Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 19. Duel Ends

I took a breath while looking at my cards in my hand. ‘It would do no good to panic right now. A king must think clearly in times of crisis. I have my traps, but they are both useless right now. I had to get rid of my cards, but I also needed more cards to really get out of this tough spot. I only had at most, two more turns before he could kill me with just that spell card. I did the math, and I think I could kill him with it, but I don’t know if he has anything to stop it, leaving me completely defenseless.’ I sighed while drawing my next card. I gave it a look and nodded. “I summon my Baby Dragon in defense mode!!”


Baby Dragon/Dragon/Normal/Level 3/ Atk:1200 Def:700 Baby Dragon


“I now play the spell card! Card of Sanctity!! This makes us both draw until we each have 6 cards in our hands!!” Jinzo nodded while more cards appeared around him. I took a look at what I drew, and felt a chill, and a slight breeze blowing my jacket in the wind. And with that chill I gained a smirk. “You put up a good fight… But this match is over!” I then began to grin while playing my cards. “I play the spell card double summon! Allowing me to make another normal summon this turn and I summon Spirit of the Breeze in defense mode!”


Spirit of the Breeze/Fairy/Effect/Level 3/ Atk:0 Def:1800 Sprit of the Breeze


“Next I place a trap, and then play the ritual spell, Contract with the Dark Master!!” The wind began to change as a pentagram of blood red color appeared on the field. “What ritual is that for?” I heard Syrus say quietly. “I don’t know…” Alexis said in an almost trance. “I sacrifice my Level 5 Copycat from my hand, and my Level 3 Baby Dragon, to summon… Dark Master Zorc!!!” With saying that I saw all the candles around the edge of the ritual be alighted and the offering accepted. The ground began to crackle and break apart around the seal as the candles went out one by one. The glow of the candles was slowly going out, and seemed to leave the whole field in complete darkness for just a moment. Before the low light came back to show the Dark Master himself standing just over there. He had a blood red wings that formed a cape around his blackened body. His fingers were long and his fingernails looked like claws, ready to slash anything that dare come near. His head was just a disfigured skull. The teeth were more like fangs, and the top portion of the skull seemed to form itself into a crown of thorns. He had a green essence that seemed to come from him. It glowed in his eyes, and through his open mouth, but it also seemed to flow from the top of his head, almost like green hair that appeared to be on fire.


Dark Master Zorc/Fiend/Ritual/Effect/Level 8/ Atk:2700 Def:1500 Zorc


“What!? That’s impossible!! Why would you be following a lowly mortal!?” Jinzo screamed in astonishment. Zorc said nothing, but gave Jinzo a small evil grin that scared Jinzo of what he would do if he lost. “Now that it’s my standby phase I gain 1000 life points thanks to Spirit of the Breeze!” I smiled as I could feel my life returning. ‘Thank you.’ I thought to her. She gave me a small smile before looking back to the field. “Now I play my continuous trap card! That Six!! This allows both of us to change the roll of any dice we throw to either 2 results! 1,3, or 5 becomes 6 and 2,4, or 6 becomes 1!! Now I activate my other trap! Fire Darts!! This allows me to when I have no cards in my hand, roll 3 dice and have that roll multiplied by 100 dealt as damage directly to you!!”


The dice rolled and every one had rolled on 1. I smiled as I saw my win in sight. “Now I change all of my results to 6!! That makes the damage of each arrow 600!!” Just as I changed it, the 3 burning arrows were released from the trap card and flew directly into Jinzo’s chest. I saw him burn along with his life points.


2,000 Rakki ---- 100 Jinzo


“Now I activate Zorc’s effect!! This allows him to roll a die, and he either destroys your monster, or rolls a 6 to destroy all of mine!!” “What!?” I heard Alexis yell at me from behind and I had to hold myself back from chuckling while Mindy calmed her down. Zorc activated his magic, and out of his fiendish hand, a die that looked like it was made from living tissue fell out. It began to tumble on the ground. It tumbled until it landed on 6. I scoffed as I felt Zorc let out a chuckle himself. “I activate my continuous spell! That Six!! Changing my result to a 1!!” Just then, the die flipped over to show a single pip of an eye that looked at the sky. I shuddered a bit at the sight of that, but shook it off to win the duel. “Destroy his face down monster!!”


Zorc then slowly walked over to the face down card. Savoring every bit of fear that he could feel from Jinzo. He then charged his hand with magic and snapped his blackened fingers to destroy the face down monster that turned to be Spirit Caller, who couldn’t use his flip effect from being destroyed instantly. “Zorc… Finish him…” I said gravely as Zorc smiled as well as he walked over to Jinzo. “Stop!! You can join me instead!! We could rule the mortals together!! Why are you doing this!?” Jinzo’s pleading fell on deaf ears, as Zorc charged his hand with magic, and then shot that magic directly at Jinzo. “AHHHH!!!” Jinzo screeched from the pain as he was being defeated.


This kept on for a bit, until Zorc had felt like he had sufficiently shown dominance towards Jinzo, and would have no problems from him if we fused. The Spirit girls were giving me smiles as they disappeared, that I returned in kind. I let out a sigh of content as the Obelisk students started appearing beside the first one we could see earlier.

