest hovel. I could even just be lazy and release it to the news since they’d gobble this shit up.

I was going to step forward to maybe sneakily tug on his souls however a hand that suddenly fell onto my shoulder caused me to completely freeze up. That was not to say that I was overcome by a feeling of surprise that made me pause for a second due to somehow not sensing the figure despite the position of their hand indicating them to at least be far taller than me before turning around to see who it was. It also was not any other feeling nor a natural reaction that I could explain as being caused by a momentary lapse in my self control.

It was my energy itself… I was unable to move anything that made up me.

“There is no need for you to dirty your hands~♪” A song-like voice echoed out from behind me, however I could not place whether it belonged to a man or a woman. Additionally I was still unable to move so was unable to even turn my neck to look at them. That also made it so the bastard in front of me was unopposed as he slowly walked up to me with those groupies of his joined in at approaching me.

Almost seeming to try to mimic predators while the other of their dolls moved to support the one that was knocked to the floor. Then again, I have to wonder, how can people like this exist in a place like Frux where everyone is chosen specifically by a committee of academics?  “Heh I’ve only done it with one religious chick but I’m willing to increase the numbers~.”

For a moment I considered trying to find a way to display my discomfort to my guards…

Surprisingly that wasn’t needed.

“Too bad you won’t be able to get away with your misbehaviour this time!” At the last minute a figure jumped in front of us - flowing blonde locks licking the tip of my ear - making me instinctively widen my eyes in recognition at how familiar this figure was to me. Especially as they skilfully stood there with a wooden european-style sword that they brought to brush aside the hand that attempted to grab us. In mere moments they flashed through the crowd of punks to land precise blows that sent them all to the ground in a show of both skill & knowledge.

My interest soon lowered as they turned around to show that they weren’t who I thought they were due to being the completely wrong gender; though otherwise their height & appearance was similar. I never did hear about her having a brother yet it wasn’t very surprising if she did I guess. Not like everyone picked up the game quickly he could have fallen out of public view to help protect himself from potential assassins.

Finally that hand left my shoulder letting me move again thus letting me finally take in the sight of the two people who just “saved me”. The knight in shining armour obviously didn’t actually wear armour but instead a simple dress shirt & pants that seemed rather worn out. Which made perfect sense since I knew that his (probably) sister only had her grandmother to take after her for the longest time.

Turning my head behind me revealed someone… I didn’t recognise them at all. Strange considering how much they stood out; literally wearing a full habit with a veil that covered the upper half of their face. Only visible part was a set of impressively plump lips.

Half of those lips were white with a design to make it look like her lips were upturned but then the other half was black and seemed to have the exact opposite.

Strangely they also appeared to have black metallic nails like I did yet it was hard to focus on that when she was, by my accurate guestimate, six foot six. That meant she literally had more than a foot over my own height - making me feel like a child again as she just stood there. Still (due to that strange event with that nuns hands) I couldn’t help gazing at her hands to see some weird black & white tattoo on the backs.

Very strange for a nun…

“Are you okay?” That boy called out with a worried tone as he jogged over to us with his “sword” already held by his waist as if to try to not seem intimidating. A dumbly naive move considering I not only lived with Alexis for years but also literally had a six shooter at my waist.

Regardless I offered him the usual radiant smile since he was well meaning; it was the supposed nun who spoke while walking past him. “I’ll go check on those poor lost sheepies.”

“Y-you think you can get away with beating me and my friends; my father is one of the most well regarded professors within the academy so I know the headmaster directly and have already called them!”

“Well that explains a lot~!” I couldn’t speak, nevertheless the nun didn’t seem to care about his threat.

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