Luck’s descent (BL)

Luck in consent 2

The king had several executioners summoned to carry out his orders to punish the prince. Nielle knew each of them as they worked for him, he knew that they were first class at their jobs and no criminal would escape their hands as a whole. He was proud of his men...mainly because of the obedience they all had towards him. 

"Father, I don't need four people to hold me, bind me or similar nonsense," he declared and sat down on the bench, "I'll lie down myself, send the others back and leave one here." he said.

The king didn't like Nielle's behavior, "It's not up to you how many I want here! Although the dungeons are under your authority, everything is under my authority and while I am here, you have no word." he stated. 

Nielle smiled slightly at how stupid the king was, "Of course," he nodded rather mockingly, but the king didn't get the hidden meaning.

Nielle knew that if he had just ordered the executioners to kick the king out of his chair, every single one of them would have done so without hesitation. And even the king's guards wouldn't be able to do anything. However, Nielle didn't plan to do that, as it would start the very fight he didn't want... so he just looked at his executioners next to him.

"Which one will it be?" he raised his eyebrows and gave them a soft smile.

The king examined the executioners and nodded to the first of them, "You, bring the whip."

The man didn't look at the king, he just knelt down without saying a word and slowly bowed to the ground, "I apologize, Your Majesty, yesterday I injured my shoulders during the interrogation, I was just about to ask for a day off."

Nielle chuckled softly.

"Injured?" the king obviously didn't understand that it was an excuse, "All right, I understand," he waved his hand and turned to the other, "you... bring the whip." 

However, the executioner joined the first,"Your majesty, it was actually me who accidentally injured him during the interrogation...I was punished yesterday for injuring a colleague, I feel weak...I don't know if I can carry out the orders properly." 

Nielle sighed deeply and stood up, "What is it supposed to be?! I'm not at here for a day and nothing works?! How could two trained executioners get injured during an interrogation… were they interrogating you?!" he raised his voice, although he was actually having a lot of fun.

"Nielle!" the king shouted, as he didn't like that Nielle had taken the initiative when he wasn't in command and was in front of him.

"Father...their incompetence knows no bounds," he declared.

The king frowned slightly, "Servants's mistakes are master's better educate them, but now it's more important who will carry out your punishment...hope you don't want to tell me that the third one got hurt too," he glanced at another one.

"No, Your Majesty...however, I'm not used to whipping...I only arrived recently and I'm not trained," he said.

The king laughed in disbelief, "Do you think I'm a fool? Every one of you?" he yelled.

Nielle looked at his executioners and sighed deeply as he understood why no one wanted to carry out the punishment. However, although normally he would have been pleased with their behavior, today, when the king was truly furious and wasn't going to let him go just because there was no one to punish him, he intervened.

Walking over to a nearby cabinet, he pulled out one of the whips and slung it in his palm. He came up to a man who said he didn't know how to whip and lashed out violently in front of him. A loud crack of the whip echoed through the room, making the guy looke up at him.

Their pupils met and Nielle smiled softly, "See?" he asked and repeated the movement again, "You catch it, you lift it, you whip...simple, isn't it? You don't need any training to know how to whip." He thrust the whip into his palm.

The king silently watched his youngest son show off with a whip in his hand and growled displeasedly, "Lie down already!"

Nielle didn't object. He walked over to the bench, slowly took off the top of his robe and lay down on his stomach. His pale muscular back shone in the gloom of the room, how undamaged it was, while the king sat satisfied in his chair.

The executioner seemed uncomfortable that the order had been issued against him, but he wasn't given a chance to speak. So he just walked up to Nielle and with the thought that it would end up hurting him more than the prince, he swung the whip across the Nielle's back. 

Nielle clenched his muscles as a red band formed on his white skin. He clenched his teeth sharply, how much anger filled him.

"One," the king counted, looking at the long red mark of the whip on Nielle's body. He was quite pleased with the result, even though the executioner was said to be inexperienced.

The second blow landed on Nielle's back, to which the prince only reacted with more clenched teeth. He squeezed his eyelids together and gripped the edges of the bench tightly in his hands. He endured the third blow again without any visible signs, but the need to tear the whip from the executioner's hand and whip the king was slowly getting stronger inside him. On the fourth blow, the executioner inadvertently put more strength into it, forcing Niello to exhale painfully.

