Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 2. Kidnapping

After making it downstairs we headed off to the first class of the day. There was a blue haired boy at the bottom talking to Jayden with a scared expression on his face. Syrus, if this was all like I was starting to think it was. I walked down the stairs and Syrus looked over at me with a feeble look. “Hey… My name is Syrus. I’m Jayden's best friend here.” I chuckled a little at the small bromance that Syrus always had for Jayden and smiled. 


“My name is…” I thought for a second to really remember the name I had. “Rakki Ichido…” I finished my introduction, and held my hand out for a handshake. Syrus looked at my hand with fear and he shakily grabbed it. We shook hands and Jayden decided to break us up to get going. “Alright! Let’s get going! I can’t wait to see what they’ll have us do for our first day of class! After that duel last night I am pumped!”


I was just going with the flow and followed his lead to the school. For some reason I was not freaking out at this development. I wasn’t sure if I still couldn’t really believe it, or if my mind had just not processed it yet. We made it to the classroom just before the bell rang and took our seats at the bottom row. I wanted to sit at the top, but all of the looks the guys in blue jackets were giving us, made me just meekly go over to the other reds. ‘I wasn’t much of a duelist, and I don’t even know what cards I have. Plus my name added on…’ I sighed as I took my seat.


The kid in me was excited to be inside the Yugioh universe, but the rest of me just dreaded having to duel for all of my problems. ‘How do you even get the art of drawing what you need every time!?’ I sighed again as the door at the stage opened, revealing an androgynous person with a blue jacket, and blonde long hair to enter.

I knew it was Crowler the moment I saw him, and immediately avoided eye contact to not be singled out. Luckily Jayden was already in his sights so I felt pretty safe. Class started and we went through all of the different spells there were. I knew this already. ‘I wasn’t an avid duelist, but c’mon! ‘What types of traps are there?’ There are only three! How could people not know that!? I feel like I’m in kindergarten again…’ I sighed at the way they were teaching and this seemed to catch Crowler's attention.


“You there!” He pointed at me as I sighed again. ‘Why do I always have this kind of luck?’ Crowler frowned at the way I was acting and decided to give me a question to hopefully publicly humiliate me in front of class. “Explain to the class what a field spell is?” I leaned back in my chair a bit and stared at the ceiling to think for a moment. “You want the long version or the short version?” I said. I didn’t want to explain for very long, and field spells were not that hard to explain to begin with.


“I think we should all hear the long version.” Crowler said with a smile. I shrugged and began to talk. “It’s a spell card that, when activated, is placed on the field spell slot. Each field spell has its own effect, but generally they stay on the field, and continue their effects until another field spell is placed, or destroyed by any other means you would destroy a spell.” I looked back to Crowler after I was done to see him scowling at me.


“It was an adequate answer for a Slither I suppose…” He waved it off and continued with his lesson as I rolled my eyes. ‘Yea… but if it was Alexis who said that, you would have given her full marks I bet…’ Class continued on and I made it through the long grinding day of classes. They were all so back to back, I couldn’t even check my deck. It was still a mystery. As soon as classes ended I made my way back to the dorms, and decided to just go back to sleep. Part of me hoping to wake up from this dream. Like a nightmare of taking tests, only with Duel Monsters.


As soon as I made it to my dorm room, I noticed a cell phone in the room that was on. I walked over to it, and saw there was a message for me. “We have your friend Syrus… If you want him back, come to the girls' dorms with your other friend…” As soon as I finished playing the message my door was being pounded on. “Rakki! Did you get it too!?” I sighed, just remembering what really was happening, and not wanting to get involved. But those girls could still ruin Syrus’s career if they turned him in. 


I walked over to the door to meet up with Jayden. ‘Why do they even want to talk to me? What did I do?’ I sighed as I made it to the door, that Jayden sounded like he might burst down himself. I opened the door, and frowned at Jayden. “Yea… I got it.” I held up my phone to show that I also got the message. “We gotta go save him!” 


I nodded and ran behind Jayden to the docks. We found a small unattended boat and got in. While Jayden was rowing us, I decided to do what I was holding off on. I was afraid of what I might see if I looked in a mirror, but I had to know if I at least looked decent. I held my breath and looked over the edge of the boat to see my reflection. I had my usual short slightly messy brown hair, grayish blue eyes, and symmetrical face. I sighed at how similar I looked to my normal self. 


‘That is such a relief. I was terrified I would be some ugly guy with no chance of at least getting a girlfriend after I flunk out of here. No way I can be as good as the best duelists here…’ Just as I was finishing my thoughts, Jayden spoke up. “We’re coming up to the docks.” I looked over to see Syrus being tied up with the trio of girls holding him hostage. “Yea… I think this is all you buddy.” I said with a slight grin of hopefully getting to sit this one out like Syrus.


We made it to the docks, and Jayden and I both got off to talk to the girls. “What’s going on here?” Jayden spoke first with utter confusion at this situation. I couldn’t blame him though. This was all just insane of the girls to pull this. I sighed again at their little plot, and that apparently didn’t go over so well with one of Alexis’s posy. “See!? He has that smug look on his face! Like everyone else is bothering him!” I looked over to the redheaded girl who shouted that with a deadpan expression. “You are bothering me.”


This only seemed to rile her up more as the other girl tried to calm her down. I sighed again and looked over at Alexis. “Can you please just duel Jayden so you can get this hard on, you have for his dueling over? Why did you even ask for me? I’m not a good duelist, I shouldn’t even be on your radar.” Alexis looked shocked and embarrassed at what I just called her passion, but I was too angry from losing sleep to care. I literally just got here somehow, and now I gotta deal with hormonal teenagers. 


“Just kill me already…” I said under my breath as the redheaded girl trounced over with the other black haired girl still trying to hold her back. “I hate your attitude! You have all of this pride in yourself, and think that you are above everything don’t you!? But you don't have anything to back it up, and I’ll prove it right now! Duel!” I sighed again at how dramatic she was being for how little I was acting out, but I had an idea of why I was called out here now.


Alexis, her black haired friend, Jayden, and Syrus all left to duel on the boats as I took the dock with redhead here. “If you lose, then you get expelled!” She was still scowling as we were both shuffling our decks. “And what do I get if I win? You aren’t giving me an option anyway.” I said with a look of disappointment in her lack of thinking. 

She riled herself up even more and yelled at me. “Fine! If you win then I’ll date you! Not like it’s gonna happen anyway!” I shrugged, but I didn’t really want to date her either. ‘No way I’m gonna deal with that as a girlfriend.’ “Y’know what? I’ll just take the nothing.” Her head burst into steam with how mad she was at me right now. “You go first! I wanna beat the snot out of you on my first turn!” I shrugged in acceptance, with the preparation to swim for it when I lost. She would have no evidence I was even here.


I drew all of my cards and my jaw fell at what I saw.

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