Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 61. Blair’s Wrath

Camula stared at the tiny girl, practically growling at her. She glanced behind her, at Rakki and gnashed her teeth at the sight of him. “Give… My Rakki… Back!!” She yelled as a bright light enveloped the forest, blinding Camula for a moment before all returned to darkness.


When it was dark again, Camula quickly scanned her surroundings, surprised to see the protective charm shining brightly on the tiny girl’s chest. She had managed to create a shadow game in her anger. Behind Camula, she heard the grunting of the boy awaking. She quickly knelt down and stared into his eyes, hypnotizing him into a deep sleep. “Rest now…” He blinked absentmindedly before he finally abided. A chain attached to his neck, rattling as Camula tugged the other end from her hand.


Rakki, having gone to sleep, had finally fallen under Caluma’s ownership. It took a lot for him to finally yield, Camula was surprised how he managed to hold off on the absoluteness of a shadow game, and her own hypnotism on top of that, for as long as he did. “Get away from him!!” The tiny girl screamed as she charged at her. However with Camula’s agility and strength, she easily picked up Rakki’s limp body, and dodged to the opposite end of the shadow realm.


However, now it was impossible to escape, since the tiny girl had created a Shadow Game, a Duel had to be made with steaks set. However it was clear what the stakes were about. The man, dangling in Camula’s arms. It was under whose ownership he would be placed under. Normally Camula would see it as a soul betting a soul, but now she felt a bit cheated from the stakes of the Duel. Rakki was more valued to her than this tiny wrathful girl.


Camula clicked her tongue as she set Rakki down behind her, gently making sure he rested comfortably on his back. While doing this, her gaze wandered to his neck. A thirst she had never felt since she wasn't of age yet, sleeping in stasis for generations until she was unearthed a few weeks ago. However, just as she had been told by her father, a thirst slowly sprouted. Camula gulped, her mouth felt parched. She then bit her lip, as taught by her father to help alleviate the craving for a moment of clarity.


Camula turned around, and stared at the little girl, glaring daggers at her. “Rakki is mine!” She screamed after activating her Duel Disk, finally understanding what needed to be done. Camula frowned as her Duel Disk responded in kind. This was her first time feeling this way… She figured it may never happen to her. This particular thirst of one singular human. After all, she despised humans. Vampire’s only feasted from humans they trusted. That was why many hypnotized humans to feel safe with a random human when thirsty, and drink freely. Leaving the human without memory of it being done. However, the pinnacle of drinking blood, was doing so to a human the Vampire trusted, and desired without hypnosis.


Though Camula did place Rakki under to explain what she would never have heard without force, he made the decision to give himself up to her, for her. Although she didn’t fully understand what he meant by saying instinctually. She had to find out. And for that to happen, she had to keep him close. As soon as he would be free from her ownership… He would leave her at the very least, most likely lead the charge for her demise. He may have wanted to save her once, but perhaps it was just a moment of weakness over his damaged psyche. However whatever it was, she wanted to foster that instinct. She licked her dry lips as her mind was filled with crimson. “Duel!” “Duel.”


4,000 Blair ---- 4,000 Camula


Blair glanced at Rakki’s sleeping body, and tightened her grip on the cards she drew. She had to get him back, no matter how much pain it might cause her. “I summon Silent Magician Lv4 in attack mode!” In a bright light, a small girl magician stood, a strange similarity between her and Blair was evident from their appearances.


Silent Magician Lv4/Spellcaster/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:1000 Def:1000 Silent Magician Lv 4


“I’ll set three cards face down and end my turn.” Camula looked at the small girl and her child magician. They both looked unthreatening, but Camula’s instincts told her this child was dangerous. In a way that she would do anything to take Rakki back. Camula couldn’t have that, even if she won her soul in this Duel, she would keep it as a Voodoo doll to stop any funny business. “I Draw!” Camula looked at her cards, but was interrupted by Blair. “My Silent Magician’s effect activates! When you draw a card, she gains a spell counter, and for each one she gains 500 attack points!” 


Silent Magician Lv4/Spellcaster/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:1500 Def:1000(1)

Camula shrugged as it would do nothing if she would destroy it this turn. “I summon Vampire Lady!” 


