Lucifer Quirk

54 – Samuel 2:3

Samuel 2:3

Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.

Momo looked unsure about whether to praise him or continue to pout. She was proud after all and he had validated most of her opinions, but she really wanted to give her own opinion and now she couldn't.

Most of the other students looked impressed, even some of the guys that weren't too excited about James' presence in their class had to agree with his analysis ability.

Though it was hard to tell Tsuyu looked a bit excited about his rational analysis which for her could mean she was very excited. It was right up her avenue.

All Might looked quite awkward. Not only had James criticised his protege, but he had given a far more in depth analysis than he himself had considered. He had never been the most strategic hero after all though, he had heroes like Sir Nighteye for that after all.

He coughed awkwardly. "Yes... right. The plan wasn't that bad..." he started.

James quirked his brow at him curiously. Was he seriously going to make excuses for that terrible under-baked plan?

"... but you're absolutely right!" All Might switched gears mid sentence. It seemed he at least realised defending Izuku on this wasn't going to make either of them look better.

Momo puffed her chest. "We should always start with the basics to develop depth of learning. We must strive to devote ourselves wholeheartedly. Otherwise, we cannot become top heroes," she said seeming to have found her opening to add her own input.

Himiko simply rolled her eyes. The two girls were very different to each other. Momo was an overachiever meanwhile Himiko didn't care at all about most things. Her school performance definitely wasn't one of the things she cared about and she could be a little judgemental of Momo.

Most of the other students, still bright eyes prospective heroes, were swept up in her passionate feelings.

"Yes young lady!" All Might said, happy to divert the topic from the awkwardness.

"All right everyone, let’s change locations and start the second match. Tackle this training after thinking about what we just talked about," All Might said.

"Yes, sir!" everyone shouted in response.

“Match 2, Team B are the heroes and Team I are the villains!” All Might said.

It was finally his turn. Him and Toru against Shoji Mezo and Todoroki Shoto. The guy that can grow multiple appendages and the one that can control fire and ice even if he refuses to use fire due to his daddy issues.

Due to the massive amount of damage the previous match caused to the building All Might ended up leading James and the other team members to a different, but strikingly similar building.

Shoto and Mezo seemed quite relaxed as they were preparing. Shoto made sense as James had yet to clash with him directly and though Shoto disliked his arrogant father, he had definitely inherited some of it himself. He was still sure though he had scored lower than James in a direct clash his quirk would be more powerful.

"Villain team, go in first and set up! In five minutes, the hero team will break in, and the battle will start!" All Might told Toru and James.

"Yes, sir!" all four of them responded.

"Young Hagakure, young Busujima ...take this chance to think from the perspective of the villains," All Might advised.

"This is supposed to be like a real battle so don't be afraid to go all out, even if you get hurt," he explained.

"Yes, sir!" Toru said excitedly.

James just nodded thoughtfully. It didn't really require much for him to think from the villain perspective.

"If things go too far, I will stop it," All Might clarified. It was a little questionable with how far things went between Izuku and Katsuki in the previous battle.

"Yes, sir!" they both agreed in unison before entering the building with determination.

It didn't take them long to find the bomb room and start preparing.

“James-san, I’m going to get serious. I’ll take off my gloves and boots too!” Toru said with a determined gaze.

She started taking off her gloves, but James stopped her.

“Leave on your shoes,” he said.

Toru seemed confused.

“Wouldn’t it be best if I capture them since I’m invisible?” She asked.

“Shoto can freeze the entire building if he wants,” James explained.

“That would be really bad,” Toru said realising her mistake and panicking a little at the idea of being frozen, left entirely unable to resist.

"Exactly, since you have no way to resist the ice he would take you out instantly without actually having to put in any effort," he elaborated.

“Now let’s start the second indoor person-to-person combat training match!” All Might said.

“Grab my hand,” James told her.

“Uh… sure,” she responded shyly. She nervously grabbed his hand.

James quickly pulled her closer and lifted her in a princess carry. He could have done it without her grabbing his hand, but that would have made to too obvious he could see her to everyone.

“Kyaa!” Toru yelled when he suddenly lifted her up unexpectedly. In her shock she quickly wrapped her arms around her neck to stabilise herself.

Being practically naked she turned even redder. She realised their current position was already intimate enough if she were wearing a bra and panties. Let alone with her bare breasts pressing against his thankfully clad chest. The spandex-like fabric wasn't much though and James could actually feel her nipples involuntarily harden.

She was at least relieved he had intentionally or unintentionally ended up with his hand on her belly rather than breasts or she might have fainted from embarrassment.

"You'll only have to bear with it a few moments... unless you would like it to last longer," he told her with a teasing smirk. She looked away shyly deciding not to comment either way.


-Meanwhile Downstairs-

Shoji enters first turning his extra appendages to ears.

“Both are in the hall on the north side of the fourth floor,” Shoji says.

“Go outside. It’s dangerous.” Shoto warns walking into the building himself.

“I’m sure our opponents intend to fight a defensive battle…” he starts.

He places his right hand on the wall and the wall and floor touching his right hand and foot start freezing over rapidly.

“…but that does not matter to me,” he finishes.

The whole building starts freezing over towards James’ team.

Shoto heads up to the fourth floor calmly.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 13+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Fame On Fire - Various Tracks

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