Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 27. Roommates

Blair was still silent, but I knew she wasn’t asleep right now. She couldn’t be. I really felt like it was a bad idea, but I still didn’t want to talk with Banner at all. While I was wrestling with what to do, Unhappy Maiden appeared under my sheets. She looked at me with that pouting look of hers from under her bangs, asking for Blair to stay. I looked at her, and frowned at my weak will. “Ugh… Fine! She can stay! Just stop looking at me like that!” I put my hand in front of my eyes to avert my gaze away from Unhappy Maiden’s sorrowful expression.


After I relented, Unhappy Maiden held my hand and moved it to show her happy smile. I sighed with a slight frown while just looking at her. I couldn’t win against that look. I’m weak, don’t judge me. Unhappy Maiden held onto my hand with both of hers and brought it beside her cheek to lay on. I sighed again as I caressed her cheek a bit while drifting off.


Waking up the next day to my alarm clock I tried to stop the alarm, but my arms were being used by the Duel Spirits as pillows. They were all piled around and on top of me while sleeping. The Dreamsprite turned off my alarm, and got back to sleeping on my chest. I sighed while looking at them all, and decided to just be late to class today. As I closed my eyes to go back to sleep along with all of the Duel girls, I heard stirring from above. I was confused about what was doing it, until I remembered what happened last night.


I sighed from the memory of caving so easily. ‘Right…’ I sighed again from how this was gonna work. ‘Am I gonna have to make a partition for us to change in with silhouettes like in those movies of someone sneaking into a woman's 'chambers'?’ I shook away thoughts of having to build that, and focused on just relaxing in bed with all of the girls. That is… Until Blair came down from the bunk above to see us all like that. “C’mon Rakki! You need to get up!” She said in a slightly abrasive voice. I opened my eyes to see her trying to move Dark Witch off of my right arm with a frown.


I sighed and thought of how by the time I would get her to leave me alone, I would be completely awake by then. “Alright girls… I think I need to go to school.” I finished with a sigh as all of the Duel Spirit girls got off of me. They were all saddened by having to let me go, but Blair was essentially pulling me out of my bed. “I got it, I got it…” I said in a sleepy tone as I stood up from my bed. I sighed as I was thinking of the changing situation. “Ok… I’m going to change first, and leave before you… Ugh, anything I say just gives me images of having someone walk in to think I’m assaulting you…” I sighed as I was trying to imagine a way to change without using the bathroom again.


Blair was silent as she blushed and refused to meet my eye line. I sighed just looking at her and the trouble she was causing, but I told Unhappy Maiden I would, and I didn’t want to be on the receiving end of her pout again. “Ok, go back to bed, and hide under the covers while I get dressed first, and I’ll leave for breakfast before you get dressed. Sound good?” I asked while Blair nodded silently while climbing backup to her bunk. I sighed again as I took out my clothes.


I got dressed as fast as I could, and tried to ignore some of the more flirty Duel Spirits making comments about me to try and embarrass Blair and I. I sighed as I went out the door after I was finally done. “Alright, you can change now.” I left the room with all of my Duel Spirits, and made my way to the cafeteria. I met up with Jayden and Syrus, and sat down on the other end from them. “Sup Rakki!” Jayden said as I sat down. “Hi Rakki!” Syrus, getting more confident, also gave me his greeting.


“Sup!” I said as I dug into the food. “Where is Blair? Normally you would be the one sleeping in.” Jayden said with some mirth in his voice. I scoffed as I thought of an excuse. “Well the guy is shy, and prefers to change alone, so he wakes me up and has me leave before he changes.” Both of the guys were a bit confused that he was like that, but also seemed to understand that some people just didn’t like to show themselves. It was then that Blair came around and sat next to me at the table.


They gave their greetings and we all got back to eating. After we were done, we all made it to classes. I took my usual spot in the top portion of the classroom to nap, and Blair decided to take the spot next to mine, while Jayden and Syrus took the spots below us. Alexis, Jasmine, and Mindy came around, and took their spots close by as well. We all greeted each other and Alexis was talking to Blair some more. “He didn’t do anything weird on your first night did he?” She asked in a more hushed and concerned tone.


“I’m right here…” I said lazily as I looked up at Alexis for a second before getting comfortable again. She sighed as she just looked back over at Blair for an answer. Blair shook her head with a slight blush, just proving to Alexis that something did happen. She scowled over at me, that I could see through my squinting eye. “I didn’t do anything…” I played my innocence, but Alexis didn’t buy it. I was only saved from her questioning from the class starting. I sighed in relief as I started to drift off for it to be over.


I was awoken from someone nudging me. “Mmmm… What?” I said with my eyes still closed. “Class is over.” I heard Blair say. I yawned and stretched as I got up from my seat. I noticed that the entirety of class was gone. “Where did everyone go…?” I said groggily, and still getting my bearings. “They all left to see Jayden and Bastion’s match. Apparently the winner of that match gets to be the representative for Duel Academy.” I nodded at her. ‘I thought it might be today…’ “Alright then. Let’s see if Jayden can beat Bastion with his new deck.” said while heading out the door with Blair beside me.


We made our way over to see Jayden and Bastion on the duel platform, talking before the match. I looked around to see some open seats away from the rest of the students, and sat down. Blair took the spot next to me as we both witnessed the start of the match. “Get your game on!!” “Time to show my work!!” “Duel!!”

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