Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 052: The Tutorial Secret Boss

Remember you can subcsribe to patreon for 20 extra chapters!

Also, if you had the time, wouldn't mind if some of you good fellas & gals visited the royal road page of this story which seems to have been review bombed while I wasn't paying attention. Abruptly dropping from a similar rating to bellow 3.5...

Those bandits were of course shocked by my superior technical prowess, even if their tech was inline with their appearance they would be far behind mine, clearly expecting that to have at least harmed me.



<< Amusing To Think That Was A Verifiable Failure >>


You’re a failure!



<< Technically This System Is {user}.[Armor-Cordis] On Account Of Being Built Using {user}.[Armor-Cordis]’s Spare Mental Prowess; To Run; Being a System For {user}.[Armor-Cordis]’s Personal Use >>


Well, regardless, it can be seen as a success as I proved the hard light technology's effectiveness against magic and even the portable version was able to block all those attacks. Plus it’s not as if I don’t have many replacements as well as spare parts on me. If I was poor we may need to consider that a failure however I think things are looking quite promising at the moment.

“What was that magic?” The merchant's shocked voice soon brought me out of my argument with… Technically myself I suppose?

“Could it be light magic?”

To their feeble knowledge that wasn’t too far - what is magic but science yet to be understood?

My ingenious (as well as original) thoughts were sadly interrupted by the babbling of these bandits who seemed to give up on hiding. Stepping out from the woods to number approximately 12 or so - certainly something worthy of being the first challenge of noobs - with a rather well built man wielding an axe (that clearly wasn’t made for cutting wood) at the forefront. All of them looked at me with caution as they took out their weapons, in various stages of repair, with bows slung over their shoulders.

Only one of them showed up looking like your average mage so he must have taught a few of the others fireball.

From my knowledge it was essentially the most basic non-life magic out there so that was in-line.

Still, it was something I would need to take note of when fighting breaks out again.

“She must be some light-based mage!” One of the fools called out even if their residence spell caster didn’t seem as sure of that; the middle aged man scrunching up his face as if sucking on a lemon.

Foolish because they dared challenge me muhuhuhahaha!

“That could also explain the attack from earlier; maybe some rare class that focuses on taking out opponents from range. So came with a shield to block long range and long range magic - probably best if we take this into physical…” Our friendly little fake merchant piping up again.

Stepping backwards as he pretty much hid behind the remaining guard while heading over to the two animals that should have dragged the carriage if it was more than a prop.

Soon the failure of a scholar presented his own thoughts on the situation - garnering a look from that lacklustre fraudster who soon frowned at his words. “I’ve never seen a magician class like that…”

“M-maybe that was holy?”

“There is no way a god would accept those players so quickly!”

“It could also be a new class that the gods decided to add or maybe she got some power from a god that already exists from their home planet?” That merchant tried to use his brain to put the puzzle pieces together while coming to a solution that wasn’t too far from the mark. If you were making that mark with one of those wide paint brushes that the poor use to colour their walls instead of just getting a paint ma-



<< Suggests {user}.[Armor-Cordis].Pays Attention >>


Well that I was getting a little off topic I suppose…

Regardless it was amusing to see their lacking minds try to comprehend just how exactly and by how much better I am than them.

Sadly all things came to an end so I couldn’t wallow in my own sense of superiority; no matter how superior I actually was when compared to these scrubs. Plus it was kind of rude for them to ignore someone who they were speaking about. “If you are quite done I’d like to get this over with.”

If I include the girl… Nah I don’t want to complicate the maths so I just raise my simplification tool towards the girl who quickly panics. Like a deer in headlight she just raised her shortsword in a feeble attempt to protect herself but that did little to actually stop me from popping one into her head with that crip *PANG* that had grown to be so familiar to me.

Now there were only the twelve who were appearing, taking their shock to quickly feed a spare bullet into the chamber so to make this easy, two full cylinders for all of them. Works out quite nicely all things considered. A smile formed on my face at the realisation; one that was not shared by my new friends.

“Cha think ya can get away af’er killin’ ma bois?” The big scary looking guy with all their hair being pretty long & tangled due to a lack of care - him just benign the worst of all. His beard alone had more knots than any of the aquatic or airborne vehicles I had developed in Furstin.

If anything I found that impressive over anything else; sadly they picked the wrong cowgirl to pick on.

He quickly yelled something so loud that I couldn’t actually understand it - either way it was enough to get his servants to charge toward me. Foolishly thinking their weapons would help them deal lethal damage to my precious self. There were (of course) methods to deal damage to a non-physical entity with weapons yet those were all techniques that took hours of practice.

Something some bandits obviously wouldn’t have or they wouldn’t be bandits. I wasn’t quite sure what all the different types were but they tended to be compiled into the “aura sword” technique folder. Though that was just the most basic technique with there being hundreds of ways to evolve that onto a higher level.

From imbuing an element, adding motion, changing shape, projecting it and so on. Although even that most basic level of aura sword puts one on a rank-C danger rating which means it would be easy to make money without being a bandit. If anything it is more dangerous to be too strong as a bandit since that would probably make the country take you more seriously.

Long story short… They didn’t manage anything of worth as they attacked me yet I still decided to carefully use my footwork to barely avoid their blows. Hardly moving from my position as I pointed my revolver to one of them that tried to poke my stomach with a rusty dagger. Letting it rest against his forehead as his eyes widened only for those eyes to quickly go dim at the *PANG* signal.

I quickly took note that they seemed to intentionally avoid stabbing my breasts. It seems like they still underestimated me if they had thoughts of me as a woman. Though I could see in the eyes of these ten minions that their thoughts quickly changed as I backstepped only to have two lineups right in front of me.

It would be rude to not try.


