Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 059: The First Family Meeting

The beautiful blue owner of this place didn’t seem to care much about my brewing anxiety as she lazily waved her free hand toward one of the off-side rooms. “You can go deal with your brewing dumpster fire while I see what this idiot has been up to.”

I couldn’t exactly refute when I saw the red 99+ notification bubble flashing atop a mail symbol in the corner of my vision. It wasn’t exactly intrusive so I likely would choose to ignore it in favour of the beautiful pair by me (even if one of them were too crazy to consider)... Yet I don’t think that even a god would dare ignore a notification from their mother.

As such I promptly decided to accept her generous offering - quickly running off to head into one of the curtained off rooms that was currently open. Pulling the curtain closed as I opened up the brand new system to see what new functions had been opened to me. Sure enough, just like everything this new system provided me, there was no way that I’d be left wanting.



You Have Unlocked:

In-Game Forums
News Tab
Friend Feature
Private Messages
Private Voice & Video Chat
Guild Services
The Group Based Alternatives For The Messaging 

There may even be more things possible but, just like other things in this wonderful world, it will be up to you to discover what is truly possible!


“Wow this system really doesn’t disappoint~!” I couldn’t help exclaim my wonderment as to how useful this system could be; certainly it is more useful than some other system that I know.



<< {software}.[B.I.T.C.H] Suggests {user}.[Armor-Cordis] Leans {skill}.[Shut The Fuck Up] As They Clearly Don’t Know What They Are Talking About >>

<< Game System Only Provides Stuff That Can Be Acquired With An Internet Connection >>



“Well, yea, but the difference is that it is only devices manufactured by myself that have the ability to connect with the internet while in the game. As much as you no doubt hate it… You can’t compare the stuff personally made by me to the rest of the trash on the market~.” My genius is truly unmatched when it comes to software development - although that could be said for anything I chose to touch.

With the big B being silent; I decided to take my free time to let my eyes- eye wander around the room to see exactly what I was working with.

Overall the design was as simple as could be - although it seemed far bigger than the outside appearance suggested the space would be - with just a set of seats and a table. The chairs were actually a muted violet with red seams which certainly let them pop out yet not enough to clash with the decor. Meanwhile the table itself (given a fair amount of space away from the chairs that circled around it in an open short-curve oval) was just a simple dark wooden piece.

Upon the walls were, rather uniquely, depictions of various natural disasters painted in a rather diverse array of manners. By far the most preferred seemed to be lightning along with the occasional hurricane and… Blackholes? I suppose they are technically natural disasters.

One even involved a blackhole slurping up other “storms” in a traditionally Asian style.

An oddly beautiful display..



<<  {user}.[Armor-Cordis] Should Stop Stalling >>



I hate this system of mine.

Looking toward the flashing 99+ made me slightly hesitant yet I also knew that I needed to eventually broach the changes that had occurred. Biggest of those being that I had assured them of what this planet would look like but ended up arriving at something completely different. Well… Not completely different however I hadn’t ever failed in this life so how do I admit that I failed at the most important thing!

This isn’t an “oops I accidentally misplaced a report” but a massive “oops I fucked up and a lot of information I assured you may be wrong which resulted in me losing an eye”!

“Though that doesn’t matter… I just need to go ahead and get it out of the way; things will only get more problematic the longer I leave this for.” So I said while opening up the communication section of the game system with my eyes lingering on the message notification icon for a moment longer. “... Think I’ll just open up a video call with them.”

I already felt enough anxiety without adding guild on top of that.

After I accepted the friend requests from my family's accounts (we obviously already discussed which user names we’d be using) I did as decided. The system window soon asked me who I wanted to invite at which point I obviously chose all members of my family. Although it took some time (as well as system nagging me again) before I managed to invite Alexis in as well.

Of all the people I wanted to see my fuck up she was most definitely the last - there is no way she wouldn’t take advantage of having something to finally hold over me. Such thoughts made me, after sitting down on one of the chairs, unconsciously reach into my inventory. Pulling out a random cigar.

