Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 036: The Trunch

“Guess you could say… They fired their sh- nah that one was bad…” The nun mumbled the last part as they gave up on their joke half way through - showing the first expression change as they seemed to be pondering upon it. Not because of the tense situation nor the eyes that were on them; purely focused on trying to figure out why they didn’t like their own joke.

Eventually they seemed to conclude that it was a pointless endeavour as they let out a long sigh moments after finally deciding to give up on their self reflection. A disappointing fact since I believed they needed to take more time on that. “Well I suppose if we’re done with the fun part I’ll take my leave~♪”

That sing-song voice of theirs was certainly beautiful, leaving all attention that was previously on the gunshot to turn towards her, yet I couldn’t admire her. She certainly did seem like a beauty and had a shapely body that I would attempt to get to know on an intimate level if it was anyone else… However I only felt as if I was looking at a beast that way toying coyly with the tiny chains that was holding it back from rending the flesh of the gawking crowd.

Without fear of the security that was apparently hunting her down - the monstrosity walked towards the barrier made by my mercenary squad. The blonde knight clearly was also bewildered by the actions of my captain as he just stood there looking at the drowned man. Taking a moment to realise that his prodigious ally was already walking off without him.

She didn’t even bother trying to slide past my team. The monster literally just walked toward a slight gap between two of them, somehow pushing two power armour wearing veterans aside, causing my guards to actually stumble forward. No one also noticed their shock yet I certainly did.

Unfortunately what I saw nor what my security felt did not matter to those who only saw this as an opportunity to fulfil their selfish goals.

“Quickly, one of those brats is trying to escape, grab them and drag them back unless you want to get into trouble with the professor!” Now that their captain wasn’t able to take command of them they didn’t even have any intention to hide that they were bought off to clean the punk's ass. Charing towards the woman who was still holding two other women like they were lighter than the air itself.

Those security officers showed no intention to settle things peacefully (fitting right at home as American police) as they raised their electric batons high into the sky. There was a serious chance that the giant woman could, still, I couldn’t help let go of my earlier feelings so I decided to raise my voice to address my ever so loyal soldiers. “That girl they’re causing trouble for is my assistant professor; stop standing around and teach those crooks what a real bully lo-.”


Never mind finishing my line; I couldn’t even see the attack.

Just as the first security team member was about to reach the nun…. He went flying back with a clear dent present on his chest plate. Where he should have been there was instead a very familiar raised foot. That girl just let out a giggle as she tilted her head as if looking down on a funny little creature.

“Now aren’t you a brave little bunch of beavers jehehe~!” That guard slammed into those behind him - a trail of blood leaking out from both his mouth & nose - causing a moaning pile. Somehow that one kick was far more dangerous than even the captain's rifle. The blow caused the first guard to have rolled back eyes as he lay there unmoving with many other guards knocked out from the impact alone.

Those remaining on their feet were understandably shellshocked but that religious woman was clearly not a person who believed in pacifism. Leaning forward they may as well have been untouchable as they danced around the constant attacks only for person after person to the floor with cracks and bangs echoing throughout. Each movement they made seemed simple & graceful however I doubted that they were truly moving randomly since they managed to avoid any attempts.

I wasn’t sure there was anyone as skilled as this girl; this wasn’t just including that violent little sister but even me in that form likely could not stand a chance.

We could only watch (both me and my private army) as within a mere minute all those trained elites who were raised by the academy as both protection & policing… Were defeated. All of them were left lying on the ground with me not having the confidence to say, in good faith, that all of them were alive. Some of them were bleeding from places I didn’t know one could from being beaten. I should also reiterate that the girl didn’t drop the two females through the entire massacre.

“Ah~ now that was refreshing~!” Letting out a sigh as if she just drunk a glass of milk after stepping out of one of those hot springs that we went to in Japan. She didn’t even seem to recognise the constant flashing of cameras recording the entire thing nor the crowds constant yelling. For some reason beating up an entire force with your feet is less terrifying than knocking out a single one with a gun?

There was even the sound of sirens, however I was unaware if that was backup for the corrupt ‘cops’ or a medical team coming to save as many of those fools as they could. Either way the one responsible didn’t care enough to find out as she began walking towards the academy's main building. “Well I’ll see you in a few days when you teach idiots like him~!”

