Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 72. Bastion Vs. Tania Part 2

Tania chuckled in response. “But my Amazoness Queen has more attack power than your Warrior. Sweetie, I want you, but I still want my men to challenge me~” Bastion clicked his tongue, becoming more immune to embarrassment over Tania’s comments. “Indeed that would seem to be the case… But I can change that with one card! I reveal my face down, Rock Bombardment!!” Bastion’s face down card, flipped over revealing a catapult. He detached his deck from his Duel disk once again, searching for his monster while he explained. “By sending one Rock Monster from my deck to the graveyard, I can deal 500 points of damage to your life points directly!”


Just as Bastion set one of his monsters to the grave, a magnet warrior we had never seen before appeared in the catapult, just as it released, throwing the warrior through the air, and landing directly into Tania. The ground burst into dust from the impact, Tania coughing while her Life Points fell.


4,000 Bastion ---- 3,500 Tania


“Still not enough~” She answered back, mirth in her tone, but Bastion cut her off before she could continue. “I’m not finished yet! Now that I have a magnet warrior monster in my grave, I shall now use Berserkion’s special ability!” Berserkion screamed a war cry, his joints creaking as he moved his arms. A ball of electricity appeared at the end of his spear. “By banishing my Magnet warrior monster from my grave, I’m allowed to destroy one card on your field!” Bastion explained, Berserkion’s ball of electricity building larger while Tania laughed.


“I can get my tiger back next turn sweetie~ My Amazoness Queen can’t be destroyed with her new sword.” Bastion smirked in response, causing Tania’s own smile to fade into confusion. “I’m not aiming for Queen…” Bastion murmured just as the ball of electricity went flying directly towards the Queen. However to Jayden’s, and Syrus’ shock, the bamboo sword the Queen had near her throne was the only thing destroyed. 


“Woah, I thought the bamboo sword was immune to being destroyed from card effects!” Syrus yelled in confusion, causing Chazz to irritatingly explain. “Ugh, only the monster equipped is immune to card destruction. No wonder you were placed in Slifer…” Chazz groaned, while Alexis nodded in respect towards Bastion’s forethought. “It was a good move, now her Queen has fewer attack points than Bastion’s monster.” Blair just stared in wonder, but not at Bastion. I could tell she was hopeful of him losing so that Tania could get her man she desired. I frowned while forcing her hat back over her eyes. After moving it back up, she looked at me with a small smirk and rubbed her head against my side a bit, before Alexis yanked her off. “Stop that!” She whispered to not draw attention from the boys.


Alexis leered at me, so I just pretended I didn’t see her, and stared at the Duel. She smacked my arm at full force, the stinging pain making me wince. ‘Man she doesn’t hold back on that…’ I scoffed, making Alexis hit me again, her face was red from what I could see from my peripheral vision. Back to the Duel, Bastion declared his attack towards Tania, dealing damage to her life points over her Queen.


4,000 Bastion ---- 2,900 Tania


“With that, I end my turn.” Bastion announced, placing only one other card down in his back line. “Already having me on the ropes~ You really know how to please a woman sweetie~ I Draw!” Tania eagerly yelled, making Bastion’s head explode into a puff of steam. Tania giggled at his reaction before looking at her card. When she did, her smile widened with victory in sight. “I activate the spell Polymerization! Allowing me to fuse my Baby Tiger, with my Amazoness Archer, to create… Amazoness Pet Liger!!”


The baby tiger glowed, and during the blinding light, the shape of the small creature grew to an enormous size. We all watched as the small cute and cuddly creature everyone in the stands adored, became a massive bloodthirsty creature at the beck and call of its Empress. It roared with ferocity, bits of spittle flying through the air towards Bastion.


Amazoness Pet Liger/Beast/Fusion/Effect/Level 7/ Atk:2500 Def:2400 Liger


“Now I’ll have my pet attack your warrior!” Tania announced, the giant Liger growling before launching itself through the air to attack the massive magna warrior. While in mid leap, Tania announced the ace up her sleeve. “And during my attack, I’ll use my pet’s special ability! Increasing his attack points by 500 for the battle!” Bastion gasped as the Liger gained equal attack to his warrior. It was then that they clashed, the Liger going for the warrior’s throat while the Warrior pierced the Liger’s body with its magnetic sword/spear.


The Liger backed away, spitting the pieces of the magna warrior in his teeth onto the ground, the warrior fell into pieces while the Liger walked away, his wounds healing at ridiculous speeds. “Then I’ll activate my Berserkion’s effect from the grave!” Bastion announced, the pieces of his Berserkion were still on the field. “When my Berserkion is destroyed, I can special summon his pieces back onto the field from my banished pile!” Just like that, all of Berserker's pieces molded back into their individual forms.


