Lowly Ascent

Chapter 3 – Plague Doctor

Walking into Yoen, the dirt road turned to brick. Cain found his surroundings filled with two-story buildings on either side of him.

These buildings had businesses with decorated storefronts. He could see people walking in and out, followed by what seemed to be servants.

"Welcome to the wealthier part of Yoen. The few certified plague doctors in town operate here," Feick informed.

"Certified?" Cain asked, his eyes glued to the brilliant storefronts.

"Yep, there are plague doctors who aren't certified by the clinical union. They tend to charge cheaper prices, but there's a risk. And you see them in less than "good" areas."

Cain nodded in understanding. With all that happened in the last hour, he had learned much, considering he had been a blank slate a few hours earlier.

The child would run up to peer into the store windows while on the way to the clinical office.

'Clothes, clothes, jewelry, grocery, restaurant, restaurant...'

The pair crossed at an open intersection, free of carriages. It was then Cain saw a store: "Buck's Armory: Arms and Armor."

He was drawn to the sign, which had a sword over a shield, teetering back and forth with the wind. To him it was mesmerizing. He looked inside and saw weapons and armor everywhere.

'That looks so cool!' Cain imagined himself in such equipment, fighting monsters and saving the princess with a smirk.

As they approached the clinic, Cain exited his imaginative stupor and followed Feick inside.

Feick walked up to the front desk and announced, "John, are you here? You've got business!"

In response, a young man walked out and greeted the old man.

He looked like he was in his late 20s, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore a black tunic protected by a leather apron, leather gloves, and glasses.

He gave an aura of wisdom, knowledge, and death. Nevertheless, John was polite, "How's it going, Feick? Is your liver still holding up? My serum works right?"

"I have no clue. All your knickknacks make no sense to me." Feick said, in a cranky mood. 

"Well, it should help with the liver pain, in simple terms," John didn't mind speaking at Feick's level. 

"Well, if that's the case, then yeah. I suppose it did." Feick scratched his head, not embarrassed at all by his ailment. Heavy drinkers had a bad reputation.

Feick stepped aside so John could see Cain.

"Oh? Hello there, little fella. Why are you here?" John asked.

"He's a Contaminant," Feick deadpanned.

"Oh dear, well, the union requires us to be able to treat new Contaminants. I have everything he needs so he doesn't get sick on hand. Where did you find such an interesting guy?" John went over to his medicine cabinets.

He was unperturbed by the situation. It was common knowledge that Contaminants could appear at any time and place. 

John finished preparing. "All right, leave him with me, and I'll get him all set. Come back in around 40-50 minutes."

"Okay, I'm going to get my pay and prepare a room for him." Feick walked out of the store and went on his way.

Once he was gone, John got to checking Cain's body. "You got lucky finding Feick. He's a good guy. If it were anyone else, you'd either be dead or wish you were," He made small talk as he examined Cain. His gaze was filled with curiosity.

Although it was not rare for a Contaminant to appear, it was rare for one to still be alive or worse after this long. It was especially rare for a Contaminant to be a child like Cain, the youngest Contaminants were at least 16 years of age.

But no one ever gets Contaminants checked by plague doctors. It's easier to get rid of them when they aren't documented so a consensus on such information is foggy.

"What are you going to do to me?" Cain's voice had a slight tremble. John was a 'Plague Doctor' after all.

But for the most part, Cain felt safe in John's presence, perhaps it was because he was young and handsome.

"I'm going to give you some stuff so you're as resilient as me or Feick to most diseases. It will make it so you have better immunity to common diseases you'll find around here, and then I'll answer some of your questions, I imagine you are very confused."


After John finished administering the immunity serum and confirmed Cain was fine other than being weak, he began to answer some of Cain's questions. The first, of course, was Cain's curiosity towards 'magical' things.

"Are there super people here?" Cain asked.

"Super people? I guess so... people in Netherane do have ways to become stronger than normally applicable, either through using diseases to cure or hurt others, or people who use certain plagues and viruses to create stronger bodies for themselves"

Cain lowered his head to think. John saw this as him imagining becoming such a "super-person".

"I wouldn't advise it, it's dangerous. I'd say 4 out of 10 people die from trying it. However, those who succeed will become powerful people." John used the facts he knew to dissuade the child. 

Although Netherane was in the Middle Ages technologically, the study of medicine, especially against diseases, was very advanced thanks to plague doctors. There were even witches in Netherane who were well-liked for their remedies.

John continued the topic and began to tell the child of his research. "I've also done studies into the second path as well. Although it's only just gotten its foundation done, I've made progress on a serum that contains a virus to strengthen the body. Its foundation and structure are done, so I'm about halfway there."

With a bit of pride in his voice, he continued. "In a few years, I hope to create the safest and most used serum to strengthen the human body. Right now, the serum is unstable, but soon..."

Cain couldn't help but jitter in excitement. "Sounds important, but why would you be in a small town? Shouldn't you research in a big city? Ooh like Free City!"

"I... I... well it's because my work is ill-liked by the others in the Union. They think it would give more power to people and make our profession less needed. Because of this, working in Free City had become unbearable. I had even fewer resources there than I do now in Yoen. It's one of the biggest trading towns so it isn't too bad."

Cain nodded. "Oh, Mr. John, I also wanted to ask how you know Feick so well. You said he was a good guy. You sound close."

The doctor gave a mischievous smile. "Well, we're drinking buddies! We also play cards from time to time. Just because we're of different statuses doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"I guess that makes sense..."

John finished up everything. "Well, you're all done, and I believe you're out of questions. Feick should be back in 20 minutes" 

Cain's heartbeat picked up, and he was ecstatic hearing his checkup was done "T-then can I go look at all the cool stores down the road?"

"Uh, sure. Just be sure not to bother anyone. The higher class folks are... intolerant."

Cain immediately left the Clinic and ran down the road with a smile on his face. John smirked and went behind his desk to continue his work.

"He should be fine." He muttered.


In an alleyway on the northeast side of Yoen, a young blonde-haired youth sat on a barrel surrounded by other youths. They looked to be around 16 to 17 years old.

They were the typical rich kids trying to "act cool".

"Boss! Boss!" Another teen came running into the alley, almost tripping over himself.

"What?" the young blonde-haired leader asked.

"I swear, I swear! I saw a kid. He's wearing stained clothes and just left the Plague Doctor's clinic. He's wandering around like a buffoon. I think he's a Contaminant!"

"Pfft! Do you think those shits are that common? Even my family has around 2, and those are the ones that didn't die. It has to be some sewer rat. Either way, no one will care if he dies!"

Invigorated, the youths walked off, following their leader.

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