Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 046: Learning All About Magic Part 1

Still, with my head feeling rather heavy, I could hopefully get some leniency from this lunatic legal oppai loli due to her feeling some compassion. “Although my head still feels heavy… I guess now it is better than never!”

Admit to her that I didn’t want to train?

You fucking wish I was that stupid!

That theme song is clearly final boss music and I’m not about to even consider for a moment what she would do to me upon finding out my hesitation. I had no clue what powers she had - other than manipulating the water coming from those gourds on her waist - but I’m sure they were enough to pack a fearful little fowl like me up. There was no telling what scary secrets that shortstack held…

Against expectations she actually tilted her head cutely; tapping her chin as she looked at me like I was more an idiot in her mind (than usual). “You don’t know~?” That sing-song voice echoing out with so much amusement I could instantly tell something was obviously the cause for this weight on my neck.

Turning my eyes- eyes upwards I indeed spotted something - or rather a pair of something.

“Antlers?” For some reason two large alabaster antlers were balancing my cowgirl hat betwixt them making losing that hat one less thing to worry about.

Nevertheless this begged the question of “why in the Mother-damned world do I have antlers” with the only person with any possible answers looking at me like a cat who had found their prey. Any thoughts of asking her about it quickly vacated my mind as she moved her hand above the middle gourd. The three gourds actually looked quite different from one another.

“Be careful how you use that name ehehehe~.” Right I should be careful when even thinking about certain gods since who knows if that would be enough to get their attention.

Previously, when she seemed to be healing me, she summoned a stream of jade-coloured water from the jade front most gourd. Said gourd was a spectacular (if a little gaudy) white base with golden embossing that brought the bottle from being a vessel into a piece of artwork to be shown off. It was finished off with a big set of “許し”asian characters upon the side.

This new water was faintly lilac in colour while coming from a far more simplistic container; simply having a nice green with lilac “慈悲” displayed upon the side.

The final gourd was the most menacing. Its body was black while having crimson engravings that displayed what could only be called epic battles between dragons & mortals but was difficult to make out due to the length of the last thing of note essentially leaving little room for that. As should be obvious at this point; this gourd also had some asian characters and those were “ハッピージュース”.

If the first was a gaudy piece of art then this last was a priceless work of art.

“Despite previously being called a scholar I am not too experienced when it comes to teaching so I am not sure where to start…” Saying that as she had her hands dance around with the lilac waters carefully following behind her movements like they were ribbons. Helping her seem all that more cute.

My hand found itself cautiously resting on the handle of my side-iron but I couldn’t help having my mind wander to those three bottles. Something about them seemed familiar; not as if I’d seen them but more as if I had heard a legend that involved something a little similar. So I decided to test my luck. “What do those letters on the gourds mean and why do you have three in the first place?”

Thankfully she didn’t react violently.

“Oh~!” Finding herself smiling brightly as she tapped her first gourd with water swirling around her. “This one says forgiveness as it contains the morning dew of the origin tree, mother of the world trees, located at the bottom of the ocean. It has healing properties so it is decent I guess ehehehe~.”

It’s a good thing I wasn’t drinking anything… Because I would have spit it out.

But that name-

“This second one is mercy and contains water from the graves of the indi- some friends that I haven’t met in quite some time. They have this little genetic disorder that means a lot of them die during birth so they have a very big space with a lot of mud… It has some useful properties~.” The smile upon her face was seemingly just as sweet as usual but I certainly had the urge to run away.

“That final gourd must be-”

However hearing those two names finally brought something to my attention; specifically it reminded me of the fairy tail of the Infinite Mother. She was apparently the second mother as well as the most controversial god that I ever learned about. Her power made her no doubt the strongest Mother, the leading goddess in the mortal realm to summarise what the “Mother” role is, which allowed her to create an unsurpassed era of peace across all the realms.

Few powerful figures dared to raise their heads during her time - those that did use their powers to suppress the mortals were not long for the world. Unfortunately she also had certain… Unpopular opinion on free will. Essentially puppeteering her own disasters to ensure mortals kept in line. Basically using such events as a way to unite them even if it meant sometimes uniting against other mortal groups.

At the same time I can’t exactly blame her - it is true that most humans (at least) are too stupid to be left to their own devices.

Plus, no matter how you may feel about her manipulative tactics, they certainly worked.

Though it needn’t be explained that her fate couldn’t be good if there was a new Mother in charge; at least records of her clearly existed. In those records there existed several certain “symbols” that could be said to represent her. One of those were three blades called Forgiveness, Mercy and…

“-True Mercy or Wrath!” Honestly what I had read constantly switched between the two but at least the overall design of the sword was consistent with the third gourd. For that matter, so were the other two gourds in line with the swords described. There were even little gems encrusted into the gold of the first.

That’s why I was confident that-

“Pff~ no; this is where I keep my rum ehehe~!” She pointed at me while giggling out loud - I could feel that my cheeks were heating up. My genius could not prepare for the unexpected variable; this cute little dragoness being a no good alcoholic! “Well I think we’re done with the preamble so I’ll begin with explaining about this little pocket space we found ourselves in~!”

Throwing her arms out wide as if to show off the waves to me.