Alpha Electromagnet Warrior/Rock/Effect/Level 3/ Atk:1700 Def:1100


Beta Electromagnet Warrior/Rock/Effect/Level 3/ Atk:1500 Def:1500


Gamma Electromagnet Warrior/Rock/Effect/Level 3/ Atk:800 Def:2000


“Hmm~ The tenacity~ I love it! I attack your Alpha with my Queen!” Tania announced, still dealing no damage to Bastion as he still had his Spirit Barrier. “With that I end my turn!” Tania finished, placing down a card of her own. “I Draw!” Bastion looked at his card, frowning from how difficult this was beginning to be. “I activate my spell card, Magnetic Field!” Soon, the coliseum surrounding us, transformed into a metal workshop, bits and pieces of magnets laid strewn about, while one massive magnet, similar to one in junk yards with a crane, appeared over top.


“With this field spell, if I’m controlling a level 4 or lower Earth, Rock type monster, I can summon a level 4 or lower Magnet Warrior monster from my graveyard, Like my Alpha!” His monster reapered back onto the field. “And with his effect, I can search my deck for another Berserkion!” He showcased his new Berserkion, and started to special summon it. “I banish all of my Electromagnetic warriors from the field, to resummon, my Berserkion! The Magna Warrior!”


Berserkion Electromagna Warrior/Fusion/Rock/Effect/Level 8/ Atk:3000 Def:2800


“Next! I’ll use the spell card, Burial from a Different Dimension! Which allows me to take 3 cards I banished, and move them to my graveyard, like all of my 3 Electromagnetic Warriors!” I frowned in confusion at his play. Bastion wasn’t stupid, he must have known that those cards can only be summoned when they were banished, so why would he move them out of banishment. “Finally I special summon my last monster!” Bastion announced, holding a card I had never seen played in my years of Dueling casually.


“By banishing my Alpha! Beta! Gamma! And finally even my other Berserkion in my grave!” He paused, slowly banishing each of his monsters from his grave, with each one the ground shaking beneath our feet grew more ferocious. “To summon my MegaRock Dragon from my hand!” Bastion announced, slapping the monster card on his Duel Disk, doing so the ground before him, split open, revealing that the ground itself was the massive sleeping dragon. Parts of stone chiseled away from its body, as it reared its head towards its enemy, finally releasing an earth shattering shriek.


MegaRock Dragon/Rock/Effect/Level 7/ Atk:? Def:? MegaRock Dragon


A card I had never seen before, one that even had strange attack and defense, I leaned forward for a better look at the almighty beast in amazement. “This is interesting…” I mumbled with a smirk. Bastion explained while the MegaRock Dragon’s attack and defense points sharply rose. “By banishing Rock Monsters from my grave, I’m allowed to summon MegaRock Dragon, and for each monster I banish, MegaRock gains 700 attack points for each one!”


MegaRock Dragon/Rock/Effect/Level 7/ Atk:2800 Def:2800


“Now! I’ll flip over my other face down! Metalmorph! I equip it to my MegaRock Dragon, granting him 300 more attack points!” The card had some silver mercury-like metal flowing from it, and wrapping it all over the MegaRock Dragon, his attack points increased a bit as it screeched. “Now! Attack her Amazoness Queen!” Bastion ordered the Rock dragon, raising a claw to swipe down on the Amazoness Queen. The metal that coated it, soon morphed over his rock claws, making them stronger and sharper, raising his attack power by half of the Queen’s.


MegaRock Dragon/Rock/Effect/Level 7/ Atk:4300 Def:3100


The Queen remained standing from the attack, but Tania’s life points dwindled.


4,000 Bastion ---- 1,000 Tania


“Next, I attack your Queen with my Berserkion!” Bastion ordered, having her life points fall even further.


4,000 Bastion ---- 400 Tania


Tania sighed with a defeated smile. “Why would you let me have another turn? You could have banished your three warriors to destroy all of my field instead of summoning your great beast.” Bastion frowned in response, his face turning a bit red while his gaze wandered. “I figured that the Duel should take longer…” He mumbled, not willing to say that he was enjoying the Duel with her more than he should at this moment. 


Tania smiled at Bastion, and slowly moved her hand over her Dueling Gauntlet, in a moment her life points went to zero as she surrendered.


4,000 Bastion ---- 0 Tania

Everyone looked at her in shock, Bastion was the most confused. Tania slowly walked over to him, the monsters faded away as she moved past them. When she finally stood before him, he looked up to meet her warm gaze. “Then perhaps we can have many Duels together for the rest of our lives?” She asked, proposing on the spot, getting onto one knee in front of him, and taking his hand into hers. “Oh!” Blair yelled in excitement, jerking on my jacket as if to get me to watch some sort of scene in a movie.

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