Nielle gritted his teeth in irritation at how embarrassing he felt at the moment, but since another blow wasn't coming, he was sure the executioner had realized his mistake. Of course, Nielle knew that the man behind him wasn't as inexperienced as he had said. The truth was that he was one of those who knew how to control his power very well. 

However, he Nielle wasn't surprised that he was under stress and had a slight problem with it. 

"You're doing well, keep going," the king praised him, but the executioner didn't look satisfied.

When he didn't move for a while, Nielle said, "Didn't you hear the king?" he asked, to which the executioner more or less came to his senses and gave him a fifth whipping.

It wasn't as strong as last time, but it still hurt a lot. Nielle's back was on fire after a few hits, and while it wasn't excruciating, as someone who truly hated pain, he didn't feel like enduring anything like that. 

He lived through the sixth blow in silence, the seventh with a soft grunt, at the eighth he put his forehead on the bench, as he had the impression that he would kill the executioner together with the king. The ninth blow made him tense up harder, his teeth gritting as his skin was lightly torn by the impact of the leather tool. It stung incredibly, and he almost couldn't breathe as he waited for the last blow to burn his back.

However, the king coughed harder as the executioner swung his whip, causing the man to lose focus. A stronger blow than he had planned cut through Nielle's back where he already had one hit, making him cry out in pain.

"Agh!" Nielle clenched his fists and angrily glared at the executioner behind him, who subconsciously backed away as he immediately realized his mistake and duly regretted it.

"Well done," the king stood up in an attempt to examine Nielle's back, but the prince sat up sharply and threw his clothes over his aching back, as he didn't intend to endure any further humiliation.

"Since I got my punishment, father, I guess I don't have to sit in jail today," Nielle deduced.

"No," the king was satisfied with the show and left, "return to your duties...teach them better." he looked at the executioners.

"I will," Nielle stared at the executioner with the whip in hand and waited for a moment before the king finally walked away.

When they had the desired privacy, he sighed deeply and took a step towards the executioner, "Were you nervous?"

The man bent down in a second and handed Niello the whip, "I'm deeply sorry, sir...I haven't had to...hold back for a while...I'm really sorry if I hurt you."

"No did good," Nielle laughed, "you saw how pleased that sadistic bastard see his son's blood." he said and nodded to the bench next to him. The executioner took off his robe in a second and lay down on his stomach.

Nielle looked at his bare back with a soft sigh. The whip cut through the man's body in a violent swing, making him scream in pain. 

"But you know, it still hurted," he hit him again, creating a bleeding cut on his skin from how much force he put into it. He aimed the third blow at the same spot, causing the man to cry out.

"I believe you know that even gentler," Nielle said and whipped him harder, "so next time...if something comes up...try." he swung the whip across his lower back.

"Ahh...I'll get better, sir!" he promised.

"You will, you will," Nielle nodded and repeated the blow. 

He didn't stop even when he heard tears in the man's words, he didn't stop even when the blood ran down his back over the bench to the ground. He didn't stop even when the executioners next to him looked hesitantly at each other, as if they were really happy, that the king didn't choose them.

"That would be enough, I'm exhausted," Nielle breathed, throwing a bloody whip at one of the executioners.

"Can we treat him, sir?" he asked catching the whip, not knowing what Nielle wanted.

"Of course, take him to Elyan...let him take a few days off," he stared at the unconscious man.

Without another word he made his way out of the dungeons. He let out a deep sigh as he walked down the halls, hissing painfully every time his robes rubbed against his wounds, "That bastard." 

He gently rubbed his injured spots, but since it hurt even more, he pulled his fingers away.

He hated pain…he hated the king…and when those two things were combined together, he was very close to committing an assassination. 

However, the king was lucky because he didn't have time to dwell on his anger for too long at the moment, as he had other things to deal with. On the one hand, he wanted to make a plan to catch the Infey, which he didn't have time to complete, and on the other hand, to find out who dared to destroy his plans by shooting his Lacrisan.

Because the fact that he had to return to the palace was clearly no accident...and although Nielle had no idea who had thrown obstacles at his feet, he wasn't going to sit quietly...because whoever it was, Nielle would very much like to meet him.

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