Lucifer Quirk

84 – 1 Timothy 6:17-19

1 Timothy 6:17-19

As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.

=Teppanyaki Musutafu, Afternoon=

Their driver stopped in front of a large skyscraper. The restaurant was on the roof with a view of downtown Musutafu. A doorman ran over and opened the door for them.

The girls looked up the buildings facade in amazement.

Despite the last minute call for a reservation they had no problem being seated. It wasn't uncommon for high-class restaurants to hold a room or two in reserve in case they need to arrange last-minute for an important customer.

The waitress guided them into a cozy private room with a grill surrounded by a marble slab table and chairs. The table faced a full length window showing a beautiful view of the Mustafa evening skyline with the sun slowly setting over the horizon.

Surprisingly his father was there. He turned to them when he heard the door open. As soon as he saw James he walked voer and gave him a big hug.

He smiled looking at his son. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there at noon. I had to finish up what I was working on, but I did take the evening off. How are you holding up?" He asked.

James smiled and hugged him back tightly. "As you can see, I'm doing just fine," he said.

His mother smiled watching them and turned to thank the waitress.

They all found a seat with the two girls insisting on sitting on each side of James eliciting knowing smiles from his parents.

The chef entered the room with a cart holding the raw ingredients. He bowed to them respectfully before  moving behind the grill and carefully setting everything up.

The waitress asked them for their drink orders before leaving them to their business.

His father looked at James across the table with a serious gaze. "I already got a general explanation of what happened, but since the three of you were there I want to hear it from your perspectives," he said.

"We were at the USJ to receive training in search and rescue situations when a group of villains teleported into the training area. They were looking to ambush All Might," James said.

His father's gaze turned more stern. "Hmm... that's concerning," he said.

"They even brought this creepy bird looking guy with a body even bigger than All Might. It was so cool," Himiko chimed in.

Momo rolled her eyes. "Don't mind her. I was so worried," she said.

James nodded. "They had someone that was able to jam communication so we weren't able to call for help. I ended up telling Toru to use her invisibility to slip out before the villains got to us and call for help. The first thing the villains ended up doing was using the tele-porter to split us into groups by sending us to the various parts of the USJ where other villains were waiting to ambush us all," he resumed.

His mother's eyes widened. "How did you all make it out alive?" She asked.

James smirked. "You should know better mom. Of course they couldn't restrain me. My group beat the villains waiting for us then we hurried to the other sites to save our fellow students and regroup before returning to the main area where Shota-sensei and Thirteen were fighting the main force," he said.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his father's lips, but he managed to suppress it.

His mother seemed a little relieved.

"The bird creature was about to break Shota-sensei's arm so I couldn't help but jump in to save him. I kicked the creature away from him," he said.

He suddenly felt a hand on the inside of his thigh. It turned out to be Himiko who was acting who was acting like she was very interested in what was going on on her plate.

His expression turned subtle, but he continued. "Thankfully All Might showed up shortly after to save us all," he said.

"What about that new power? And you fought alongside All Might," Momo said excitedly.

He shook his head. "I'm not sure, but I seem to have some kind of fire I can control. I haven't really had a chance to test it," he said.

Himiko smirked. "Those purple flames were beautiful," she said.

James was sure she found what the flames were doing more appealing than their appearance itself, but he was thankful she was at least trying to behave herself in front of his parents. If he ignored her hand that was now rubbing his dick through the fabric of his pants.

"All Might ended up doing most of the work though and I just acted as back up," he assured his mom who was looking concerned.

His mother gave him the side-eye. "I heard you were sent to the infirmary though..." she said.

He smiled awkwardly. "Well... I might have broken a few bones... but I'm as good as new now," he said.

She frowned, but it seems she decided to drop it.

James excused himself to take a bathroom break near the end.

On his way back from the bathroom he ran into Momo. He smiled. "In need of a break too?" He asked.

She seemed to hesitate for a moment, but her gaze firmed as it landed on his lips. She pushed him back against the wall, got on the tip of her toes, and kissed him on the lips. It started quite chaste, but it didn't take long for her to deepen the kiss.

He happily reciprocated teaching her a few things about how it was done playing with her tongue.

Eventually they broke apart.

"You know me and Himiko aren't just friends right?" He said without hesitation. It might be a dick move after what she just did, but he didn't care and didn't want any headaches down the line. He neglected to mention the many other women he casually slept with. Those just weren't even worth mentioning.

She shook her head and nuzzled her face into his chest. "I know. I don't care as long as you're with me too," she said quietly.

He smiled, pinched her chin and pulled her gaze back up towards him before leaning down to give her another quick kiss.

Her smile widened as her blush spread down her neck.

He chuckled. "Ok you go to the bathroom and don't come back right away," he said.

She nodded and rushed off like a nervous bunny.

When Momo returned a little while after him Himiko gave her a good look. James smirked. It seems she had some idea about what might have happened with the two of them alone outside of the room. She didn't say anything during the remainder of their dinner though.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon/Subscribestar/Ko-Fi. 

Writing Soundtrack: Nightwish - Various Tracks

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