Luck’s descent (BL)

Luck in kidnapping 3

Shane sat on the couch and with his eyes closed he let Nielle steal his luck. He was shivering slightly, as with every second of this disgusting activity a convulsive pain shot through his body. Every time Nielle clenched his teeth or deliberately pushed into his wound, he only slightly increased his grip on the sofa. He tried to ignore him, but ignoring the way his luck was slipping away was always impossible, no matter how many times Nielle did it.

"From what I've found out about you, you're pretty harmless," Nielle remarked as he let go of his hand and handed him a piece of cloth.

Shane stopped his bleeding and looked at the desk, suppressing the urge to read the contents of the letters on it.

"Do you want to look at them?" Nielle laughed and took the papers.

Shane glared at him and took a piece of meat from the table, having fulfilled his duty, "What for? I know what I lived," he clarified.

Nielle laughed softly and looked over the papers again,"You might think so, but there are actually some interesting things you don't know about. Do you want me to tell you?" he teased him amusedly. 

Shane looked at him blankly, "No thanks," he stated, "I don't plan on believing anything you say."

Nielle sighed, "Too bad, maybe you'd come to your senses...and if you did, your life might be a little less of a bad joke...because this is a really funny piece of paper....funny how my people found out everything in two days while you haven't notice anything in your whole life. Is that sad? Funny?" he laughed in delight and took another bite of his food.

Shane gave him an irritated look: "This also applies to you, if you'd come to your senses, your life could be a little less of a bad joke too. The prince whom the king talks to as he would to a slave. It is sad? Funny?" he said. 

Nielle looked at him and smiled lightly, "Everyone has their own way of arranging things for themselves," he said, "but you... you can't arrange anything," he declared and slowly approached him on the sofa, "that's why you got chained up then," he reached out and tried to touch Shane's neck but failed as he slapped his hand away and glared at him angrily, "and that's why you got this collar again." Nielle pointed out with satisfaction.

Shane was filled with a wave of hatred at how this prince was blatantly screwing him, but knowing that his situation was only temporary, he slowly calmed down at the thought that soon the tables would turn and he would get his revenge on this sadistic prince. 

"Just hope you don't end up like those who gave it to me the first time," he said and continued eating.

Nielle took the papers from the table and waved them contentedly, "Don't worry, I know how they ended... only you don't." They're doing better than you think," he laughed.

Shane glared at him, "What did you say?"

"I said you don't know what happened to them, Lacrisan," he laughed, "but since you refused my offer to exchange information," he placed the papers next to the candle on the table and let them be consumed by the flames, "you may continue to live your funny life." he gently approached him and touched his cut hand where, despite the cloth, a little blood still flowed.

Shane shook him off, but Nielle grabbed him again and climbed onto the couch contentedly. Amused, he moved closer to Shane, making him back up to the edge of the couch, against which he pushed him.

"I still haven't given you your punishment, have I?" Nielle smiled. 

Shane glared at him from below for a few long seconds before he straightened up sharply. He surprised Niella with it and in a second he changed their positions, throwing the prince under him. Nielle blinked in surprise as he was suddenly lying beneath Shane. He immediately tried to sit up, but Shane irritably grabbed his arms and held him in place, roughly trapping him under his body.

"What did you mean I don't know what happened to them?" he asked in anger.

Nielle lay there as he froze for a moment, filled with confusion. However, he recovered from the disadvantage very quickly and as soon as he realized what was happening, that someone was on top of him and he was in a really disgusting position, he aggressively kicked Shane from below between his legs. Shane jerked back in shock and violently grabbed his crotch where Nielle irritably hit him.

However, he didn't stop there and when Shane wasn't able to defend himself for a while, he kicked him from the couch to the ground. Shane threw things off the table and was surprised to realize that he was lying on the carpet. Nielle got up and aggressively approached him. He stood over him and kicked him in the stomach in anger. 

Shane tried to fight back, but Nielle kicked him again...and then again, then threw a candlestick at him from the table and then kicked him in the chest one more time. After a moment of venting his anger, he stomped hard on Shane's chest and gave him an aggressive look.

"You've just earned yourself a really unpleasant evening, Lacrisan," he growled.

Shane grabbed Nielle's leg on his chest and tried to sit up. However, Nielle was quite strong, and even though their abilities were fairly even, Shane with his several days of exhaustion was still at a disadvantage to Nielle, who had enough energy every day. 

Shane was about to say something when there was a knock on the door.

"It's open," Nielle said still staring at Shane and when a soldier ran in he gave him an irritated smile, "I'm glad you're here, I was just about to call the soldiers for some fun... I must show one Lacrisan his place." he growled.

"Your Highness, we have just received a report that your suspects have been kidnapped by villagers," the soldier said.

"What?" Nielle confusedly lifted his leg off of Shane who finally took a deep breath, "Villagers?"

"According to the message, they were kidnapped when they fell asleep by the river, we don't know why they fell asleep...but they are currently in the chapel, a few kilometers from the village where they stopped before," he said.

Nielle was quite for a moment before declaring, "Take twenty men, let's go," he said.

Although the original plan was to follow them to the military camp near Alycante and have them captured there, or use other strategies, he couldn't pass up the chance when someone else caught them. And so, although he wasn't sure if they'll still be there by the time they arrive, he didn't hesitate to head out.

"And what should I do? I'm going too?" Shane asked as he got up but wasn't sure if he wanted to stay in the camp alone as Nielle's words painted the soldiers in a bad light.

He had no idea what kind of punishment he was planning with the use of soldiers, but his fantasy ranged from mass rape and mass taking of his luck, to the promised fight that Nielle wanted to see. And Shane wasn't interested in either of them, not to mention staying with the local soldiers alone when he wasn't feeling his best.

Nielle looked at him and hesitated for a moment before nodding, "You're going," he said and started walking away.

After all, he knew that the king had him locked up for two days so there would still be time to have fun, but he couldn't let Shane disappear somewhere. He was going to find the Infeys and then enjoy a long evening with his daring Lacrisan...until he fucked the whole impertinence out of him...and much more.

However, duties come first. 

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