Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 050: Finding The Trope

Although I was walking down an empty road - gradually being surrounded by more foliage - I was having tons of fun while doing it!

“So mana is essentially what is called a “boson”, a messenger particle for fundamental forces, to a currently unidentified fundamental force that is referred to as Chaos. A powerful force that can be thought of as the building blocks of entire existence. Proving the adage that nothing is impossible… Actually quite real - even if not in the way humans intended - you should record this down Big B!” I announced as I happily made my way through this book.

Honestly, crazy or not, that little goddess had a great future as a book writer.



<< Affirmative >>


With that sorted out. “So it seems that mana doesn’t technically just create anything but rather increases the probability that something happens. Which is why spells can backfire. At the same time it can be used to fuel other phenomena as essentially the best clean fuel in existence, thanks purely due to its relationship with Chaos, as it essentially will the energy into existence.”

Guess that means any power problems I may have had are no longer problems but road bumps on my way to the top. It also said earlier in the book that world trees act like generators of mana which helps stave off the void from destroying reality due to its ability to propagate. Nothing better to prevent non-existence than an endless stream of existence. Still it doesn’t help me understand the ability to travel through the void between mortal realms as that should be impossible… Yet here I am.

In a place with infinite time and no space… Or was it the other way around? Well, either way, it should be impossible to cross the void thus I shouldn’t be here in the first place. Maybe LHO uses a higher realm like that “Dreamscape” to move our soul then drop it back down in our chosen game world?

Certainly seems plausible with my minor knowledge on the subject.

“Who knew theoretical physics could be so interesting~!” I said with a smile on my face as I added a little sticky note on the corner of this page; something I had been doing for every page containing information of notable importance. Let me quickly re-review them when I need to - a task I should (evidently) complete for the specifics related to the void.



<< {user}.[Armor-Cordis] Has Several Doctorates In Theoretical Physics >>


Shaking my head at this shitty system of mine. “Well, yea, but those are because I am literally called a “Dark Matter Spirit”. Everyone and their aunt has heard of dark matter yet even top experts in our world have little understanding of what such matter actually is. There was literally no choice except to dive into such a field if I wanted the most recent information that the public wouldn’t be privy to.”

It wasn’t that such information was dangerous (although some of it definitely was), rather, it was just an obvious eventuality that scientists wouldn’t release all the scary shit they were learning about. The public were a bunch of sheep that only knew how to jump. They never considered likelihoods but what was right in front of them. Tell them there is a chance that a single strange quark could potentially instantly erase all life on the planet with us having no methods of defence and they suddenly have an existential crisis.

Humans are so silly.

“No back to some light reading… So the language that I learned all those years ago is truly related to magic in the funniest way possible; it’s the originator of the “modernised” magic system. Though it is more akin to comparing binary and machine code together - you have no idea what binary means yet it allows for more freedom.” Closing the book after putting one more stick; tapping my chin with the hard cover.

Now this was an interesting development. According to what is written… The magic ruins that this world probably still uses (still haven’t figured out all that has changed to best to remain cautiously optimistic) is essentially a downgraded version of written spirit. A method of downgrading that allows the meaty brains of mortals to begin understanding the vast possibilities that magic holds.

Only problem is it adds a lot of extra shit that bogs down the efficiency; something that is needed due to humans struggling with the intent part of spirit language. One could say that the language of my people is closer to emoticons than german. Its main focus is on intent and the perfect expression of intent.

A form of expression that humans simply don’t and perhaps can’t get.

I know that because the last guy I forcibly tried speaking to ended up greatly contributing to my study of the ever wonderful Neoschluss Gas… Or rather his vegetized body did.

You win some, you lose some.

This also gives me many ideas for the future, however my first step should be to get a feeling for this mystical energy so that I can properly use it. If I manage to actually do that… So much opens up. I’m actually quite excited with the prospect of using magic - although that’s hardly surprising - every little girl grew up imagining herself as a witch slinging spells around. Only difference is that I knew I could.

Not that I planned to become a normal magic caster (would be a waste if I did) though this book has got me excited for how to abuse magic to become the ruler of every world I walk on. According to this book the best way to “recognise” your mana is to have some exterior force “activate” your mana veins while you try to feel them. Thankfully I just got a “spell” that I can use through the system which should hopefully fill all the requirements for my ascension into legend.

The only question is where should I start; likely wouldn’t be a good idea to shoot an apparently fire-based ability into this wooded area.

Probably should have done it way earlier but I was enjoying my book too much.

Although it seems like there may already be an opportunity to use it as - just like in the stories - there is a carriage in the middle of the road. Seemingly fairly well built with some stylings on it so I imagine that it must belong to someone quite wealthy. Plus it appears to have been made with the intention of securely carrying merchandise not people… So a merchant with enough money to waste on appearance?

“Really is just like the books…” That carriage found itself with wheels buried in the dirt as some leather armour wearing trio half heartedly attempted to take those wheels out. By the side there was a young enough man with a good looking face - giving that kind scholarly look as he seemed to guide them.

Obviously they’re meant to be a set of mercenaries or adventurers and the caring merchant who hired them to help protect him.

Really, has he got a bunch of candy for the orphan kids in there, what a joke.

Maybe I’d be convinced if I was a fucking moron… I mean you can practically see that the dirt hasn’t settled around the tires properly so it’s clearly not an accident. Additionally I understand that the reason that vehicles haven’t progressed is due to monsters doing a better job for cheaper. Am I meant to believe one of those tamed beasts out front can’t be used to help get the carriage out the ditch?

They literally look like what you’d expect to see in a cartoon when someone gives a camel a steroid shot along with some coke. I would know since we’ve had a hand in the Colombian drug trade so I decided to have a little look into the American PSA’s. Really funny stuff; not just the cartoons but USA’s reactions.

Imagine creating a problem - then blaming literally everyone else for that problem becoming as bad as it did - all the while doing nothing to actually fix the source of the problem. Well, enough of shitting on that shit show of a country, time to have some good old fashioned fun. I am actually feeling a little giddy about what I plan to do… Always did prefer playing cowboy rather than fairy princess.

The merchant group and all their friends obviously noticed me so they put more effort into their actions while talking about some stuff they likely don’t want me hearing. Guess that is the wonders of having over 100 stats in basically everything. That as well as the ungodly satisfaction of slurping up all those juicy points…

Guess she was kind’a right about the whole “sin” thing.

“Hello, are you one of those players that the system made mention of, I don’t suppose you could help us out by getting us out this mud?” Obviously he took note of my “unusual appearance” and the confidence they held in approaching me probably came from the knowledge of the recency of us arriving only a little while ago. Them knowing about players also wasn’t exactly surprising; I knew that the system had been setting up for our arrival long ago.

Unfortunately I wasn’t your regular goodie two-shoes newbie who blindly accepts every quest they come across with excitement over the rewards.

The crazy god was different.


“All of you step away from the vehicle, line up over there, throw your weapons behind it, lie down on the road and keep your hands resting on your head throughout!” Not hesitating to pull out my little problem solver to point directly toward the approaching “merchant” while making sure to indicate where I wanted them with my free hand. All four of them seemed gobsmacked as they were all paying attention to me even if they tried to appear like they were hard at work.

The merchant was clearly the most confused and scared of all as he stepped back fearfully. “W-what does that tool do?!”

Oh~ so they don’t know what a revolver is? Or maybe their firearms went down a slightly different route to our world - too difficult to know - at least that gives me another advantage of the people of this magical world.

A confident smile fluttered across my lips (likely doing him no favours) as I turned my gun to the side to let the light flicker off the barrel to add to the intimidation. “I don’t know; should we find out together?”

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