Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 041: A Whole New World

Although the alleyway was shockingly well preserved (considering a flaming meteor just landed right inside of it) it was not destined to be in one piece for very long.

The pained screeching of an otherworldly entity carried with it enough weight to cause the walls on either side to shake. Debris falling down and taking drainage pipes along with them. It was impossible for those nearby to not realise something fearsome had awoken as well as the fact that it was not very happy.

Thankfully for those looking down on it from the few windows available; the monster remained lurking within the shadows. Black fire flickering on the edges of reality - causing everything that was within the alleyway to become singed as those abyssal flames struck out in anger. Soon afterwards a literal geyser of infernal ink erupted to fly into the sky above as if trying to puncture through the heavens.

Fortunately the Wechuge was nothing if calculative. Even if used for terrifying reasons. As such blaze soon became tranquillized as the hidden beast took in its surroundings with far more calm than its previous state allowed. Finding that it obviously was not just the type of game that was different - even the city was one that a long term player could never recognise. Naturally it also could not recognise this as the port city which they had only put a pitiful amount of time into researching… At least in comparison.

Like how when one is excited for the future events in the story they end up skimping on the present more than they likely should.

Regardless they soon came up with a theory for why they could not place the city but decided to push that aside for now. Surely the truth would come to them given time. It was more productive to focus on other matters since they at least knew they were finally successful in joining the game. They also were on the very same planet they planned around, apparently.

However, if their theory was right, it could be questionable exactly how much of that arduously gathered information was actually still accurate. A thought that made the monster want to lash out once more. They resisted the urge, however, to instead focus on something which could hopefully prove to be far calmer…

Checking their status.

Only to be interrupted as the clattering of metal caused their attention to be drawn towards the entrance into their little hidden slice of the city. Within moments a plethora of people with armoured chest limbs rushed in only to promptly pause - eyes widened with a lack of a helm - as the simmering shadows caused them to reconsider the choices that brought them here. Sadly those behind did not get the message and the limited space within the alley made it difficult to fit barely two people side to side.

Few actually completely fell but it certainly made any immediate actions far more difficult. Every one of them had a heraldry on some simple banner over their gambison (kept in place by a belt with a convenient hole for their head) as metal worked to protect their limbs in a way to prioritise movement. Each having various weapons & body types that differentiated them vastly. Leading the rabble was one who had bronze lining their gear - forcing their way to the front of the rabble to get a better look.

“This fire is strange… It seems to cause interference more than burn.” The figure wore a bucket-helm that combined with their “normal” body shape to keep their identity perfectly under wraps.

Of course everyone there was already well aware of the strange effects that those flames carried; static appearing in their vision & hearing no matter where they looked. Though it only got stronger as they got closer or even just looked at it. An unnatural fact that slowly caused fear to rise within the militia.

Wechuge was considering what exactly they should do about the group - at least finding it somewhat interesting how they can arrive in a fantasy world with innumerable whimsical races… Yet the first group they come to meet is one of rather boring meat-based mortals. Some of them were big and ugly enough to pass for another race (also smelling quite odd) but it was plausible that it was due to some long-gone ancestor who they didn’t even know about.

What really caught the monsters attention was that every single member of that little posse was positively drowning their souls in sweet sweet sins. It was far less than many of the rich assholes due to the sheer amount of lives that can be ruined by a seemingly minor choice when powerful on Earth. Still it was at least enough to convince Wechuge that they wouldn’t be missed.

As such their first plan was an ambush.

Sadly the monster had no real way to compare strength at the moment; although they did have some strange sixth sense that told them that a leader-looking individual was a tough cookie to crack. Both facts that made the beast unwilling to advance out of the shadows. Utilising their new abilities to their fullest.

Thankfully they won’t need to deal with that higher-ranking sentry.

About when the new arrivals were calming down as their leader began throwing out orders - and that hidden predator still considering their options - the world began to change. It wasn’t totally obvious to the everyday person but, for those with more sensitivity, they began to develop a greenish-lilac tint that only got deeper as time went on. Nevertheless, the full weight of the situation did not become obvious until Wechuge received their very first system message.

