Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 17. Horror In The Forest

Getting back into my dorm, I was met with Jayden and Syrus. “Hey, Rakki!” Jayden called out to me as I was going up the stairs into my room. I stopped and waited for both of them to catch up to me. When they made it up to me Jayden started talking. “Did you say something to Zane?” I was surprised that he would out me so quickly if he did talk to Syrus. I nodded at them both. “Yea, I gave that guy a piece of my mind.” I sighed from how I may have said things a bit too harshly.


Jayden nodded while Syrus was staring at me wide eyed. “What did you say, because Syrus said that he’s totally acting strange now.” I frowned at him while thinking. “Strange how?” I asked Syrus. “Well… He’s… Just acting strange, and said that he was doing it because of something you said.” I nodded while rolling my eyes. ‘For the cool kid, he really sucks at keeping things to himself.’ “I told him to try saying things differently. Is he doing that?” Syrus nodded and I shrugged. “Good… I’m glad he’s listening to my advice… Anyway, on another note. I’m going back to sleep. I’ll see you guys in class tomorrow.”


They both gave me their goodbyes and I made it inside my room. I sat down at my desk and kept looking at different gambling cards for later. While scrolling through traps, I found one that I couldn’t help but smile evilly. It was pretty close to nighttime, but I had to grab this card. I burst through my door, and made a b-line to the card shop. After a while of running at full speed, I was surprised that I wasn’t even out of breath, but I didn’t have time to wonder about how my duel spirits were helping me.


I made it to the counter to see the counter girl closing everything up. She noticed me run up and gave me a smile. “Hi sweetie, can I get you anything before I close up?” I smiled at her and nodded. “Yea! Can I see that box of gamble cards again?” She nodded and made her way to the back for a bit. She came out with the old box again and let me have a look at it, while she kept tidying up. I kept looking around inside the box and grinned when I saw it. “Lucky Punch…” I said under my breath. “This is it!” I said while holding up the card for the counter girl to look at.


She took a glance at the card and her eyes widened. “Are you sure you want this card sweetie!?” I nodded at her with a smile. She looked back at the card and sighed. “Alright sweetie, I’ll sell it to you for 1,000DP… Any more and I’ll feel guilty.” She sighed while I put my PDA to have the funds transferred out. “Don’t worry… I’m feeling this card will help me tremendously.” I gave her a smile as I left. “Thanks for the help!” She nodded at me and finished closing shop.


I looked at the trap card and smiled more. ‘Alright… This should give me a hand when I need it most.’ With those thoughts in mind I made it back to my dorm. I went inside my room and got ready to go to sleep. Getting under my sheets revealed Spirit of the Breeze waiting for me. I smiled as she smiled back at me. Her green skin, almost glowing in the dark. When we were both under the covers, I could feel a slight wind flowing through my clothes, keeping me cool on this especially warm night. Spirit of the Breeze seemed to like just holding hands as we slept, and I was happy to oblige her. Whatever she wanted is what I would do. I fell asleep with the soft breeze tickling my whole body, while holding the hand of an angel.

I woke up the next day to see she was already gone. I sighed with a little disappointment, but I got up and dressed before heading downstairs for breakfast. I was a bit confused from all of the looks I was getting from random Slifers I never talked to. I shrugged it off and sat down with Jayden, and Syrus. “Sup guys.” I said as I sat down. They both gave me strange looks as well. I furrowed my brows in confusion. “What’s wrong?” Jayden then began to laugh at me causing me to have my mood worsen. “What!?” I yelled at him, just causing him to laugh even harder. 


I looked over at Syrus to give me an answer. “Umm… Rakki? You have something on your cheek.” I looked at him confused as I took out my PDA and used the screen as a bad mirror. What I saw was a green kiss mark on my left cheek. I sighed as I got some napkins from the table. “That little minx…” I said under my breath with a defeated smile. “So… Who’s the lucky girl?” Jayden said between chuckles. I gave a weak chuckle at the question. “We have an agreement to not talk about it, but I guess she wanted people to know it was happening for some reason.” I squinted at my deck, only to have a slight breeze flow up my arm, tickling me as it blew up my sleeve.


I sighed and began to eat as everyone in the mess hall continued whispering to each other. After Jayden and Syrus were done eating, we all made it to class. I went to my spot near the top of the classroom to catch some shut-eye, and avoid getting bored out of my mind. Jayden and Syrus took the seats next to me, and before I realized it, Alexis, Jasmine, and Mindy had all taken the seats, just below us. “Hey guys.” Alexis said while she was taking her seat.


Jayden, Syrus, and I all gave our greetings back. Then Jayden started opening his mouth. “Alexis! I gotta tell you something! We were all eating breakfast- '' Before he could finish talking, I hit Jayden's arm while I was still in my resting position. “Oww…” He said while rubbing his arm to ease the pain. “Why don’t we just keep that to ourselves?” Jayden laughed at me. “She wanted people to know, right? I’m just helping her.” This caught the girls’ attention as Mindy was fervently asking for gossip. “Who wanted people to know what?” She asked with her voice dripping with anticipation.


Just as Jayden was about to say something, I cut him off with a question of my own. “Is Chazz missing?” This made everyone look over to where he normally sat, and listen in on all of his classmates berate him for being a bad duelist. “Yikes… If those were my only friends, then I think I might run off too…” Jayden said with a frown. “Jay, I know Chazz has always been a bit mean, but I think we should make sure he is at least ok.” Syrus said with a little more confidence than usual. Jayden agreed immediately. “Totally Sy. Rakki? You wanna help?” I thought for a bit and shrugged. “Why not? Knowing you, it’ll definitely be more entertaining than class.” Jayden and Syrus both smiled and got ready to leave.


I got up with them, but before we left we got stopped by Alexis, Jasmine, and Mindy. “If you really think that we’d just leave you to find an Obelisk blue on your own, you have another thing coming.” Alexis said with a smile. “Yea, I totally need to hear this gossip too!” I groaned from what Mindy was coming for, and Jayden started laughing at me again. “More the merrier!” He yelled as we all went out the door before class started.


We all walked outside of the school building and started walking around the forests of the school in hopes of calling out to Chazz for him to come back; Like a missing cat. I sighed at the brilliant plan that Jayden thought of, but kept my mouth shut. While Syrus was still calling for Chazz, Mindy got Jayden’s attention to ask him about the gossip. “So what happened, and why does Rakki not want to talk about it?” Just as Jayden was about to spill, we heard a loud noise that had us all freeze from horror.


It sounded like a madman laughing, with a guy screaming in horror and pain while being electrocuted. Almost like a crazy doctor shocking someone's brain in therapy except there was no end goal of curing the poor soul, just pain for the doctor to enjoy. “What the hell was that!?” Mindy whispered in a loud tone. “We gotta help him!” Jayden yelled as he ran off in the direction. “Jay- Dang it!” I tried to yell to stop him, but he was already gone before I could even yell his name. I then ran after to help give him back up. Everyone started to run with me to catch up to Jayden towards the horrifying existence.


While running through the woods, I noticed that the light was dimming, and the sun seemed to be blocked by something. “Careful boy… There is a presence of destruction around here.” The gravelly voice said with a cautioning tone. I nodded and gave a grunt of affirmation. I had a feeling I knew what this was, but having my fiend partner warn me, just proved my theory correct. 


As we kept running after Jayden we found him standing outside what looked to be a small power plant. He was staring off at a ghostly Jinzo standing near a fallen Obelisk blue student on the ground, who seemed like he was passed out. Jinzo then pointed at me, and spoke in a chilling automated voice. “That is the one I want to duel…” Everyone’s head snapped over to me with confusion.

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