Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 22: An Unexpected Checkup

“I know I said that I wished our meetings were more common, however I didn’t mean you should attempt to kill yourself through arrogance, young miss…” I woke up to an all too familiar (eloquent) voice with an usual hint of tiredness behind them; something I wouldn’t have expected with how strong they seemed.

Opening up my eyes revealed that the familiarly bespeckled - yet still unnamed - androgynus… Actually, I don’t even know if they are human, a spirit, a demon or something else entirely. I am not even sure if they are male or female (or anything in between) without considering if their race even has conventional mating rituals that would require such a division. There is basically nothing I know about them - except I can consider them my psychiatrist - which is a very strange thought considering they keep kidnapping me.

Thankfully I at least figured out how they were ‘hearing my thoughts’ thanks to reading that linguistics book that mommy had left me. Apparently all “fae” speak using their mind rather than their tongue. Fae being  the catch-all term for entities that typically originate from ‘words’ connected yet still not one with the mortal realm - no clue what that actually means but I read about it.

All I know about is the “Spirit World” & “Dreamscape”, though admittedly only through rumours & myths recorded in my previous life, so I can only imagine it refers to non-corporeal entities.

Would demons or elementals also count as fae-kin?

No, now is not the time to consider such matters, considering I have no idea where I am and am currently still silently staring at the psychologist. Is there a difference between a psychologist & psychiatrist? Bad Armor-Cordis Porshi; focus on what’s in front of you.

“Personally I would argue that this had nothing to do with my own arrogance - plus it was not as if the shooter was aiming for me.” Challenging what the figure had said to me; something which got the person to lift a hand to readjust their glasses with a faint frown. Not an angry frown but one which more displayed a worry for my ignorance. A look I still didn’t like (if not one I can do anything about),

Taking this time to look around the room revealed that I wasn’t somewhere I particularly recognised, certainly not looking anything like the train I usually met them on.

A bland white room with some simple medical equipment located around (having an on-suite bathroom as I would expect from a private room) with the room being maybe a little more cream than white. What was more surprising was the presence of another far shorter figure. Despite looking at them I couldn’t seem to actually understand any defining details about them - almost as if I was looking at them through satinised glass - even though there was no blur.

There was a strong scent of alcohol coming from them, though.

I did not have long to think about that as that articulate voice entered my ears once more. “On the contrary, young spirit, it was you who decided to appear out in the open without having any security that you would be able to take care of things. To the point you needed to rely on a faulty untested product without even mentioning how you had to use… That.”

They didn’t explain what “that” was but teasing poked the centre of my forehead; exactly where the pinkish gem that was located there.

“There is a proverb that ‘three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth’ which this little monk finds appropriate; I do not think it is congruous to conceal the little one's own aptitude.” That mysterious figure spoke, yet even their voice sounded as if it was played through an old television from the 20th century. Still, they didn’t forget to turn to me, giving a small bow with a quaint “namaste”.

It seemed that I was no longer part of the conversation as the silver-tongued figure turned to the seemingly buddhist one. “While I respect you a lot, my friend, you are aware that she just injured her soul despite not even having such knowledge-”


“-imagine how much worse it would become if she learned about such a skill? I am highly doubtful she will not ignore any warnings I give - especially when it becomes an easy solution to her troubles - so it would be better not to inform her of such yet.” Shaking their head while letting out a long drawn out sigh.

“That is true, they may indeed make an imprudent choice, but is it not their choice to make?” So the, quite literally, small monk answered while shaking their head. “Is it not you who believes the most in letting everyone have the same level of choice in their lives? Borrowing a phrase ‘if anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart’ my friend.”

Although risky, these entities could probably erase me with a thought, I also decided to use this as a chance to push for more information as I would likely not get another chance. “They are correct, you know, my mommy always said there is no inbetween when it comes to doing and not trying.”

That made the bespeckled figure lift an eyebrow - thankfully they didn’t seem overly angry at me speaking against their own choice. On the other hand, the second figure seemed to pull a gourd from their waist which they promptly placed against their face. Probably drinking all the contents inside if the sounds were anything to go by.

“Aissss~...” A long sigh left from those perfectly shaped lips as they actually removed their glasses with their back to me. Seemingly massaging their eyes with their right hand succeeding their right pushing their spectacles up to their forehead - making me wonder if I’ll ever get the chance to see their face without those very obscuring lenses in the way.

It seemingly took them a moment to get themselves back together, having their glasses fall back over their eyes, before turning around to look at me once more. “I will admit that you at least deserve to understand what exactly happened to you; I will reserve my choice on telling you more for now.”

Certainly more promising than knowing nothing; making me just nod along.

“What you used to put a certain… Pressure on the user - that pressure was far beyond what someone at your level could handle thus I couldn’t handle the repairs remotely. To be more specific, your immature soul was collapsing, so I asked my best friend to help me go under the radar.” This caused me to turn to look toward the anonymous monk - them lifting a gourd which made me think… Aren’t Buddhists supposed to not drink?

“It is very hard for people my strength to wander between different realms and dimensions without being discovered by their various owners; even others from outside may realise. Fortunately my friend here was available - so I was able to come and repair your soul.” From there they began shaking their head. “But we can not exactly rely on the good graces of someone who has no obligations to help us, now can we, my young mistress?”

Although I had to argue that I knew no obligations they had to me either… It certainly would be foolish to assume someone would go out their way to help me.

That buddhist couldn’t help speaking up once more (though with a weird laugh). “Atatahaha~ no need to agonise so much, little one, this friend here is underselling their own talents. They are able to cross over dimensions with no consequence. They can probably do so discreetly enough to escape most peoples gazes - I am only here for reassurance. Not to mention, they are one of three people who can claim to have a perfect understanding of the soul!”

While saying that they lifted and then put on my face the white cowboy-style hat that mother had got me as a reward; when you are rich gift giving becomes a little different I suppose.

“Don’t spoil the girl Zandman… This is an important lesson, she needs to know that she can’t let her pride get ahead of her, the last thing any of us want is her untimely end after all. She must be aware of the possible ramifications that reckless power usage could cause - she isn’t strong enough to tap into that bloodline right now.”

At least I know one of their names?

Still, the impish individual didn’t seem to have the same opinion, speaking up in their jolly fashion, to once more challenge them. “Then the child just needs to get stronger and there just so happens to be someone within this realm, this very planet in fact, that can help them.”

“No.” It was a surprisingly firm rejection but I couldn’t help asking. “What do they mean that I can find someone in this world that can help me; it is not as if I lack any resources to find or persuade anyone that is not already in a rival family.”

Surprisingly it was “Zandman” that disagreed with me. “Not quite… You see, although your mother is very gifted when it comes to martial arts, she isn’t used to using that hand scythe of yours and it is unfortunately quite the rare weapon. They therefore didn’t teach you anything that is special.”

I can see where this is going now.

“That doesn’t mean that anyone who dedicates their life to it can actually beat her; there is only one person I would consider greater no matter the weapon.”

“But they are also far too unpredictable to put our hopes in them as they-” Just as I was about to learn something fascinating, the sound of my family (more accurately the sound of Alexis as the rest try to subdue her) echoed from the outside, causing me to sigh.

Sure enough - the two figures vanished into a bunch of ripples in space. “I advocate you endeavour to that ‘soul grasp’ of your’s to orchestrate your own soul; you are a spirit!”

That line was the last thing I heard before the door slid open.

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