Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 86. Fair Fight?

“You don’t think Rakki actually did that to Alexis, right?” Syrus nervously asked while Chazz led the way to the Obelisk dorm. “Of course not Sy. You know Rakki, he probably put his foot in his mouth meeting Alexis’ dad.” Chazz paused, before leading them to a secret door in the back of Obelisk dorms. “Something else is also strange. None of Alexis’ friends are around either.” Jayden nodded after just realizing that himself. “Right, I haven’t seen Jasmine or Mindy since yesterday. Do you think they’re with Alexis?” “We’re about to find out.” Chazz muttered, sneaking into the girl’s dorm.


“Okay, that should be her room.” Chazz said, pointing at a balcony on the second floor. “How do you know all this?” Jayden asked, knowing this place was off limits to all boys, or any male staff for that matter. Chazz rolled his eyes while patting around at his clothes. “Some of us actually get laid, Jayden. Every Obelisk bar Zane knows how to get in here without the teachers knowing. Give me your PDA.” He finished holding out his hand.


Jayden scoffed while giving it to him. “What are you gonna do with that?” He asked, but as soon as he did, he watched as Chazz tossed it up to her terrace, bumping the glass door while Chazz dragged Jayden and Syrus into the bushes. They all waited in silence, Chazz pressing his finger against Jayden to keep his mouth forcibly shut. It didn’t take long before they heard the door open, a few seconds of silence, and then close back again. “Alright.” Chazz muttered, pulling out his own PDA from his jacket. “Hey! Why didn’t you use your own?” Jayden yelled, Chazz kept his head down while texting Jayden’s PDA. “I didn’t want to damage mine.”


Soon Chazz’s PDA rang, and he opened the call on speaker. “Please tell me Rakki’s okay.” Alexis begged on the other end of the line, her first words making Jayden chuckle under his breath, already knowing that Rakki was innocent. ‘He may say mean things like Chazz, but they’re both good friends.’ “If you consider him hiding as most of the school wants his head on a pike, then yea, he’s fine.” They heard Alexis sigh, and muttering in the background. “I wanna hear!” Jasmine’s voice then came in, probably now that she changed it to speaker on her end too. “What’s going on with your dad Alexis?” Jayden asked, Mindy quickly explaining, loving to spread the gossip.


“That bad, huh?” Jayden asked, wincing at the situation Rakki had gotten himself in. “He always has a knack for pissing the wrong people off.” Chazz sighed, covering his face in exasperation. “I just hope both Blair and him are doing okay, Blair ran after him, and I haven’t seen either since.” “Blair will be fine.” Alexis answered back without a shred of doubt in her mind. “In fact, I’m starting to worry about Rakki again…” Alexis mumbled, barely audible on the PDA for the boys to hear. Suddenly the echoes of Rakki’s voice came emanating from the main school, heard by all. “He didn’t…” Alexis moaned, only offset by both girls in her room giggling at her. “Yea… He did.”


“Everyone who activates their Duel Disks now will be fighting me for the one allotted Duel between two students for the Exams. Meaning that this will be our first, and last Duel if you step up. I’ll take the first Turn, then the rest of you one by one. The person that takes my life points to 0 gets the reward.” I explained the rules of the Duel as many more participants began flooding in. My PDA read off 10, then 20, 30, it kept climbing until 34 opponents were all ready. I had to guess that many held off because the odds of getting the reward dwindled into nothing after 30. “Let’s Duel!”


4,000 Rakki ---- 4,000 X 34


I took out my cards in my hand, exactly what I silently asked for the spirits to supply me with. I let out a sigh, feeling the scale of luck slowly weigh onto my end. “Foremost!” I yelled, Zorc still amplifying my voice, and changing it a bit with his dialect. “I shall place four cards face down.” I was on the roof so none could see the cards I had placed, but it was clear on their PDA’s, which many were staring at to see my board. “Next I shall activate the spell card, Card Destruction! Everyone throws their hand in the grave, and draws the same number of cards.” 


Many rolled their eyes, unhappy to throw their good hands away, but a few seemed pleasantly surprised, gleefully taking the opportunity to grab new cards. I didn’t care about the cards I just drew, they wouldn’t matter in the end. “And with that, I end my turn.” Many I was against began laughing hysterically at my so called ‘turn’, a few near the end looked on with envy to those ahead of them, seeing that I would be defeated in a turn or two, but I remained calm.


Another drone with a camera then focused on an Obelisk that I recognized as one that I had beaten before. “I Draw!” He yelled, a massive smirk on his face, reminded me of who he was. It was the same guy that claimed to already own Alexis. I held back my own laughter at his stupidity, calling out my moves instead. “And I activate my trap! Fiend Comedian!” Everyone stared at my flipped up card, a purple fiend with a microphone giggled, before taking a coin from his suit and flipping it into the air. “If I call the coin correctly, then all the cards in your graves will be banished, but if I’m wrong then I have to send cards from my deck to my grave equal to the amount in your graves combined.”


