Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 054: Mommy – Sorry – Mommy

“Is that all… True?” An older presenting guard, uniform filled with cooler looking ornaments so most likely the boss of the others, looked toward me with a somewhat fear filled face. Still he managed to remain calm under the pressure of my story about what happened in the city. Cleverly leaving out a certain shadowy meteor that crashed into the backstreets.

Currently I was sitting on a table across from the weathered but sturdy old man in a room that was not exactly up to my usual standards. Although, fortunately for them, it was not a dingy dungeon where they would just leave me even if I gave them what I wanted. Instead being just a fairly unfurnished office.

Already better than some law enforcement then.

The man across me had several thoughts visibly weighing down on his mind - it was hard to not find the information that a world destroying pirate crew was just a few kilometres away. Even more when they had apparently just sent an entire army battalion right on the firing path of those clearly overpowered and probably very long ranged cannons & mortars. If even so much of an ounce of my words were true…

They were all sent to their deaths at best.

At worst they would find their previous allies turning their blades towards them. Perhaps the ability to completely make people into their obedient soldiers; albeit it was difficult to actually tell what the requirement was to be taken over.

Completely unsurprising that the man currently in charge of security worrying when their powerful leader may not come back. Especially with how important strength is in any world. Politics & money can only get you so far if you don’t have enough of either to stop people from stealing your source of both.

I wasn’t sure what the exact power-scape of this new world was like, however, it was safe to say that this poor old man could unexpectedly find himself quite inconvenienced by his boss’ untimely death. Not that this was in any way my problem… But I could potentially make it my problem in order to worm my way into the political landscape of this planet or at least country.

Unfortunately he wasn’t the only one in the room and the other person wasn’t as good at using his imagination as, ironically, the old veteran who should be stuck in his ways. That guard who accosted me at the front gate stood at the side of the “captain” (as I’m going to refer to him) with his arms crossed and a dismissive look on his face. “Tsk as if even a world she’s said is true; all the other refugees were just going on about a sudden set of explosions so it was likely the crimson flag pirate fleet and this girl is just exaggerating for extra rewards or didn’t see the other ships!”

“So I’m a liar or an idiot?” Tilting my head to look at him while that face of his soon contorted into a punchable smirk nearly reaching Vagen levels of smugness - the good captain clearly wasn’t happy with that boy speaking up yet he couldn’t see that. “Well everyone said it was smokey and started after something crashed into the backstreets so they probably set off a warning shot.”

The old captain's face scrunched up, making his wrinkles more obvious, but even I will admit that it was the most rational explanation for what happened.

“I suppose it’s most likely to be the red flag pirate fleet from the description you gave of that one ship as there is no way it could be that ship…” His final words definitely left me as well as the younger guard confused however he didn’t elaborate and just shook his head. “Those pirates probably just got a ship familiar in appearance while maybe used some kind of rage-inducing drug?”

Mostly mumbling to himself as he clearly was no longer paying attention to either of us; likely figuring out the different possible solutions he can go about introducing for possible issues. It wasn't confirmed that the entire retaliation force was dead nevertheless there were going to be some problems whether they were or not. Even just dealing with all the injuries would take a large amount of medical items that could cost an arm & a leg to get - that’s if they can get that much in a short time in the first place.

That was even before we began to talk about the city reconstruction.

“I don’t suppose you saw the commander before you dealt with those bandits or on your way to the city with that stolen carriage?” He asked, which made me think back to just after my training session with that crazy “sensei” of mine… “Nope, nada, didn’t see anything.”

He raised a brow at my comment as if he thought I may be compensating for something. Thankfully he didn’t say anything about that, simply letting out a sigh, before his eyes regained focus as he leaned forwards with his fingers interlinking atop the table. “So what can you tell us about this monster tamer class that can merge with monsters - this may be something we need to send all the way up to the top of the kingdom if it’s as dangerous as you strongly suggested.”

I can’t reveal too much so I just shrug. “From what he was saying they planned to make it so players couldn’t get to the city so it feels like they were part of a larger organisation.”

“You’re a player, right?” Seeing me nod in affirmation - the wizened captain left out a sigh while beginning to massage his temples with a visible frown growing on his face. “They also said that they were purposefully targeting players but who would go after a bunch of players who just came to this world; they wouldn’t have anything.”

I couldn’t help grinning at that assertion as it clearly held the reason, in fact, it seems like the only real reason to target players on the road out of a “tutorial” city. Obviously the captain noticed my smile as he focused his eyes on me once more. “There is one reason to target noobs… To stop them from growing.”


His chair was suddenly catapulted back as the old captain stood up with vigour that one could never expect from a mere elderly security guard in my world. The result of this was the chair slamming right into the groyne of his subordinate, making the boy keel over while groaning, yet even then the old captain didn’t pay any attention to him. It was clear he was well aware of just how big this problem could be and I was thankful for that; it’s nice to work with competent people.