Vampire Lady/Zombie/Effect/ Level 4/ Atk:1550 Def:1550 Vampire Lady


“Destroy her Magician!” She announced, causing the Lady to quickly charge at the Magician. “I activate my continuous trap! Pitch Black Power Stone!” Suddenly a large sphere appeared on the back line of the field, three mysterious lights swirled inside of the Orb. “When activated I gain three Spell Counters placed on it, and once per turn, I can transfer one of those tokens to another card that needs them. Like my Silent Magician Lv4!” Just as she explained the effect, one of the lights passed through the Orb, and into the small Magician, raising its attack points further.


Silent Magician Lv4/Spellcaster/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:2000 Def:1000(2)


Just as the Magician’s attack points rose, the Vampire Lady continued her attack, but was burned in the bright light from the Silent Magician.


4,000 Blair ---- 3,650 Camula


“I’ll place two cards face down and end my turn.” Camula said unhappily. “I Draw!” Blair yelled as she smiled at her new card. She glanced at Rakki with a loving expression as she played it. “I set a monster, and activate my continuous spell, Arcane Barrier!” A statue appeared from the hovering card of a Magician, but nothing about it seemed special to Camula. “Whenever a Spellcaster monster dies on the field, this gains a Spell Counter up to 4, and if I sacrifice a spellcaster monster, I can draw cards up to the amount of counters this card has.”


Camula was shocked from the long, but overall good effect. However Blair wasn’t finished. “Then I activate my spell card, Book of Taiyou! Flipping a face down monster in face up attack mode, like my own! So here comes the monster my Rakki gave me! Magical Plant Mandragola!” Dangerous plants, ready to eat any small creature that went near it appeared in the ground.


Magical Plant Mandragola/Spellcaster/Flip/Effect/ Atk:500 Def:200 Mandragola


“And due to its flip effect, Every face up card on the field that can hold a spell counter, gains one! That includes my Arcane Barrier, Pitch Black Stone, and most importantly, my Silent Magician!”


Silent Magician Lv4/Spellcaster/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:2500 Def:1000(3)


“Then I’ll use my Pitch Black Stone to add another Spell Counter to my Arcane Barrier, giving it two in total!” A light that came from the Pitch Black Stone, moved over to the statue, giving it another ring of arcane power surrounding it. Camula was astonished by this little girl’s prowess as a Duelist, unaware of the tigress she poked in stealing her male. “Silent Magician, Attack her Directly!”


Just as Silent Magician was about to release her attack, Camula activated her trap card. “Vampire’s are more resilient than you imagine, girl! I activate Vampire’s Awakening! Allowing me to summon a Vampire Monster from my deck! Rise, Vampire’s Curse!” A Vampire appeared on the Field, holding his arms in defense against the attack.


Vampire’s Curse/Zombie/Effect/Level 6/ Atk:2000 Def:800 Vampire's Curse


He was blown away immediately, but saved Camula from a significant blow. “Next, I’ll activate his effect! By paying 500 life points, I can summon him back my next turn with 500 more attack points!” “Fine! I’ll still attack you directly with Mandragola!” Blair yelled, causing the small plant to bite Camula’s ankle.


4,000 Blair ---- 2,650 Camula


Camula’s life points fell, but she smirked from having won this engagement. “I Draw!” “Giving my Silent Magician another Counter!” Blair cut Camula off with a grin of her own, seeing her Magician rise in power.


Silent Magician Lv4/Spellcaster/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:3000 Def:1000(4)


“And I gain my Vampire’s Curse, strengthened from the grave!” Camula shot back with a snarl at this irritating girl.


Vampire’s Curse/Zombie/Effect/Level 6/ Atk:2500 Def:800


Camula then looked at her hand, the cards she needed had all come together. “I activate Vampire's Desire! And I’ll use its first effect, to send a Vampire from my deck, like my Vampire Genesis, to the Grave!” She did as she explained, sending the level 8 boss monster into the graveyard. “This allows my Vampire’s Curse to become the same level as him!” Vampire’s Curse had his levels change, but nothing else outside of that.