“As you likely already know; these little spaces actually adapt to the people inside although heavily influenced by several factors like potential & strength. This means more than simply just physical strength or magical strength but if you want to know more ask someone else. All you need to know is that you have what's needed to beat out most people~!” She happily exclaimed.

“So… Why does that matter; all mine has done so far is make the place a little creepy?” Honestly it actually worried me a bit as the last thing I needed was for my identity to be revealed due to some schmucks being able to record the effects and drawing parallels. Makes secret identities hard.

To my surprise she actually waved me off like I was being stupid again. “You really are a silly little girl if you think that’s all that happens~!”

Saying that she turned so her back faced out into the ocean then began to raise both her arms and, as if answering her, the water quickly raised up. I didn’t even get time to draw my gun before the wave came crashing down and my precious health bar did the same. Thankfully I was resistant to physical damage so I was fine in that front but (as I had previously learned) knock back still very much existed.

Finding myself being hurled off the wooden platform by the powerful current only to get spat out by the ocean like I was some foul food. My soggy body mercilessly being dumped in front of the girl who just laughed at me as I lay down in all my waterlogged glory. “If a significant change happens then it will always benefit the person; specifically focusing on the abilities that allowed them to change the space in their image in the first place. As for your secrets… I have a theory about that!”

“How do a bunch of TV’s help me…”

“Kid - I’m teaching you - I’m not babysitting you~!”

I wanted to complain so much but her hand reached out to me and suddenly made me feel weightless as I lifted in response to her lifting her hand. No doubt using the water still on me to accomplish this. Showing just how dangerous this little thing truly is… More reasons to not refuse her training even if she’s scary.

“You let slip that you had two systems… That should be impossible due to how these kinds of systems work however it gave me a little idea due to my inkling on who your parents are; specifically they all love their little loopholes~!” Throwing her hands out excitedly which actually helped me this time as the water on my body also shot off of me.

“Whip it out~!”

“W-what?!” Have I met the fabled perverted Asian girl?

“Your systems; open your status screen from this game and the other one~!” Moving her hands out in grabby hands which made me shiver.

Either way I was interested in my new status…


<< Cheating Whore >>


It’s not my fault you’re half baked!

“Open status.”


Name: Armor-Cordis Porshi Stratos Indigo
Race: Race: Dark Matter Spirit ([Origin of Eldritch] + [Phenex Mantis] + [Primal End])
Racial Rank: Divine
Level: 21
Experience: 78%
Status: Stable (Missing Eye [+])

Unique Physique: Dark Matter Body
Physique Rank: Ex
Divine Pantheon: Pending Choice
Element Affinity:
-Dark Matter {Ex}
-Evil {Ex}
-Fire {S}
-Heavenly Demonic {Ex}
-Karma {Ex}
-Void {C}

Class: Baby Gunslinger {Baby} | Level 100 (Rank Up Available)
Job 1: Adapt Linguist {Expert} | Level 36 (04%)
Job 2: Researcher Resident {Adept} | Level 79 (78%)
Job 3: Pending Choice

Equipment [+]
Inventory: 026/500

Spirit: 98%
Guide - Spiritual Is Unique Attribute Which Represents a Fae’s Variant Of Vitality & Intelligence So Spirit Replaces Health & Mana

Spiritual: Ex
Strength: S
Defence: A
Dexterity: SSS
Agility: SS

-Ameliorating Gun (SSS)
-Devour Soul {S}
-Third Eye That Views The Void {Ex}

Passive Skills:
-Expert Mental Block Resistance {B} | Level 3 (31%)
-Expert Range Finder {B} | Level 5 (00%)
-Expert Draft {B} | Level 30 (00%)
-Master Steady Hands {A} | Level 23 (21%)

Active  Skills:
-Expert Incision {B} | Level 84 (45%)
-Adept Copy {C} | Level 70 (00%)
-Expert Grammar Check {B} | Level 5 (00%)
-Grasp Soul {S} | Level 6 (02%)
-Adept Health Check {C} | Level 27 (00%)
-Master Suture {A} | Level 54 (00%)
-Intermediate Translate {D} | Level 27 (00%)
-Adept Shadow Extant {C} | Level 5 (99%)
-Evil Heavenly Demon Flames of Reborn Undying Disorder {Ex} | Level 15 (1%)

Theme Song Rotation:


Have I ever told you how ugly & useless you are?

You used all these numbers and symbols when a simple percentage is enough!

Also this tells me so much more than you and raises so many questions like “who were my parents” and “how in mother’s world are there three of them” or something. Truthfully this new system tells me so much yet also, at the same time, absolutely nothing. But a lot of it is certainly not painting me in a pleasant light…

Bring up my status but… Remove the Ugly parts that just overlap..



<< Displaying “Pretty“ Information On Snooty {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] >>

Name: Armor-Cordis Mantis/Porshi
Age: 17
Level: 35

<< Average For Adult Human Is 5 With 7 For Some Athletes  >>

Vit: 2
Str: 7
Def: 4
Dex: 15 +100+79
Agi: 12
Int: 12 +92+79 

Remaining Attribute Points: 505 (+75 AP)




It’s actually readable now!

“So how many attribute points have you got~?”

“Scheisse…” I’m in danger.


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