Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 37. Day of the Duel Between Schools

It was the next day, and I woke up to banging on my door. “Rakki! The challenger is coming in an hour! We gotta meet him at the dock when he does!” I groaned from being rudely awakened, and yelled out through the door. “That’s like an hour away!” Jayden from the other side of the door laughed while he kept incessantly knocking on the door to keep me awake. “Yea, but I need to start now to have you awake in an hour!” Blair giggled, and to my surprise she had nuzzled herself into my chest while I was asleep.


I frowned while she smiled at me, refusing to release her grip on me. “If that door opens, we are both dead… You know that right?” I whispered while trying to cover her body under the sheets, just in case. She giggled some more, and started to get up, until the door opened. I wrapped my arms around her, and pulled her deeper in my chest to hide. “See what I mean? You haven't even gotten up yet.” Jayden said jokingly while opening the curtains, letting the blinding sun inside. 


“Ah!” I groaned from the exposure, and used my hand to block the sun from shining into my eyes. “Alright, alright! Just get out and let me change!” Jayden looked at me for a second, letting the bright light help him see someone else under the covers. He grinned while silently pointing under the sheets. I barked at him to leave faster in response, not wanting him to see it was Blair. “Like right now!” Jayden chuckled while heading out the door. “I guess that’s why you're so tired during the day. Just hope Blair can sleep while you get busy right underneath him.”


I felt my face heating up from just the idea of having sex with a friend listening in. “No you disgusting creep! I’m not into that!” Jayden laughed while closing the door behind him. I almost threw a pillow at him to get him to move faster, but refrained while letting out a sigh. “That makes me a bit sad…” I looked behind me to see Dark Witch giving me a fake pout while holding my arm. “You wouldn’t want us to watch while you were with one of the others?” I gulped, and avoided both hers and Blair’s gaze by massaging my temples with my hand. “You’re all insane…” I mumbled under my breath.


I let out a sigh and shook my head, while stating what I was comfortable with in the bedroom. “Not guys. I’d be fine with you girls, but I wouldn’t want some random girls to see.” “Oh… You see us as special?” Blair moved herself in front of me, her large smile, showcasing the glee of already knowing the answer. My frown deepened, not wanting to say more than I would have to. “I’m going to the docks.” I said while wrestling my legs free from Unhappy Maiden and Dream Sprite.


As I got my clothes out, and started to undress, I felt the gazes emanating from my bed. I turned to see all the girls, shamelessly watching me as half of my shirt was unbuttoned. I scowled at them, but Goddess of Whim appeared behind me, helping undress me further while giggling at my reaction. “You said yourself, you wouldn’t mind us watching.” “Yea!” “Don’t go back on your word!” “You didn’t lie did you?” The rest of the girls all cheered while staring at my bare chest.


I sighed while putting on my shirt, slapping Goddess of Whim’s hand away from my pants. I got dressed in record time, evading all the gawking surrounding me. “I’ll see you later.” I said to the drooling Blair, snapping her out of whatever trance she was in. ‘I would say I look above average, but that reaction is a bit much.’ I left with all of my gear, making sure to lock the door behind me. 


I decided to jog lightly to help remove my embarrassment as I headed down to the docks. It wasn’t difficult to notice all the people gathering to see the oncoming boat on the horizon. “Hey! Rakki! Over here!” Jayden waved me over, and Syrus did the same. They both were excited to see who Jayden would be Dueling. “Sup guys?” I said while leaning on a nearby wall as I watched the boat slowly grow in size as it came closer.


Jayden elbowed my arm while grinning. “C’mon Rakki… Is it that mystery girl? I think I deserve to know.” He spoke teasingly, making me have to smack his head in response. “You don’t deserve shit!” I yelled while rubbing my aching knuckles. ‘Man he’s got a thick skull.’ Jayden laughed while Syrus tried to understand what we were talking about now. “I found someone in his-!” I slapped my hand over Jayden’s mouth to keep him silent, knowing the teachers were close by. “Maybe try to announce it over the PA system next time. You’ll be quieter that way.” Jayden laughed some more, causing me to develop a headache. ‘What am I gonna do about this kid?’


“It’s not important. The ship just docked anyway.” I pointed towards the boat, anchoring into the bay, trying to divert this conversation. “Awesome! I can’t wait to see who I’m gonna Duel!” It worked like a charm as Jayden rushed over to the principal’s shaking hands. “Um… What were you talking about?” Syrus stayed, wanting to know more. I was a bit surprised he wasn't still attached to Jayden. However I didn’t mind telling Syrus, I trusted him to be meek enough to keep his mouth shut more than Jayden’s.


“Jayden barged in my room while I still had a girl there.” I sighed while looking at the ocean. “Luckily we were still under the sheets, or I was gonna have to bash his head in to get amnesia.” I scoffed while imagining how hard it would be to accomplish with his thick skull. Syrus seemed embarrassed, and scared at the same time. He quickly ran off towards Jayden, his face beet red. 


“Aren’t you going to see who Jayden is Dueling?” My focus was drawn to the voice that asked me that question. I glanced over at Alexis standing together with Jasmine and Mindy. “I already knew who it was. Jayden just forced me down here.” I said with a sigh, still trying to wake myself up after the adrenaline had worn off from Jayden almost busting us. Before any of the girls could ask how I knew, I kept the conversation going. “So, you ready to see the rematch of the century?”


Alexis shrugged her shoulders and leaned against the wall beside me. “I was just surprised that you weren’t picked to be our representative.” “Hah!” I let out a quick laugh before reigning my smile back in. “I wouldn’t want to be the representative. It’s either I lose and get mocked for it by the school, or win and have an even greater target on my back. I don’t need that kind of exposure when all the Obelisks are itching to Duel me over our friendship.” 


Alexis frowned, and I could tell her face was just a bit red as she turned to look at Jayden. “So you’re just letting him take the fall for you?” I rolled my eyes with a smirk at her question. “Nobody asked me to participate. I didn’t steer for him to do it either. Besides, I have a feeling I’ll get the spotlight for some other reason.” I gained an evil grin, my eyes almost shut as I looked at the descending helicopters, holding Chazz’s piece of shit brothers. “Class is about to be in session.” 


I watched them leave their helicopters while giving fake applause to Chazz. My head, coming up with a plan to gain substantially while also putting them in their place, publicly. Alexis punched my arm, looking at me a tiny bit worriedly. “You’re still you, right?” I scoffed at her question, thinking that I might be possessed from that Jinzo she found about yesterday. “If I was possessed by Jinzo, would I tell you that?” Alexis sighed and nodded at the truthfulness of that statement.


I shrugged my shoulders at her, and used my head to point towards Chazz’s brothers, moving Chazz inside the school while also directing the news stations to set up. I spoke with a smirk, imagining them kneeling before my might, and taking what I want from the both of them. “Those peasants are overstepping… ” I began walking towards the school, Alexis right beside me. “They need to learn that their wish of dominion is a birthright…” At this point I knew that Zorc was affecting my speech, but I let him continue. “One that isn’t simply attained through currency…”

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