Lowly Ascent

Chapter 7 – Free City

In the swamp of Netherane, near its center, laid a city of massive proportions.

Tall thick walls stemmed from the ground and stretched on forever while lines of merchants and travelers lined up to enter through its impenetrable gates.

In the vicinity of the city was a miracle; unlike the rest of the swamp seen for miles, the outskirts were instead rolling plains of grain.

The surroundings were of an endless farmland. Never-ending golden wheat glowed under the warm moonlight shining down from above. It was a blessing, a true blessing.

These fields were a monument to the Union's power.

Cain didn't think he could be surprised, but seeing the outskirts of this grand city made his jaw drop.

His eyes were once again filled with amazement, something he thought he would never feel here. To live in the swampland all his life and see this scene in front of him was like a mortal seeing heaven. It was bright and beautiful. No, it was far more.

John studied Cain's reaction and smiled. "Amazing, isn't it. This is the work of Netherane's ancient ancestors. Ever since they built the Union, these lands have enjoyed peace, and no one dares to ruin it. This is the power of plague doctors and the Union!"

Cain nodded in agreement, still mesmerized and staring at a few animals and the vast golden fields.

His master continued. "Free City is the highest producer of food in all of Netherane. A display of the Union's influence. You're even luckier, your master is a high-ranking member of the Union, haha!"

"I thought the Union was your enemy because of the serum and all?" Cain shifted his head in confusion. 

John laughed at such a statement. "No, no, just petty disagreements. If you were to meet an enemy of the Union... hehe, you might feel bad for them."

Hearing this, Cain made a mental note to fear this great organization. But for the most part, he wasn't listening as John jabbered on, he was still in a trance from seeing the golden land.

They were close enough to see the full city, and Cain's jaw dropped a second time. As they neared, Cain realized the walls were the size of giants! At least ten stories high. He was awestruck.

John let out a chuckle seeing his Disciple continue to act in such a way.

When they reached the gate, there was a long line. John proceeded to skip the entire line and rolled up to the front of the gate.

"Is sire a Plague doctor?"


As a guard stopped them, John pulled out a badge, and they were let in. Entering the city was like entering a valley; buildings were at a minimum of four stories and were in sight as far as the eye could see.

There was a literal sea of people moving everywhere, except in the middle of the street where carriages were coming and going in large droves.

Cain was stunned, and his jaw dropped a third time. Now even he couldn't refute being called a country bumpkin.

As if knowing Cain's thoughts, John continued to drive as he spoke over the loud noises of the city.

"Wait till we get to the inn to go off somewhere. If you leave now, you'll get lost in the crowd and maybe even die of starvation before I can find you. The inner ring is also quieter."

After traveling the same road, stopping and going for who knows how long, the pair made it to a second gate protected by a massive wall that circled the city again, like another blanket a mother would give her coddled newborn.

This wall wasn't as tall as the first, only reaching around five stories high.

After passing the gate, none of the buildings exceeded five stories, and fewer people were walking the streets.

However, Cain's jaw dropped yet again! In the distance he saw a massive building that was built like a cathedral, being at least double the outer wall! But that alone wasn't enough; it was so long he couldn't see the end due to buildings blocking the view!

At this point, John was dying of laughter, he couldn't control himself anymore. He had never seen his apprentice gawk at anything as much as today. For that matter, he's never seen his apprentice filled with any emotion at all!

After John let it all out and Cain's annoyed nagging ended, they continued to their destination.

The carriage stopped before an inn, it was magnificent. Three stories high and glittering like gold yet looking like a home. Cain felt warmth just outside the entrance and watched John have someone unload their things.

"This is the Rosary, this is a map, and this is 20 silvers. If you use it all you have to give me some of your research results. Be back in 2 hours."

For plague doctors, research is sometimes used like currency and many trade their research results for this or that.

It was one of the reasons why the medical world wasn't collapsing from the rapid mutations of pathogens throughout Netherane since everyone's research was being shared.

Cain accepted all these things from his master and ran off giddy. He traveled around the streets and looked at store after store, coming across one that sold materials he needed for research.

While in the store, he also picked up a few things he found interesting and checked out, spending a silver and a few coppers. However, the clerk stopped him from leaving.

"If sir is interested in more exotic findings, I have a scroll that holds a spell used for 'stamina'."

"Um... no thanks, but do you have any bacteria for sale?" Cain responded. 

The shopkeep let out a disappointed look before sighing. "Oh no, that's stuff regulated by the Union. Either go to the black market or the core of the city to find stuff like that."

Exiting the store, Cain found it was getting late, it was obvious that the moons were starting to dim.

After returning to the Rosary, Cain found his master eating at a table and a hot plate of food waiting for him.

"Master, I... uh... have 2 silvers left, but I listened and didn't use it all!"

John stopped eating to look at up with skepticism. "Bullshit, there's no way you spent all that much unless your dumbass got swindled. Ha, it doesn't matter, I gave it to you expecting you to be a little shit."

John ignored him and went back to eating without a care. He had become looser as he grew older.

Sitting down, Cain went to town on the food in front of him. The delicacies that touched his tongue made all the food he had eaten seem terrible. His taste buds cried as if they seemed to taste real food for the first time.

Both of them finished their plates with great swiftness, they proceeded to walk upstairs and head to their separate rooms. But before that, John had to talk with Cain.

"Tomorrow we're meeting with an old colleague to register you for school."

Cain blinked. "School? I thought I was learning under you?"

"You are shit for brains. It's just the easiest way to get registered and become an official of the Union. Plus, you're only going to transfer into school as a senior since you're 18." Smiling, John felt like these 5 years Cain had grown into something more than a simple experiment, but only a little.

He consoled Cain, "Don't worry; I have you situated. I've done the groundwork; all you have to do is go to school. The year has started, so there's a few months until graduation."

Cain was still against it. Why did he have to go to a school where he was going to be the best? He knew he was a genius because John never stopped talking about how he was.

True geniuses or incredibly rich kids filled to the brim with resources amounting to a mountain could perhaps become a Grade 2 Plague Doctor at such a young age.

But under John's explanations, Cain learned there were a few others in the school who were also Grade 2, which lit the competitive spirit in Cain's heart; yet he was still a little reluctant to go.

It wasn't his choice, he had to obey and trust his master while preparing himself, and going to bed.

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