“I hate to say it, young lady… But I think you’re right so I’m afraid I’ll have to cut this meeting short since there is a problem that needs to be reported as soon as possible. With the system we’ll be able to inform you when we have rewards available but for now you can return that carriage to the right owners and I’ll even include a letter so that they pay you handsomely for that in addition to the beast of burden.” Quickly grabbing a pencil from his shirt pocket as he jotted down a note real quick on the corner of the paper he was filling; tearing it off to putting it in front of me moments before he rushed out the room.

Seeing as the other guard was not in any state to escort me out - I decided to just guide myself back out of the southern city-barracks which didn’t take too long when you were as amazing as me.

There didn’t actually seem to be anyone else even in the barracks but I suppose that isn’t so surprising considering how they need to make up for the hole left by the group sent to south-city. Plus it seemed like security was mostly split into two groups when it came to this world. You had the internal force that is typically non-lethal in intent and acts more like regular police then external who are more troublesome.

They are the guys you’d see atop the wall or outside preventing break-ins. Instead of dealing with threats to order they deal with threats to life hence why they wear actual armour despite this world appearing far more modern. More often than not that meant dealing with powerful beasts.

Those people I ran in were probably of the same ilk as the old captain I just saw and, truthfully, the division made sense in a world like this. Then again; the only thing that differed from the army in my world was the fact they actively could be seen around in the cities rather than most of their appearances being abroad or in bases isolated from major population hubs. Though my silver knights could solve all of this.

Soon enough I arrived at where the wagon was stationed - fortunately they had brought it inside the city so I wouldn’t need to figure that out.

I doubt they’d open the gates for any random woman.

Jumping up onto the carriage was easy enough and, even while shivering, that beast was kind enough to stay still so as to not shake me as I pulled open that note to read it. Sadly I was sure that the beast wouldn’t be smart enough to follow the instructions left by the ol’ captain which left me with some problems in how to get there. I suppose I coil-

“You appear to be lost.” Abruptly a feminine voice - so void of any emotion that I almost believed it to belong to some kind of advanced android - cut through my pondering. The voice itself was filled with dignity I could only admire as a “princess” while containing a majesty that may have even eclipsed the German emperor.

Turning my gaze to the source I saw a woman with very vividly blue hair that didn’t go past her shoulders and a matching eye that almost made me shudder due to the weight it bore. Singular because her over eye was covered by a large black patch which hid a good portion of that side of her face. Almost like that old musical about some ghost… I’ll admit I was more focused on the strawberry sunday when we saw it.

The rest of her clothes were something akin to what a butler may wear; even down to the black tailcoat as well as a waistcoat adorned with vertical black & grey stripes. Although some may mistake it for sexy cosplay with how one hand was adorned with a glove. She had a body that didn’t lose to my own although I was far shorter so some may say hers looked more “natural” than I did.

An interesting note was that her blue tie had a cross with two horizontal lines (the highest one shorter than the latter line) emblazoned in golden threads. It was a symbol that I swear I should remember but it completely went over my head. No doubt a symbol for whatever faction she was a part of.

Despite that I could never make the mistake of thinking of her as a servant - if our emperor held the aura that befitted his station then this woman was a god empress!

Plus she was hot!

“I found myself with enough free time to run something akin to a babysitting operation, not too dissimilar to the adventurers guild as we are connected, but also more exclusive in our associates. If you would be so inclined… I would like to invite you to join us.” She said like a badass that I was totally not fangirling over.

Moving her gloved hand to flick away some hair as she finished her sentence. Fortunately my years of public relations allowed for me to masterfully not swoon over the very very very very hot dommy mommy that stood in front of me. “What exactly will I be expected to do in this organisation of yours and what exactly are the perks you’re offering?”

Nice save Armour-Cordis Porshi.

But damn… Those child bearing hips really looked great in a pair of suit pants…

Her brow raised a little yet her perfectly plump lips, painted blue to match her hair, remained in the same taught expressionless form which made it hard to judge her feelings. I hope I didn’t make her angry as that would make me sad rather than get me in her be- help us come together as allies. Smooth like butter.

“A worthy question to ask; as mentioned we babysit which means cleaning up the messes left by a certain group of individuals who are powerful but not too numerous. In order to do that I have an information network second to only one yet I also have connections to the only person who could beat me in this aspect so there are no issues. You need something and I will get it for you.” I was just about to agree she moved her finger like lightning - pressing it on my lips to silence me.

“You can find me after you finish this little charade you find yourself a part of as we don’t leave things half finished unless our name is Navy.”

That was… Oddly specific.

“But where can I fi-” I didn’t even get to finish my sentence as she moved her finger up to tap me on the forehead as a bunch of information filled my head. Despite that, compared to even the system, I could tell the care that went into this transfer as there was absolutely no lingering trauma to speak of. No headache and certainly no need to take time comprehending what she sent.

“Thank… You?” My words hung in empty air as she was no longer in front of me despite it only taking a brief moment for me to consolidate the information packet she sent. Nothing but a map of the city with two spots marked off.

Now I was no longer that interested in some merchant’s place.




Standing in front of what was best called a glorified castle with people busily bustling back & forth I couldn’t help lamenting out loud.

“More impressive than I thought but this’ll only mean it takes longer to go find her!”

Sadly my moaning didn’t have the ability to fix with sucky reality.


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