The system message was just the final note on a long list of coming issues; first of which being an unusually eerie ocean wind that carried a strangely heavy scent of iron. With that wind also came an odd mist that was difficult to realise at first. Strangely making the world appear in more vibrant nature green as well as magenta from those within.

Of course the monster noticed as did the head guard. If requiring the androgynous fighter to hang about for a few seconds, clearly confused based on their paused body language, yet the growing vibrancy made it impossible for them to not realise. Eventually even a regular person could.

Sounds of chains rattling together (along with a rhythmic humming of a chorus of voices) pushed them over the edge as they shouted out orders to keep an eye on the fire before running out into the street.

It was then that everyone got notified of the disaster that was upon them.


EX+-Class Event Has Been Activated In South-Port City
[The Crimson Princess Has Arrived In Port; Sinners Prepare To Bare Your Chains]
Theme Song: Hoist The Colours
(A/N: That Is An Actual Link)


That was all the beast needed to know in order to understand the sudden urgency.

By now the ‘mist’ had become a full blown smog that made it impossible for those humans to even see a few feet in front of themselves. Fortunately Wechuge was far beyond a normal human, the third flaming eye hole was not just for looks, so could easily see everything that was happening. And a lot happened.

It all started with some of the investigators' heads falling to the side, body going limp even as they stood there, as if they had dozed off but kept up by chains. Chains that began to physically form (from the vibrant green energy) around those who remained mostly unaffected. The position of the chains remained seemingly random however one could tell - despite the clarity of the green ‘glass’ that formed the smooth glowing jade chains - those chains were not weak.

Those well trained humans obviously tried to break out from the chains yet that proved to be quite the demanding task. No matter what they tried they couldn’t even scratch them. Whether with weapons, magic or even some skills that the hidden beast recognised as being decent at least. Then again there was an even larger problem brewing for those unaware men & women.

Seeing their fellows beginning to ‘wake up’ from their momentary daze.

At first those mortals obviously were quite pleased that some of their fellows - who could provide help due to being unchained - were awaking. Asking the obvious questions with most expressing a sense of relief which was visible upon their face nevertheless a few felt some suspicion… Especially since their supposed allies did not immediately open their eyes nor seemed to be in a rush in spite of the situation.

“““We bear witness to our sins!”””

When their eyes finally opened; they did not hesitate to draw their weapons to actually attack their very own people. Those eyes filled with the same magenta that accompanied the jade in its arrival. It took very little time to realise what was happening however few were able to actually react due to the suddenness of the unexpected situation. Not to mention, it was hardly fair in the first place, those chains limited their movement & slowly syphoned their energies.

The constant zealous chants of their controlled friends did little to stop their efficiency in cutting them down like cattle brought in for the slaughter. Those that retained their sanity attempted to resist their foes but it ended up being a completely hopeless situation. A sight that brought many questions to the forefront of the monster below.

Usually when one has their mind taken over - at least from the vast research they did on the topic - they become weaker in some way or another. Some examples of this being limited technique usage, difficulty in movement, lower cognition, limited reaction times and so on. Sometimes there would also be a saving grace in the form of linked consciousness; allowing for amazing teamwork.

Meanwhile what Wechuge was viewing was what could best be referred to as none of the weaknesses with all the benefits. Their ability to work around one another was even greater than possible within even the notorious hive parasites. Utilising their techniques in fashions that would be impossible unless one had zero fear or hesitation; barely missing each other with their attacks which in turn left zero openings for someone not willing to sacrifice their own flesh & blood.

For most it was the worst situation possible however…

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| A juicy experience filled meal~♥ |

Slowly, rising from the shadows, was the familiarly frightening pair of alabaster antlers that towered over the world like the proud crown of a forgotten king. Attached was what appeared to be an elk’s skull if not for there being an extra eye hole on the forehead in addition to the teeth being far more akin to what you would expect on a wolf. Wreathed within a cloak of black flame that enshrouded their entire form entirely as they stepped out from the shadows.

A few of the guards were able to notice the scene however they were, more often than not, cut down before they even had the chance to react. Giving the monster all the chances it needed. Dashing toward those unsuspecting people with its skeletal face appearing to almost be smirking in revelry for the wicked deeds it was about to commit.

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