Just as Blair was about to make fun of her, Camula showcased a singular spell card that made all of that turn make sense. “I then activate a Ritual Spell. Tomb of the Last Vampire!!” Just as she announced the spell, a crypt unearthed itself from the ground. It’s stonework, turned rubble, it’s depictions, unintelligible. However the chill in the air made Blair’s hair stand on end as the massive stone door banged. Slowly, but with much force, the marble door cracked under the pressure.


Suddenly a purple hand punched through the stone. Another hand then appeared, and they both forced the crack open further for what was inside to finally escape its slumber. What emerged was a purple skinned woman, dressed all in black leather. Thigh high boots with heels cracked the ground she walked upon, and a chain wrapped around her neck was broken from the waist, showcasing what had kept her imprisoned. She drew her decorated, almost cursed looking sword, and faced Blair’s side of the field. Her eyes were hidden under her leather blindfold, but acted as if she could see through the leather shielding her eyes. “Welcome… Vampire Revelations!”


Vampire Revelations/Zombie/Ritual/Effect/ Atk:3000 Def:2100 Vampire Revelations


Blair gulped in fear of the powerful monster, but kept her cool with the protection of her Silent Magician. “Next I’ll equip her with Black Pendant, gifting her an additional 500 attack points.” Camula smirked as Vampire Revelations’ attack rose above Silent Magician’s with the onyx jewelry around her neck alongside the chain that used to bind her. “And I also activate my trap, Call of the Haunted, bringing back my Vampire’s Curse this turn!” The man who died twice already, was back almost as if nothing happened again.


Vampire Revelations/Zombie/Ritual/Effect/Level 8/ Atk:3500 Def:2100


Vampire’s Curse/Zombie/Effect/Level 6/ Atk:2000 Def:800


Camula smiled at seeing her victory in sight. She just found a human who intrigued her, she wasn’t going to let him go yet. “Vampire Revelations! Attack Silent Magician!” Blair smirked as Vampire Revelations readied her sword, before elegantly rushing Silent Magician. “Did you forget about my Pitch Black Stone? I give one more Spell Counter to Silent Magician Lv4, giving her the fifth she needs to Level up!” Just as another light came from the Black Orb, and reached the small Magician, she shined brightly and grew up at astonishing speed. Revealing a sophisticated woman in the child's place.


Silent Magician Lv8/Spellcaster/Effect/Level 8/ Atk:3500 Def:1000 Silent Magician Lv 8

The attack continued, and Silent Magician used her staff to defend against the attack from the Vampire. They both were equally matched, and Silent Magician quickly stopped blocking, and shined a burning light into the Vampire. Just as she did this, a sword pierced her stomach, shattering her body in death. However to Blair’s horror, the Vampire stood in her original position like nothing happened. “What!?” She yelled out in anger at being cheated.


Camula smirked at Blair’s reaction. “Oh? Did I not mention that as long as I control other Vampire’s on the field, she can’t be removed from the field for any reason?” Camula chuckled at Blair’s clenched teeth as she continued her move. “Now! Vampire’s Curse! Attack her Mandragola!” Vampire’s Curse nodded as he quickly created a red ball of energy, blasting the poor plant into smithereens.


2,500 Blair ---- 2,650 Camula

Blair hunched over in pain, her pendant helping alleviate some, still couldn’t protect her entirely. ‘He had to Duel like this…?’ Blair asked in pain, now partly from sorrow of her love having to be hurt like this for her sake. Deciding to leave her with the Pendant instead of taking it himself. “I end my turn. Next turn your soul will be mine, and Rakki.” Camula laughed while hiding her mouth with an elegant fan.


However in that moment, in that very infinitesimal moment, a snapping sound in Blair’s mind occurred. Her own soul being lost? No… She could care less of her own safety at this point. Losing Rakki? That terrified her… But… But Losing Rakki to this bitch? Having him taken away forever… Living as some slave to this bitch? Never… Never… She would never let that image of this bitch happily toying with Rakki in front of her happen. How would she stop that? By having this bitch removed…


With one last comment, Blair’s rationality had snapped. “He is mine… I am his… He is mine… I am his…” She started chanting under her breath as she took a card. Her eyes looked hollow as she stared at Rakki, imagining him being taken away. She finally stopped as her teeth grinded against each other. “I activate my trap, Call of the Haunted to bring back my Silent Magician Lv8! But she won't be here long, as I’ll use her as a sacrifice to my Arcane Barrier that has gotten all 4 Counters now!”