With my metallic looking nails actually being metallic; it was easy to cut the end off the thing while my ability with flames had only increased since I came to this world. The name of my unique flame was admittedly way too long however it at least added a nice dash to my birthday cake cigar. An item I needed to calm my nerves as I waited for the other members of Porshi to pick up.

“I should have brought the rum with me…” Another unconscious action as I took a long drag from my cigar only to let the picky-white fumes escape from my nostrils.

“Never expected you to find an appreciation for any form of liquid luck.” The sudden voice of daddy caused me to immediately inhale in shock. Even if I didn’t have lungs I couldn’t help coughing up a storm while taking advantage of a nearby ashtray to flick my own ash aside.

It didn’t matter if I was expecting them to join when my mind is so scattered. Focusing on the screen showed that my family had indeed arrived with the three normal members sitting in what I imagine is some kind of inn room. The same could not be said for my impatient little sister.

Alexis’ currently had blood spatters upon her face as she ran about in a dark fire-lit cave with a big “merry” smile upon her lips. Unlike the rest of us, who still wore our modern clothing, she had a leather breastplate while her entire arms were adorned in metal gauntlets that clashed against something on the other side. A rather violent squelch being evidence that it was her fist that won the altercation.

Brother silently sighed as he saw our little sister in action; resting her hand on his forehead as yet another meat pop echoed out alongside her laughter. I thought I was adapting well to the changes but if I am a fish in water then she is a water dragon. “Seeing that Alexis is… Busy. We should just discuss the obvious.”

Unfortunately my brother brought us to the topic at hand.

“Why were you completely wrong about the level of technology in this world?” Daddy’s serious voice echoed in my ears as I bit my lips. If they had reached any other level of tech it wouldn’t be so bad however they seem to be on the precipice of the radio-digital age with just a push in the right direction likely leading to a development of their own internet.

That could mean a lot of profit (that we were preparing to capitalise upon) vanishing depending on what technology they have managed to achieve. It wasn’t as if we were in danger of collapsing however it was only right to be angry that I overselled & underprovided.”I’ve been looking into that which included making contact with some very influential figures; according to them there was an error in the system that caused a temporal distortion… Essentially this world has had an extra two hundred or so years to advance.”

Both my daddy & brother seemed completely unsatisfied while mommy had an awkward look on her face as she didn’t know what to say since she was also focusing on the problems.

There was complete silence within the video chat - other than from Alexis’ feed where she was still hard at work gaining levels - surprisingly it was also Alexis who broke the silence. Filled with the same confidence she always carried with her. “Why does it even matter since most of the information could still be viable and certainly more useful than the Vagen cunts have!”

“Language… But I think cream is right that strawberry indeed couldn’t be expected to know this was happening with it being a blessing she even found this out for us.” The cream mommy referred to was just her nickname for Alexis as “we were a matching set that needed a cute matching nickname” which certainly upset us both.

Especially when my brother snorted at our apparently similar reaction…

Personally I still think it’s silly since they already had the apple thing going on, brother getting the nickname of cider, yet I was never going to say that out loud.

“I guess that’s true.”

“We do need to talk about making promises you can’t keep…”


“By the way… Did you decide to change your theme to a pirate or something; also why is there a little japanese girl with huge tits and a pirate theme behind you?” Alexis finally turned her gaze toward the system screen as she eyed the… WAIT THE FUCK IS SENSEI DOING HERE?!

“Are you doing that lewd stuff again…” Mother asked but I couldn’t reply.

I didn’t want to worry her any more…



<<  They Deserve To Know  >>



I know.

“This is getting interesting ehehehe~!” I will also have to figure out how to ignore her.



<<  Affirmative  >>


It wasn’t pleasant but I had to overcome these pitiful emotions to honestly discuss the possible risks within this new world we plan to conquer. Doing any less would put my family at risk which was something I most definitely cannot allow. “The eyepatch… Isn’t cosplay.”

“...What. That joke isn’t funny!” A frown appeared on mommy’s face as she narrowed her eyes with a clear distaste for my words; In didn’t respond making the video chat more tense.

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