Lust Knight

Chapter 715 Superior Enemies (1/2)

715  Superior Enemies (1/2)

"Who is Genevieve?" Nea asks. She, Mira, and Maya are all very curious.

Lucien and his girls watch as that white spot in the sky grows bigger, also capturing the attention of all the Mermaids and Nagas within several miles around the Crystal City.

That spot quickly forms into a portal from which a winged figure emerges. And with his incredible vision, Lucien recognizes the figure as Genevieve.

"It's really her." He confirms and uses his demonic energy to create a signal with purple light.

In the sky, Genevieve quickly notices the grand Crystal City and the signal from Lucien on the tallest tower. She knows that it's a signal from him due to its beautiful shade of purple.

She swiftly flies in that direction, astonishing many Mermaids and Nagas who recognize her as an Angel.

The Mermaid guards quickly fly towards Genevieve to question her.

But before any action is taken against her, Lucien gives a signal to the Mermaids, making them clear a path for the Angel.

Genevieve swiftly arrives at the tower and lands in front of Lucien, bowing respectfully to him.

"Master..." Her tone is filled with respect and admiration, but there is also a great deal of affection.

Although she doesn't have a Soul Contract with Lucien, Genevieve missed him and his caresses greatly while she was in Qia, which only strengthened her feelings for him.

Lucien, too, cannot deny that he missed seeing those majestic light-grey wings.

Despite the initial impression the first Angels he encountered left on him, Genevieve and especially Alexa are beautiful and fierce women.

"I'm glad you returned safely." Lucien smiles at Genevieve.

She smiles briefly at him and Helena before her expression turns concerned. "I apologize for taking so long; it's just that I and..."

She pauses when she notices some unfamiliar women around Lucien.

He understands her hesitation and quickly clarifies about them. "Everyone here is on our side."

Genevieve nods and quickly resumes her report to him. "Lady Alexa discovered that some Gods are coming to the Seven Stars..."

Lucien still doesn't have a clear idea of the power of a God, even though Lust has mentioned them a few times.

But the Sins do understand why Genevieve seems so worried. Nea and especially Maya also grasp the potential threat, which immediately makes them extremely worried.

"Which Gods?" Pride quickly asks, her eyes shining with murderous intent.

"A group of Several Inferior Gods..." Genevieve can't hide her growing concerns. "Led by the Young Sacred Trinity."

"Damn!" Envy immediately curses upon hearing that name.

"We're screwed!" Greed exclaims.

"Yeah, that's bad, really bad." Gluttony adds.

Nea doesn't truly understand the significance of that name, but she can tell it's bad because Maya and Helena become even more apprehensive.

Lucien knows that he has heard that name in one of his conversations with Lust, so he tries to recall it in his mind. "The Sacred Trinity, isn't it an alliance between some of the most powerful Superior Gods?"

"Yes," Lust quickly responds.

"So the Young Sacred Trinity..." He comments.

"They are the primary children of those Gods." Pride responds.

Helena is familiar with those Gods, which makes her fear greatly for Lucien's safety. After all, they are already enemies for various reasons even before they met.

"Which ones are coming?" She asks Genevieve.

"All three of them," she quickly responds. "Joel, Kael, and Coraline."

Those names elicit different reactions from the Sins and some of the other girls.

"Joel is the son of the Fire God," Maya panics. "Maybe they're coming for me..."

"Coraline is the daughter of that despicable woman..." Helena clenches her teeth as she speaks about the Water Goddess, her heart burning with a desire for revenge.

Pride says nothing, but the white light in her eyes intensifies, reflecting her own desire for vengeance.

"Kael is the son of the Light God," Lust explains. "He inherited all the powers of his father and has already killed two hosts of Pride."

The Sins don't have actual memories of their previous hosts, but they have such historical knowledge in their minds, which brings a natural anger against the Gods, especially those they have directly confronted.

Lucien tries to stay calm, but the idea of a group of Gods coming to the Blue Star leaves him worried.

He has worked so hard to help the Nagas and Mermaids, and now, before the Leviathan could even do anything, an even greater threat emerges.

How could he think of fleeing, abandoning the people he swore to protect?

But how could he simply stay and confront such powerful enemies, putting his family at risk?

Lust is already exclaiming in his mind that they need to leave the Blue Star as soon as possible, but before making any decision, he needs to understand the situation better.

"What is their power?" He asks Genevieve.

She quickly responds, "The Several Inferior Gods are in the first layer of the Cosmic Realm, but the Young Sacred Trinity are already considered Complete Gods, even though they are in the third layer of the Cosmic Realm."

