Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 063: Mistakes

I would say that it was difficult to find where those girls were… But the gigantic explosions of turquoise flame made it quite clear where they were heading. One may initially think it was a great thing that we could see where they are however that would be ignoring the mechanics of the game.

There was nothing I could do if they were dragged into a fight.

Those gusts of flames were more than powerful enough to indicate they’d be able to form an instance, a little isolated space for fights to take place, which thusly meant that I’d be cut out. The fact that those attacks were still occurring meant that my targets were still managing. But for how much longer…?

As such there was no time to waste as I whipped my trusty iron from my holster while rushing towards the direction the flames were heading. Intending to cut them off as quickly as I could. Unfortunately that master of mine hadn’t taught me any movement techniques yet I couldn’t hope for her to help.

Though I must admit… Those flames did not look quite right; not only was the colour concerning as it obviously contained an attribute that I didn’t recognise but also were seemingly quite powerful. In hindsight I shouldn’t have trusted that no good goddess when she said it wouldn’t be too troublesome yet at least it was only a matter of dealing with some royalty rather than fighting dragons.

Not that she’d make me fight a dragon since she seemed like one her-

“You wouldn’t, right?” I couldn’t help outwardly expressing what should have been a silent question - tilting my head to look towards the little goddess who sat on my shoulders. She just tilted her head with curiosity before sending a beaming smile my way. 



<<  This Is Why {software}.[B.I.T.C.H] Believes Atheism To Be The Correct Answer >>


Pretty sure god exists; just that she seems to be a bi-

“Words hurt but the fist of justice hurts more so let us go teach those meanies a lesson~.” That bubbly divine exclaimed from above while pointing her finger towards the distance. Even though her words were obviously pointed towards those troublesome royals… Why did it feel like they most definitely weren’t?

Didn’t have much time to dwell on that since the hostiles were inbound. Thost gusts of fire (generated from whatever weapon they had their hands on) were only getting closer as time went on. Strangely I couldn’t feel warmth from the plumes of flame but  instead a genuine chill starting from under my human facade.

Not that alone was enough to scare me off. Instead I just popped my chamber open to ensure all was well only to flick it closed a moment later. A certain mirth filled me at the thought of once again showing off how powerful I was even without relying on my true form.

Running through the woods was not something I was particularly talented in but my stats were high enough to make up for any inability I had. Nevertheless, I still nearly fell over when that goddess suddenly stood upwards. “You can handle one of them while I’ll just take care of the rest~!”

Just like that my shoulders suddenly felt lighter as I finally came upon the targets; a dog-kin girl as well as blueish-green haired lizard-kin girl who dragged the former along by her hand.

Neither looked behind them which was probably a blessing since there was randomly a bunch of severed arms on the floor where some other lizard-kin stood at alert. There was only 3 of them left yet they seemed sickly with unusually pale skin. Their eyes were also bloodshot as they spitted out blood from their mouths while looking around for some ambush.

“T-That midget probably isn’t lying so keep your eye open for her underling!” The tallest of the three blue-ish lizards seemed panicked yet their words clued me in. Sure enough that nameless teacher of mine wasted no time in playing around with her prey and I also didn’t plan to disappoint her.

Especially when she seems to have weakened my prey for some reason.

Also what the fuck do they mean by “underling”!

This princess is no one's servant.

I didn’t bother to play around - those lovers were running away yet those strangely near shirtless men could still attack - while they were distracted I lined up my gun. Wasting no time in pointing my barrel towards the forehead of the one closest towards me which also happened to be the largest.


None of them really wore “armour” though did have some fancy metal plates on out of the way places such as their shoulders or shins in order to look nice but supply little actual help. Other than that they left the front of their torsos bare with the fabric hugging their backs & sides. Perfectly hugging their impressive muscular frames; like some Greek statues.

They were certainly handsome with their vibrant greenish-blue hair yet I was batting for the otherside so that didn’t really impact my desire for murder. A desire that was easily one of my top 10 desires. As a result that dumb lizard found his head reeling back as my shit (of course) hit him between the eyes.

Thickest part of the skull but I didn’t mind.

On the other hand everything was going as planned as he plummeted- Only to stop descent in favour of throwing his head back up. Glaring towards my direction with turquoise haze pouring out from his mouth only to exacerbate his bloody cough however doing nothing to rid himself of the venom

Blood trickled down on either side of his bridge but it was clear that the damage was mostly aesthetic since the bullet fell to the floor due to not piercing far enough into his flesh.

Only now did I realise he actually had a pair of horns on his head meaning he was actually a dragon-kin not a lizard-kin.