2,000 Rakki ---- 0 Jinzo


I was about to check their condition, but was stopped from the lack of power in my legs. “I’m going down.” I said as I slowly started to fall. I had enough power in my legs to remain standing, but walking was a bit too much for me at the moment. Jayden quickly came over to help hold me up. “Dude! Are you ok!?” He gave me a worried look that matched everyone else’s. I sighed and nodded. “Yea… I think that guy took more than I thought during our duel. Just need some rest, and I’ll be better by then.” At least that’s what Zorc told me. He said that he had to use some of my power to destroy Jinzo’s Ego. Giving him a blank sleight to work with, and one without anger towards us.


I put my arm over Jayden’s shoulder to help steady myself as he helped me walk over to the Obelisks. The sun had started to shine again, showing it was mid-day. I sighed again before feeling a sense of something in my other hand. I looked at it to see Jinzo’s card. “Hello master…” I heard Jinzo say to me. I grinned while looking at him. ‘Nice to meet you.’ I thought as I felt his affirmation. Just as I was smiling everyone else had come over as well. “Are you ok?” Alexis asked me with a worried expression. I grinned and nodded at her. She smiled back at me. “Good… That means you are ok enough for me to do this!” She then smacked my head. “Ow…” I groaned. “Please don’t hit the recovering person that just dueled an evil Duel Spirit.”


I was rubbing the back of my head she had smacked with Jayden laughing at my pain. Seeing him laughing had reminded me that everything was ok now, and with that thought I began to chuckle, and have it grow into a happy laugh as well. This gave pause to the girls and Syrus, but I felt like laughing right now. After a bit more I sighed and was left with just a small smile. “Ok… Let’s get everyone to the infirmary. The Obelisks should be fine with just some bed rest.” There were three guys, but I couldn’t help right now. “Anybody have a way to send a distress signal?” I said a little jokingly, but Alexis acted like she just remembered something, and pulled out a small phone looking thing.


Alexis clicked the button on it twice in quick succession, and just as I was about to ask what that was I could already hear noises coming towards us. “I was given this after the incident. The faculty wanted to make sure that I could get help as fast as possible if I needed it. Kinda forgot about it until now.” I sighed, but there was little that I wanted changed. It was good that I got a Jinzo. Then a van that came from the clearing came crashing towards us. Jayden and I started to freak out from how fast that van was charging us and fell on our backs. The van stopped a little more than 5 feet from us and soldiers came charging out of the back.


“Well, Well, Well… I knew it wouldn’t take long to be able to catch you, Rakki.” I frowned at that voice and looked at Alexis. She seemed confused that we knew each other, but Jasmine seemed to be rolling her eyes at the police woman herself. “Alexis… Next time we need help… Just have Jayden run back to the school… Or better yet, just not get any help…” I sighed as I stared at the blue sky with soldiers surrounding us boys. The police woman started talking overly nice to Alexis. “Now dear Alexis… All you have to do is testify of all the horrible things that Rakki has done to you, and I will make sure to personally punish him myself.


I wanted to say something to that, but it was almost too easy. “Just remember my safe word is zucchini…” ‘I did say almost…’ The police woman groaned with her face completely red, while Mindy let out a laugh involuntarily. Jasmine frowned while shaking her head, and Alexis covered her grin that she was trying not to show. Jayden was sprawled out on the ground laughing so hard he was holding his stomach while Syrus was too scared to find anything funny. 


I yawned while Alexis was trying to explain what happened. Alexis kept stumbling while not fully understanding what happened herself. “We found an evil Duel Spirit that stole the souls of those Obelisks over there, and had to Duel for their souls back. We can’t exactly bring them back easily, so we called you guys… Not my idea to call you specifically though… Just wanna throw that out there.” The police woman grumbled under her breath, but Alexis nodded with how that is what happened.


“Fine… I guess this is an emergency… I’ll take the Obelisks, and everyone else… But I don’t need to take you!” The police woman pointed at me while frowning. I shrugged my shoulders while still laying on the ground. “Sure… I don’t mind.” She frowned deeper at me. She wanted me to suffer in any way that she could, but I honestly didn’t care if she left me here. I could just rest here, and walk back to the dorms later. “It’s cool! I can totally help Rakki get back to the dorms!” Jayden said with a smile to the police woman. She humphed and began to get in the van with the passed out Obelisks. 


Just as Jayden was about to help pull me up, a hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked back to see Alexis. “Can I do it? I need to talk to Rakki anyway.” Alexis said with a serious expression. Jayden looked at me for a second to see if I was ok with it, and I nodded while sighing. He smiled and ran off towards the moving van. “Wait for me!!” He yelled as he disappeared behind the van. Alexis and I were alone in less than a minute. I yawned again and looked at Alexis who was just staring at me with a complicated expression. 


I understood her expression the second I saw it. “You want to know more about Duel Spirits…” Alexis jumped a bit at what I said, but just nodded in silence while looking off. I pat the grass beside me to have her lie down. She slowly laid down on the grass as well beside me. “What do you wanna know?”

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