Lucifer Quirk

78 – Hebrews 10:24-25

Hebrews 10:24-25

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Both him and Himiko swept down picking up their classmates so they could fly them to the shore.

Itsuka looked the most excited out of all of them. "That was amazing, you were all just like real heroes," she said.

Izuku blushed and rubbed his neck. "T-thanks," he managed to stutter out shyly.

'Does he have to blush after I rescue him?' James thought with an internal sigh.

In complete contrast to his thoughts James smiled confidently. The two boys he was carrying didn't seem to weight him down at all. "Thanks, it wasn't just me and Himiko though. Tsuyu took more of them out than me all by herself. She was just a lot more stealthy," he praised.

Tsuyu didn't seem too affected. "I couldn't have done it without James-chan's distraction. You're both amazing," she said matter of factly. When looking close enough he could see a tug on the corner of her lips though giving away what she was feeling deep down.

Yuga who had been suspiciously quiet smiled. "That was very stylish! We should discuss heroic entries some time when we get out of here," he said.

James rolled his eyes. "Maybe..." he said non-committally.

They quickly flew over to the lake shore. Although he was able to fly quite easily carrying two people he wasn't sure how it was for Himiko who could only exhibit a percentage of his full power while transformed. He wasn't in the mood to try carrying five people to the shore all by himself if she exhausted herself or the amount of transformation time she had left.

Mina was already there waiting for them and waved excitedly when they got closer.

She wore an excited smile. "That was amazing! Is everyone ok?" She yelled as soon as they got close enough.

James unceremoniously dropped the two boys on their asses.

Izuku grabbed his ass and grimaced. "Ouch!" He yelped.

"Hey!" Yuga yelled.

James glared at Yuga. "What?" He asked.

Yuga quickly shrunk his neck. "N-nothing... I-I just wanted to say thank you," he said quickly.

James smirked at Mina. "They're doing fine. If I said I was injured would you kiss it better though?" He answered.

Her pink cheeks quickly flushed red. "M-maybe..." she stammered.

Though not much kinder than him at least Himiko didn't rudely drop the girls on their asses simply dropping them to their feet instead.

Himiko didn't hesitate to hop over to hug James and steal his attention from Mina.

Mina shot her an annoyed glare which she completely ignored.

He sighed. "At least transform back before doing that. Not only are you wasting my blood I would also prefer not to be hugged so intimately by a man's body even if it is my own handsome self," he said ending with a smirk.

She stuck her tongue out and giggled. "Oops, I completely forgot," she said. She did listen though and released her transformation.

James hand stealthily slid down her side grabbing a handful of her ass. She bit her lips seductively.

He looked over and smiled at Tsuyu who seemed a little unsure what to do herself. "Good job there Tsu-chan," he said.

She nodded. "You too. Ribbit," she said.

"Alright, now that we've saved you what are you planning to do? We're going to see if there is anyone else we can save before going to the main square and entrance to see if we can help Eraserhead and Thirteen. You can either join us or hide. Although I guess if you're feeling really daring you could rush to Eraserhead and Thirteen first," he said.

Izuku, Itsuka, and Yuga looked at one another. Then they looked at Himiko and Tsuyu who seemed to have complete confidence in sticking with James.

Itsuka raised her hand. "I choose to stick with you three," she said excitedly.

"I-I... me too," Izuku said nervously.

"Rejoice. I will stay with you too," Yuga said.

'Still trying to act proud when I can see the sweat pouring off your forehead,' James thought.

He smiled. "Happy to have you all. Make sure to listen though. Working together seamlessly right now is of utmost important," he said.

All of them nodded seriously in agreement.

"Good, stick with me," James said.

He ran to the Fire zone that was adjacent to the Shipwreck Zone they were in. When they got there though they noticed a wound up Katsuki blasting through villains left and right in the distance.



"I'll explode your ass!"

"Burn for me!"

"I'm going to shove this fist down your throat!"



'Someone is being a little edgy boy,' James thought.

He shook his head and looked at the others. "How about we leave him to his own devices," he said.

Tsuyu nodded. "I'm sure there are others that could use our help more," she said.

Himiko smiled widely. "Awww... but he looks like he's having fun," she said.

The others all nodded.

Only Izuku looked nervous about leaving Bakugo alone.

'Did I just see longing in his gaze?' James thought. 

He shook his head. ' Not my business nor problem,' he thought.

They ran from the Fire zone's dome to the Mountain zone.

They ran into a few groups of villains on their way up the fake mountain, but those were quickly dispatched before they could even put up a fight.

Near the peak of the mountain they finally found Kyoka and Denki back to back, surrounded by villains and fighting for their lives. This wasn't a situation either of their quirks excelled at. Neither of them excelled at group combat working better in smaller engagements or while scouting.

"We have to save them!" Izuku yelled.

Unfortunately his yell immediately got the attention of all the nearby villains ruining any chance at a surprise attack.

James shook his head with disappointment.

As soon as Kyoka and Denki noticed them they immediately looked relieved though.

"Where did these brats come from? Someone must be slacking," one of the villains said.

Another villain licked his lips excitedly. "Does it matter? Just a few more to play with," he said.

"The pretty boy is mine," a third said.

James sighed. 'Thankfully it's at least one of the few female villains we've come across,' he thought.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon.

Writing Soundtrack: Jonathan Young - Various Tracks

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