Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 10. Dueling Titan!

I looked at him with rage. I didn’t want to hold anything back, and I didn’t care if this person would be lost to the shadow realm. He helped traumatize this girl even more than she might already be from being here, and I was pissed. “I don’t know who you are… But they won't find anything left of you when I’m done…” I said through grit teeth. The giant man chuckled at me. “Duel!” We both said at the same time as I activated my Duel disk.


4,000 Rakki ---- 4,000 Titan


“I shall show you the power of shadows…” He said “First I summon InfernalQueen Archfiend in attack Mode!! And because she is on the field every Archfiend monster that is on the field gains 1000 attack points!” Just as he placed the card down, a hideous form erupted on the field.


InfernalQueen Archfiend/Fiend/Effect/Level 4/Atk:900(1900) Def:1500 InfernalQueen


“And normally I would have to pay life points to keep her on the field, but because of my field spell, I no longer have to pay any life points!” He then placed another card in his duel disk, and the entire area changed to be like the pits of Tartarus. He laughed darkly at me. “I end my turn, and with that your friend slips further away from your grasp.” He said as the fog started to encompass her.


Seeing that only fueled my rage. “I Draw!” I yelled as I took one more card from my Duel disk. I then looked at my cards and scowled at Titan. “I said there would be nothing left, and I plan to make it that way…” I said darkly, as I could feel the rage, and desire for destruction. As the feeling grew, I felt like I could remember more about these archfiends that I had forgotten. Like their annoying ability to counter other abilities targeting them. My scowl deepened as I almost let out a primal growl of anger.


“First!! I lay down three cards face down! Then I end my turn!” Titan looked surprised at me, but then laughed. “Very well… You shall lose your soul along with your friend. I Draw!” He looked at his cards for a second, then decided his moves. “Now I summon TerrorKing Archfiend in attack mode! And remember he gains 1000 attack points from my InfernalQueen on the field!”


TerrorKing Archfiend/Fiend/Effect/Level 4/Atk:2000(3000) Def:1500 TerrorKing


InfernalQueen Archfiend/Fiend/Effect/Level 4/Atk:900(1900) Def:1500


He began to laugh more as he continued his turn. “TerrorKing!! Attack him directly!!” I then stopped the Fiend running at me. “Kneel!!” I yelled to it as it stopped in its tracks. This confused Titan as I then pulled a card out from my hand. “I activate Performapal Kuribohble’s effect! If a monster declares a direct attack, I can summon him to the field and change the attacking target to him! And I summon him in attack mode!”


Performapal Kuribohble/Fiend/Effect/Level 1/Atk:300 Def:200 Pal Kuriboh


Titan laughed again at me. “I activate TerrorKing’s effect! Whenever an effect targets my monster, a number between 1 and 6 is chosen at random, and if either a 2 or a 5 is selected then the effect is negated, and the card is destroyed!” As he finished explaining, a bunch of balls erupted from a puddle of Lava in the middle of the field. They moved around and oriented themselves in a circle, before a flame started to appear on one, and leapt to the others one by one at random.


The flame kept moving around until it landed on a 3. I had a feeling it would work in my favor right now, so I didn’t have my expression change, like my win was never in doubt. “Looks like luck is on my side… Now attack my Kuribo!” I ordered the TerrorKing to attack my Kuribo, and it obeyed me. With a slash from it’s claws, my Kuribo was destroyed, but my life points were unchanged. “What is the meaning of this!?” Titan was mad at the lack of change. I put my little pal in my grave as he gave me a happy chirp.


Yes, this little guy was one of the cards that I found in the well. I always did like Kuribo monsters, and they always came in handy for situations like this. “My other effect from my Kuribo activates. Any damage caused by battle from when I summon my Kuribo this way gets turned into life points instead!!”


6,700 Rakki ---- 4,000 Titan


Titan grumbled a bit and frowned. “No matter! I can still attack you directly with my InfernalQueen!” With that the Queen came running over to me, and attacked me directly. I could feel her claws slash into my soul damaging it. “Agh!!” I screamed from the pain as my life points fell.


4,800 Rakki ---- 4,000 Titan


I growled again as I gave Titan a death glare, imagining how I would watch him disappear next turn. Titan chuckled and laughed at me though. “I end my turn… And I am one more step closer to claiming both of your souls…” I snarled at him and growled louder in my rage. “I Draw!” As soon as I looked at my card I knew it was over, but the feeling of watching my plan come together, and all of my effects get me the win didn’t fill me with any happiness. I was still pissed and wanted him to be gone from my sight.


“I activate my continuous trap! Bad Reaction to Simochi!! This makes it so whenever you would gain life points, you lose them instead!!” Titan laughed and chuckled more at me. “Boy… You do not realize-” He was about to talk more, but I cut him off. “Silence!!!” The amount of volume that I gained to yell that singular word was almost deafening. And I could hardly recognize it as my own voice.


“I then activate my other trap! Paths of Destiny!! We each toss a coin, if it lands on heads… Then we gain 2,000 life points! If it lands on tails then we lose 2,000 life points!!” I finished explaining the card effect, and as I was done two coins appeared in front of each of us. They were flipped and the results were in. Titan got heads and I got Tails. “Fucking knew it…” I said under my breath. Then we both took damage. Titan only took damage from my continuous trap, but I took damage because of my bad flip. “Agh!!” We both screamed in pain


2,800 Rakki ---- 2,000 Titan

“Now I activate the spell card Upstart Goblin!! Allowing me to draw one card, but giving you 1,000 life points as payment!! But my continuous trap is still in effect!! Making you lose 1,000 instead!!” Titan screamed again in pain, as I drew another card as His body continued disappearing into the mist.


2,800 Rakki ---- 1,000 Titan


As Titan was still reeling from the pain, and the confusion of what was happening, I activated my last spell card. “Now I activate the spell Cup of Ace!! This allows me to flip a coin, if it’s heads, I draw two cards! If it’s tails, you draw two cards!!” The goblet tipped over, with it, the coin fell and landed on tails. Giving Titan two more cards. Titan drew his cards with a scowl, thinking of how to make me pay, but I wasn’t done yet. “Next I activate the spell Restructer Revolution!! This damages your life points by 200 for each card in your hand!! And I count 6!!”


Titan then looked up at me in shock and stared at the spell card on the field. The spell card then released a bunch of warriors on horses that stampeded Titan. He screamed in pain as each horse stamped on him, and I watched with a scowl plastered on my face.


2,800 Rakki ---- 0 Titan


Just as the life points were cemented, I could see Titan slowly fade away into the fog while screaming in agony and pain. As soon as he disappeared I went over to where he disappeared. All that was left was his duel disk. I just kicked it away from me in anger. “I don’t even want to touch those backstabbers…” I could hear the gravelly voice speak, but his thoughts somehow matched my own. As soon as I realized this, the gravelly voice spoke with a light chuckle. “Sorry kid… Our emotions were close enough to merge closer together. Don’t ask, you are not ready…”


I was a little confused, but making sure Alexis was ok was my top priority. I rushed over to her side to see her condition. “Alexis please tell me you’re ok…”

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