“W-wait.” It took a moment of realisation for the blonde to realise that he was being left behind; soon chasing after the nun with his practice sword resting at his waist.

“Damn I forgot to ask if he knew Jesse…” Clicking my tongue which caused some gazes of those nearby to turn towards me in confusion nevertheless I pay no attention to them. Instead, I decided to instead call it a day and head back to enjoy my treats in peace. This trip did give me some ideas for improvements to make to the silver knight project.


At the end of the day… Going out was totally worth it.

I had enjoyed quite a lot in the way of “sweets” - from the east to the west - there were few famous treats that I did not have the (often) pleasure of trying. Having spent an egregious amount of time and money travelling as well as buying everything I could get my beautifully manicured fingers on. Of course, many businesses just gave me their candy, me merely being seen eating something was some of the best advertisement which one can rarely buy… Unless you were a dessert manufacturer as it were.

Not that I was so bigoted that I only ate things that were sugary in nature; I also could enjoy myself a nice sour last course. Although for me it was more than enough. After all, I do not need to eat at all from my own medical findings. Only really at social gatherings would I even consider eating anything else.

This was all exactly why I took my treats very importantly so I made sure to give each piece from that so called famous bakery. And I have to say that their fame was indeed very well earned. There was not a single slice that didn’t go down my windpipe with joy (even if there was the argument that it wouldn’t be called a windpipe when I don’t require air) hence there was nothing else to note about going outside.

In between trying baked goods I worked on the finer details of my present Silver Knight while taking a look through various martial arts as a kind of case study. Notably I made sure to only use martial arts that had proven themselves as efficient for this project - rather than the silly made up examples - a task which was made harder since I could not just wave the claims of mysticism that many peddled… Even if the majority ended up being worthless.

It also wasn’t just hand to hand combat that I have to focus on to perfect these soldiers - I already knew a lot about warfare so I knew there was no such thing as the perfect weapon. A fact which only increased the amount of research I found myself doing. Something about going out that day just fueled me with a realisation that I had only focused on the body instead of what it could be used for.

“Still a lot of work…” Sighing as I snacked on a nice lemon tart with a refreshing sweet vanilla milkshake between database deep diving journeys.

The amount of information I was combing through just could not be comprehended by the pitiful processing power of a human mind. Even my superior intellect (an impressive 175 with all the bonus’ I currently received from my classes) could only study a few dozen martial arts within an hour. It also had to be said that reading them wasn’t the same as practising them.

Also should be noted that none of those martial arts were of particular note.

Within the modern era a lot of important information had been lost or was securely hidden away by the few people who still cared about this form of strength. Most people saw little purpose in such things when a power suit could easily give a dweeb the ability to tear a black belt in half. What I was looking at was the medical reports of those who practised such martial arts, not the martial arts themselves, thus I was at least able to get an idea for the simple movements. “Yet I still have no desire to try my luck against that freak of a little sister.”

“Who was that mons- woman?” Uncharacteristically my captain fumbled over his words, appearing to be attempting to avoid the word monster, for some strange reason. Still it was very obvious  (to everyone in my room) who exactly our good captain was talking about. Other than me or Alexis; who else could be called a monster by this group of elite soldiers?

My gaze couldn’t help but wander over to the darkest corner of the room; taking a sip from my strawberry ornamented tea cup as I observed that very familiar butterfly that had been missing all day. I often saw them fluttering around me, it was a normal sight for me over these years, which I took for granted. Of course I had my theories about this bug nevertheless it behaved strangely today. “Clearly they are a person who everyone with a sense of self preservation should avoid antagonising… As well as my teaching assistant”

A realisation that made me move my other hand to rest on my forehead - letting out a longer sigh with thoughts of what was to come. The only thing granting me strength was the chance of stress relief that would come with the game’s beta release. Thinking of all the sinners I could gobble up…

“Hopefully class doesn’t take too long…” Finishing the rest of my cup as I turned back towards my paramilitary squad. Each of them looked quite uncomfortable since the most impressive thing about that monster wasn’t beating up those wannabe gangsters while carrying two girls. It was the fact that she managed to push aside two of my guards; both wearing power armour that allows them to lift up a car with a single hand.

Such a feat should be impossible for anyone who wasn’t me but here we are. Therefore their caution was well warranted. “For now just do a background check and we’ll play it by ear.”

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