One shot two kills - you wouldn’t get something that beautiful from an average pistol let alone one from the 21st century - my Furstin’s weaponry is unsurpassed in effectiveness.

I could practically taste their fear as their movements became more panicked resulting in them becoming more hectic & just getting in each other's way. They could all fire at the same time due to countless practice on live targets over their years of the trade but, at the end of the day, they were still bandits. What little training they had received could not remove their weakness as squishy mortals.

They ended up doing more damage to themselves than me as I quickly made short work of another 4 by the time their upper management could finally be bothered to interfere. It was actually several fireballs that came flying towards me that got me to distance myself from the fools who were flaying their weapons around like madmen. More dangerous if their weapons could even deal damage to me.

Maybe tetanus counts as magic damage in their mind?

If they didn't have an understanding of bacteria there would be a chance of diseases being classified as curses so it wouldn’t be a major surprise if this world was as I imagined it would be. Although, considering how that city and their clothing have a more modern twist. It would be a little strange.

Certainly not impossible as I cannot say anything with certainty but they certainly had a decent knowledge of genealogy when my own world had reached such a level of manufacturing. Even if they were rather backwards in a lot of ways (such as their understanding of the varieties of fat along with a strange obsession with easy weight loss “methods”).

Of course this wave of fire also forced all of the weaklings to disengage me which was a massive mistake considering I needed to reload. Something I promptly did by pulling another pre-prepared speedloader for my Mark 038 out of my inventory. Enabling me to quickly reload as their wizard spoke up.

“If anyone is alive who can use any magic then use it; even if her resistance is high we’ll be able to at least use the knockback to break her stanc-!” *PANG* He was screaming so hard that I wondered if his throat was damaged by the end of it; well it certainly is damaged now. Spoilers I said that because he now has a rather bloody hole come through one side to the other.

I imagined him to be the vice-leader so seeing him die too quickly would likely completely break any hope they had in a possible comeback. This was so easy compared to the simulations that I ran that it’s actually rather comical - I don’t know if they’d even be able to hit me before my tutorial. With that wizard down that also meant there was only the bandit leader, fake merchant and two more shivering bandits.

“Fuck this!”

“You said it’d be easy money to ambush the newbie players!”

Both of which had long since ran out of loyalty.

The supposed leader screamed angrily while charging toward me nevertheless he, evidently, was a bruiser with low agility but high defence & strength. Seeing him come over with all the vigour of a bipedal bull I decided to take my time to gun down the last two bandits. I wanted to have complete control of the story which is easiest when I put a bullet in everyone else.

That seemed to make him more angry as he-

“[SHOULDER CHARGE]!” My thoughts didn’t get a chance to form before I found myself shoulder checked by a brute far larger than I was; sending me flying into the foliage with a deceptively large bang. Followed by the creaking and snapping of the tree’s that I found myself sent through.

“Hmpf w’ll hav’ ta recruit all ‘ver again bu’ if we can get ‘er weapon…” A smirk appeared on the bandit leader's face as he imagined the future possibilities. The merchant took a cautious look as he began to speak up an alternate future. “I feel like it would be more trouble than it’s worth  so we need to escape quickly as well as cover our trac-.”


A future they didn’t expect was me to be perfectly unharmed with just a few lost points of energy on account of the trees not counting as pure physical.

More you know I suppose?

I fired a bullet straight into that piece of shits head to teach him a lesson about creating things that didn’t even belong to him. This caused his head to whip back but what surprised me was the fact that his head soon reeled itself back as he looked at me with eyes dyed in his own blood. A red aura erupted from his body as it seemed he was the typical berserker; certainly seemed like a tough first boss for this area.

Though his ability to communicate was even more difficult to understand than his combat habits.

He wasn’t completely undamaged, however, as blood dribbled down from a hole in the centre of what used to be his nose.

“You’re gonna have t-”


Nothing that the final bullet couldn’t solve.

This time (when his head flew backwards) he didn’t pull himself back up but rather had his body join his head as he collapsed with a massive thud. Sadly that was the last bullet in my chamber so I would need to reload in order to put one into that malicious merchant. Still I doubt he’d resist much…



<< Foreshadowing >>


How cam that-

“Your weapon should have run out of charge now, right?” His voice came up making me look toward him as he rested a hand onto the head of one of the steeds in front of the carriage. A grin graced his face as the mana in his body built up. “It’s a shame that the leader had to die but as the vice-leader I dealt with all the groundwork so the connections all exist anyway… Guess I’ll just have to find another.”

Wait… He’s the vice-leader?

My question was answered with the bright flash of a light as he muttered “[Monster Merge]” causing me to completely be caught by surprise. I never expected it but he must have a rather strong class as well as one that became important to the “story” of this world. A class called Monster Subsumer which is a far more malicious evolution of the tamer class!

Although… This was actually promising as it suggests that the events of the game didn’t actually occur in the time shift that occurred due to my “accident”. I can’t get too excited but this is certainly some positive proof that my planning will not need to be completely thrown out.

“Now that you’ve seen this I’ll need to make sure you don’t get to see anything else.” With an explosive boom he used the power of his new anthro-steroid camel form to explode towards me to unleash a powerful bunch with his blackened fists. His new body is even more muscular than the bandit leader while his face evidently looked more camel-like (in other words  like a buck-toothed hick).

As he approached I quickly realised that even if a strong-race grinded up to level 15 they would find themselves completely overpowered since he was more than twice as strong as the berserker.

Unfortunately I wasn’t a level 15 player.

I just let out a sigh while reaching forward with my free hand while pivoting on my heel; my hand glowed navy as I plunged it into his chest. Causing his eyes to widen in surprise as I gave a disappointed smile to him while the pain of having my fingers coil around his soul caused him to freeze. “I didn’t want to use this ability while in this form… But I do wonder what you taste like~.”

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