The Silent Magician was taken to the statue, and then encased inside before disappearing in a bright light. Blair took out her 4 extra cards, and immediately played them without thought of consequences. “I play the field spell, Magical Citadel of Endymion!” Just as she did, the ground collapsed, and made way for fantasy like towers to be made in place of the trees. Large magic circles and enchantments littered the sky, giving the ground below a red glow. “The field now gains Spell counters as well when spell cards are used.” She curtly said before continuing on with her move.


“I use my monster’s special ability in my hand. By sending one card from my hand to the grave, I can special summon him to the field. The Tricky!” Just as he was summoned, he was immediately sacrificed, not allowing for Camula to even see his stats. “Then I’ll sacrifice him for the Prophecy Destroyer!!” A demon then appeared from the ashes of the Tricky, large blood red wings, a whipping tail, and finally a mouth and eyes that glowed in the dark, reminiscent of Zorc. This was the card that reminded Blair of her Rakki and the Spirit he was protected by. Seeing this card amongst the others, she had to have it in her deck. To have yet another piece of him at all times.


Prophecy Destroyer/Spellcaster/Effect/Level 6/ Atk:2500 Def:1200 Prophecy Destroyer


“Then I’ll play the spell, Double Summon, allowing me to normal summon again this turn. And since it’s a spell I place a counter on my field.” Just then another circle appeared around the field, showcasing the amount of Counters Blair’s field had. “I summon Dark Valkyria!”


Dark Valkyria/Fairy/Gemini/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:1800 Def:1050 Dark Valkyria


This was another card Blair asked to have, despite Rakki’s pushback. He said it was way too hard to use, despite its powerful effect. However Blair seeing the dark fallen angels wings, and dangerous eyes felt them call out to her, and now she knew why. This was a card for when her quiet goodness wasn’t enough, and she had to rely on something more than just her love. She had to fight for her love, just like this fallen fairy, she would have to make sacrifices for what she wanted… What she needed.


“I then equip her with two spells. First is Supervise! Giving her ability without having to re-summon her.” Dark Valkyria suddenly burst into flame, but felt comfortable basking inside, in fact she seemed to thrive in it. “Now that she has her ability, I will use the first half, giving her a Spell Counter for this turn. I’ll then give her another counter from my Pitch Black Stone, increasing her damage by 300 for each one.” The fire seemed to lessen, but a small flame hovered around the Dark Valkyria, showcasing the Counters she had, and her higher attack damage because of it.


Dark Valkyria/Fairy/Gemini/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:2400 Def:1050


“Then I equip her with United We Stand. Letting her gain a helping hand of 800 more damage from my Prophecy Destroyer.”


Dark Valkyria/Fairy/Gemini/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:3200 Def:1850


Camula let out a tiny sigh of relief from only how high Blair’s damage was getting. “Sorry, but you still can’t beat me with that.” “But I will!!” Blair screamed back, her eyes holding nothing but contempt for her. “I’ll activate Dark Valkyria’s and my field’s effect. Dark Valkyria can destroy any monster on the field in exchange for one of her Spell counters! And my field can use its own spell counters as a substitute for another card once per turn! So I’ll destroy your Curse right now! Dark Valkyria! Burn it!!”


No sooner as Blair screamed, did the field around gather its Spell Counter, and gift it to Dark Valkyria. Once that was done, Dark Valkyria held the energy in her hand, and quickly transformed it into flame. She then sent the flame to Vampire’s Curse, burning it to cinders as it screamed in agony. “No…” Camula muttered as flashbacks of her own family being killed before her resurfaced in her mind.


She watched as Blair scowled, and continued using Valkyria’s own Spell Counter as fuel to destroy her Vampire Revelations. The Vampire screamed as the necklace broke, and a small spirit latched itself to Blair, harming her for 500 damage. However, Blair never faltered, she continued her onslaught of destruction. “Valkyria! End her!” Camula watched as the Fallen Fairy lit up her left gauntlet while slowly walking over to her. She was then grabbed by the throat as the burning sensation, almost akin to the sun, put her in agony. “AHHH!!!”


2,000 Blair ---- 0 Camula

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