Battle Encounter System (Fighting) Activated
Preparing Battlefield

Armor-Cordis Porshi Stratos Indigo: lvl 22 Ex
Cancer Ridden Luna Dragon: Lvl  41 S
Cancer Ridden Luna Dragon: Lvl  39 S
Cancer Ridden Luna Dragon: Lvl  35 S

Armor-Cordis Porshi Stratos Indigo Theme Song: Egypt Central - Raise the Gates (Official Audio)
Prepare For Retribution From The Night



That… Ain’t fucking right. Doesn’t it mean dragon-kin?

“You should have run while you had the chance.” They didn’t have the overwhelming arrogance I would have expected of the dragons from legend but I also didn’t hear much about moonlight dragons. It was almost scary how serene they were despite the state they were in.

Also, how the hell did that amphibious  lunatic give three powerful dragons cancer in the brief time it took me to catch up to her? The more I learn about her… The less I can actually judge her since I am hardly a model example of a geneva convention following saint.

More Canada than Germany.

Still, even if they’re dragons, as long as they don’t transform I have proven that they at least aren’t invincible as far as everything is considered. I did make one of them bleed. As long as I hit them with something stronger then they would automatically find themselves in a spot of bother.

Unlike with the wolves who I instantly killed (teehee) the world around us began to change as the image of a large field bathing in the light from various moons overhead. A familiar display of monitors with the faces of my past meals did indeed appear. Though that only made me frown since they just acted as a way to reveal my hidden identity to those I don’t need snooping about.

My thoughts strangely seemed to get conveyed as those monitors turned off causing quite the shock.

I didn’t expect it to just do what I wanted so I certainly couldn’t complain; that still doesn’t explain why these dragons get such a clear advantage just like my master did. For her it was giving an ocean to a woman with control over water. To these pricks it’s literally bathing us in moonlight.

Didn’t take a genius to figure out what the luna in their head meant so that begged the question of what some fucking CRTV’s were meant to do for me.

“Both of you transform… If she has this much impact with the three of us there is no point in foolishly holding back when we still have a duty.” His allies didn’t argue about him being the leader like I’d have hoped as they simply followed along to his calm words without so much as a word.

Obviously I couldn’t just let that happen after showing how little damage I did even before those bastards transformed into their true forms. I, of all people, didn’t need to be told how much stronger one's true form allowed them to become. “Do you think I would just sit here and let you transform lizard brains!”

Moving my revolver closer as I rested my hand upon the hammer as I once again felt the heat building up in my chest as I tried to quickly figure out which element would be best. Obviously heavenly had the biggest punch (probably) but I needed to disrupt them. It was far too costly to do that with.

As such I relied on the one element I knew that made others unstable; demonic.

[Demonic Golden Gun] + [Fan The Hammer]

[Shower of Greed]

Feeling the power surge as I intended - my creativity being rewarded - I could hardly be blamed for the cute little smile on my face. Those demonic reds & purples melded with the gold to deliver a powerful flurry of flaming shots towards the three sinners. The bullets even seemed to multiply mid air.

It seemed certain that-

“Although I admit I never expected such a powerful technique… Indeed did not let my brothers transform without being prepared to defend them like some barbarian.” His words were as solemn as they previously were. However, unsettlingly, they held no panic or anxiousness despite my attack.

Throwing his arms out he called the light from the moons to obey his call; quickly forming a circular barrier that appeared to take the form of a mirror adorned in a beautiful turquoise metal frame.

[Moonlit Mirror]

My eyes widened as those powerful shots were reflected in that “glass” yet when they were about to impact the glass they instead sank in as if they were rocks in a pond. That shiny surface rippled which caused the image to distort. It didn’t end there as those reflected bullets flew through the ripples.

The retaliation even seemed to even be enhanced as they passed through the lake-like surface of the magic mirror; flying towards me with the cold glow of moonlight. I had no choice but to widen my eyes as I didn’t even have a chance to avoid it. Though I thankfully had that photon shield.

Or at least I thought that’d be the case.

Ironically the demonic energy I used to enhance the shots ended up easily destroying my already unstable shield causing those blasts to connect with me. That by itself wasn’t too bad since I had plenty of resistance to my own elements. But, once again, I was wrong as that unknown energy seemed to get past even that as I felt my maw forcibly parted as I moved my free hand to my mouth.

Feeling the sticky warm liquid between my fingers was a shock - moving my hand only to see black liquid covering my face.

Ignoring the two long bodied beautiful blue-ish green dragons.

At that point my mind went blank before it filled with a single thought.

They dared make me bleed.



Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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