Everyone looked up at me with disbelief, as if anyone would be dumb enough to use such a card in this situation, especially if I had card destruction to re-draw. As the coin fell down to the ground, I called it in mid air. “Tails!” Everyone stared at the coin, flipping in the air, as it descended down to the ground, growing in size as it did so. Finally reaching the ground, it collapsed the ground, creating a large dust cloud.


After the dust settled, what remained was a large coin, with the exact same Fiend’s head as on the trap card laughing hysterically at my demise. Silently, and without even looking, I took out the deck in my Duel Disk, and sent all the cards to my grave, leaving me with no cards left to draw from. “He’s trying to out himself so nobody technically wins!” Someone suddenly yelled, everyone clamoring around at the WANTED posters to see that indeed it was only those that truly beat him in a Duel, whoever took his last life point, was he trying to turn himself in by losing on his own?


“Next!” I yelled, unwilling to hear their stupid rumors anymore, I was not planning on turning myself in to Alexis’ overbearing father. I was planning to win from the beginning. “I activate Fiend Comedian again!” Another of my trap cards flipped over, revealing it to be yet another Fiend Comedian trap card. Everyone mumbled in confusion at my strange deck, but it would soon make sense what I was doing. Another coin was flipped, and this time I called it Heads. It landed exactly the same, laughing while emptying everyone’s graves.


“Then I activate my 3rd trap, Necro Fusion! Allowing me to Banish materials from my grave, to create a fusion monster from them. So I shall banish Petite Dragon… Baby Dragon… Dragard… Berserk Dragon… and Finally Red Eyes Black Dragon!” They all appeared before me, before twisting and turning, shrinking, and growing in different places as the God of Dragon’s slowly formed from them. The same card that Jayden had given me as a token of our friendship. “Behold! The creator of all Dragonkin! Five Headed Dragon God!” I announced, unable to hold back my massive smile of summoning such a creature as it let out a powerful cry of superiority, making many falter on their feet, instinctual fear running wild.


Five Headed Dragon God/Dragon/Fusion/Effect/Level 12/ Atk:5000 Def:5000 5 Headed Dragon


It was placed in defense mode, ready to block any attacks that may come to it. Just to make sure to stop any sort of lightning storm the Obelisk may employ. However he just laughed at me, everyone else looking at him with confusion, not understanding why he wasn’t terrified. “It doesn’t matter you idiot! It may not be me, but someone will have a raigeki to destroy that card, and wipe that snobbish grin right from your face! You won't be able to just deck out on all of us!” Everyone began taking sighs of relief, and nodding with his explanation, many murmuring that they perhaps could be the one to take me out, saving and getting a date with the hottest girl in school.


“I still have one more face down.” I answered back with a shit-eating grin, holding back my laughter at his foolish thinking. I watched with glee at his expression lowering with unease. I knew this was Zorc’s mentality affecting me, but just imagining that Alexis’ father was making a similar face, made me unable to stop from smiling in enjoyment of him eating his own words. ‘This is what you get for looking down on me.’ I thought as the card slowly flipped up, the last semblance of hope was removed from everyone's faces. “Reversal of Graves. By paying 1000 Life Points, and if I have at least 15 cards in my grave, I can switch Everyone’s grave and deck! Oh, but you don’t have anything in your graves now do you?” I slowly looked at everyone waiting to Duel with me, meeting their eyes as they slowly understood what that meant.


3,000 Rakki ---- 4,000 X 34


I couldn’t stop from letting out a vile chuckle of amusement, seeing despair as it took hold on each and every one. I then looked down at the Obelisk student, standing frozen as his mind processed everything that just happened while I took my deck out of the grave, shuffled it a bit, and placed it back in my Duel Disk. “Once again it remains your turn.” I said, taking a seat at the edge of the roof, no longer needing to stand, to show I was taking things even slightly seriously. I watched as his shaky hands placed his deck into his grave, before licking his dry lips, his voice cracking as he spoke. “I- I end… My turn.”


As soon as he was done, the next person in line, instantly decked out, then the next, and next, I watched as it continued down the line. Finally it was my turn yet again, and I smirked at my DP before drawing, not even looking at the card. “Dragon God! Incinerate!” I ordered, watching as all five heads reared back, before blowing out a mix of different powerful breath attacks, mixing together to form a blast of energy, reducing all that touched it to atoms. 

3,000 Rakki ---- 0 X 34

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