Lucifer Quirk

22 –Joel 3:9-10

Joel 3:9-10

Proclaim this among the nations: Consecrate for war; stir up the mighty men. Let all the men of war draw near; let them come up. Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say, “I am a warrior.”

He had continued doing his intermittent modelling work which only made him more popular at school and even on the street as he had started to mature a little and become more handsome than cute. He wasn't quite out of his cute phase, but he was at least halfway there now. This all had only grown his popularity the only thing that kept him from being as popular as he could be is that he only worked for his mother's companies and refused requests for work from other companies.

He enjoyed it when it didn't take a lot of time, it was also not intended as a future career as besides helping his mom his other intentions were just to build a little popularity to help in her hero debut once he went to UA and participated in the sports festival. Having some popularity before would give him a leg up by having the media focus on his performance right off the bat. He could swing this to a better internship which in turn would benefit him when he becomes an actual pro hero. When you build a building you have to start with a good foundation.

This had definitely helped his mother though as he was a hot commodity and they were the only one with it. Lot's of girls and even some women were fervently buying their products for themselves to dream of getting a boyfriend like him or some of the products modelled by him for their boyfriends if they had them to dream of him while being with their boyfriends. Poor guys, though James definitely wouldn't care if he knew about it. Rather he would fuck them right in front of them if he felt like it. His standards had gotten quite high though over the years as he was surrounded by beautiful women.

They had continued to grow his organisation increasing the amount of operatives and even Himiko helped him with it sometimes, though she could be a little unreliable as she had to be in the mood to do something. Quite often she was only in the mood the laze around him while demanding attention from him. If she wasn't motivated to do something she was less than useless. Tsumugi had really come into her own with extra years of experience, also being slightly older probably didn't hurt as new agents were more likely to take her seriously as a leadership figure.

Mio had expanded her own abilities along with starting a small department of her own that handled all technology related needs of the organisation. A lot still relied on her though as they had been unable to find anyone even close to her skills.

There was finally some good news. They had been keeping track of Eri and recently her grandfather had died at the hands of Overhaul or rather Chisaki Kai. This meant they would have to move soon as it meant he had already become interested in Eri's potential and he needed to retrieve her before they made any progress in their research which would result in the quirk erasing drug.

Just like with Himiko's case he already had Mio and her team gather all the information regarding Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai group as a whole. This would be a much more serious operation though as last time it was just some guards, whereas this time he was going up against an entire criminal organisation that had leaders with powerful quirks to resists him. Thankfully he had grown a lot since last time.

Chisaki Kai had moved into the inconspicuous mansion that used to belong to their former leader and "adopted" Eri who was seen less and less frequently outside after the adoption even being pulled out of her school.

They had already gathered all the information regarding the mansion and using cameras around the neighbourhood and a tracking algorithm Mio was able to build a pretty reliable list of people that were generally present or frequently attended the area making them likely to be a part of the Shie Hassaikai. 

This wasn't going to be a simply extraction mission though as this was a dangerous group, there was no way they would accept losing Eri and they also could not let any information regarding Eri or any progress towards any research surrounding her quirk get out or things would just keep escalating at which point he would rather just kill the girl and be done with it. He had some compassion, but it was very limited as soon as this became too much of a pain in the ass he would definitely choose the easy way out.

James was geared up and actually had his people surrounding the neighbourhood while incognito prepared to pick off any strays. This included people on the ground and a few snipers placed in strategic locations completing the mouse trap they had built.

He had left Himiko and Momo out of it as they were still too young, inexperienced and naive to take part in the mission as he didn't want to risk himself or them when it wasn't necessary. The only person he had some slight concern about was Chisaki Kai or Overhaul with his quirk. He was fairly certain he could handle him, but he was a rather unpredictable one, but every other member of their group didn't even require a second thought for him.

Tsumugi helped helped him into his gear as he had hid his plans from the two girls that would never accept being left out of something he was involved in if they knew about it. His gear was mostly the same though quite a few sizes larger now than the last time he had to personally attend an operation. He was also geared up a bit more than before this time not only having the combat knife, but also having a pair of dual pistols with a variety of ammunition that could help deal with Overhaul. This included special incendiary, explosive and freezing rounds all created with various chemicals and even the help of matching quirk holders.

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