"In fact, Coraline recently reached the fourth layer." She adds.

Lucien still finds it difficult to have a clear idea of what those power levels mean. He has only faced two enemies from the Cosmic Realm so far, and the Leviathan was just toying with him while Tyrion posed the real challenge.

Tyrion was at the very beginning of the first layer of the Cosmic Realm, and even after performing that profane ritual, his power did not cross the threshold of the first layer.

Thus, Lucien only has an idea of the power within the first layer of the Cosmic Realm. And the Sins explained that the difference in layers within that realm can mean an increase in power by tens, hundreds, or even thousands of times.

It is evident that the Young Sacred Trinity is a much greater threat than the Leviathan, and Lucien knows that he and his girls cannot defeat such enemies now.

Nea is also in a panic and can't help but look at Lucien with a mixed expression of fear and sympathy.

She understands that the threat is far beyond their capabilities, but her people don't have the option to flee from the Blue Star like him.

She also doesn't want to ask Lucien to stay and fight because that would mean asking him to die.

Yet, she can feel through their connection that he has no intention to abandon her and their people.

"What are we going to do???" She asks in a desperate tone.

Lucien is forcing his mind to find a solution, and the Sins are helping him.

Well, Lust and Envy are begging him to leave the Blue Star with his girls as quickly as possible, but Sloth is genuinely trying to find a solution to protect the Mermaids and Nagas.

"The sacred tree of the Nagas." She speaks in her usual calm tone.

Lucien quickly looks at Mira and begins to speak. "I'm not sure how much of Tyrion's corruption still lingers within the tree, but it should obey me now."

"How many Mermaids can we bring inside the barrier of the tree?" He asks.

Mira quickly responds. "The Naga Capital has sufficient space for another ten million inhabitants, probably more if we make urgent renovations."

Lucien can't help but feel saddened by hearing that. With the current space in the Naga Capital, he could protect all the Mermaids from Crystal City and even a few million more.

But the entire Mermaid Kingdom has many other cities, totaling tens of millions of other Mermaids who would be left unprotected.

Also, the Naga Kingdom has tens of millions of Nagas in total, Nagas who would have to give up their place behind the barrier of the sacred tree to save the Mermaids.

While Lucien, his girls, and the Sins desperately try to find a solution to this problem, Genevieve has more bad news.

"Master..." She doesn't like being the bearer of more bad news, but it is her duty to keep Lucien aware of all the threats surrounding him.

He can see her hesitation. "Just say it."

"Master..." She looks up at the sky, specifically at a red spot amidst the clouds. "I think the damn Shé are already arriving."


She nods and quickly explains, "Those Gods are not only bringing an army of Angels, but the Young Sacred Trinity has also formed a secret alliance with the Shé Dragons to attack the Seven Stars."

"What the fuck?!?" Wrath can't help but exclaim.

The other Sins and Helena are also surprised by this revelation.

"Are you sure about this?" Helena asks.

Genevieve nods. "Yes, that's why I took so long to come. Lady Alexa wanted to be certain about it."

"Dragons and Gods forming an alliance? This is madness!" Greed comments.

"Calling the Shé 'Dragons' is madness in itself." Pride remarks. "The Tiankong Dynasty would never do such a thing; they wouldn't dare tarnish Aylin's legacy!"

"Aylin died many years ago," Envy speaks to Pride. "And you can't speak on behalf of the Dragons."

"YOU!!" Pride becomes furious and almost summons her white scythe to attack Envy.

But Lucien quickly approaches her and holds her hand. "We cannot fight amongst ourselves, especially when so many enemies are coming."

Due to the growing respect for Lucien, Pride contains her frustrations. She has no allegiance to the Dragons, whether they be from the Tiankong Dynasty or the Shé Dynasty, but she doesn't appreciate the disrespect towards Aylin's memory.

"Don't be foolish," Sloth shakes her head at Pride and Envy. "Genevieve was clear when she mentioned that it is a SECRET alliance, which means even Alexa had difficulties discovering it."

Lust nods. "Exactly, so Aisha must not know about it, or she would have taken action."

Lucien also doesn't have much knowledge about the current politics of the Dragons. After all, the memories he saw of Aylin were from her youth, hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Regardless, he doesn't have time to worry about the Dragons' internal conflicts because he is fully focused on protecting his people now.

But before he can think of a plan, Genevieve's trembling and concerned voice brings more bad news.

"Master..." She looks up at the sky, specifically at a red spot amidst the clouds. "I think the damn Shé are already arriving."

"Damn!" He can't help but curse.


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