
Lucia stayed calm at Basara's outburst full of incredulity while Asia tilted her head in wonder and confusion.

“The master-servant contract is a technique where one person recognizes the other as his or her master. It's very important to imprint that mentality on the ‘servant’ in the contract from the start and any thought of betrayal will be severely punished by the rules of the contract.

“Normally, we would have to use your own magic attribute to initiate the start of the contract but…”

Lucia winced a little as she paused but seamlessly went on as she spoke with her characteristic plain tone, “The subjugation intensity of the punishment depends on the fault committed and the attribute used by the ‘master’…. Your magic attribute is…well quite extreme to say the least.”

Basara instantly paled at her words, feeling extremely disgruntled. He understood that Lucia was putting the whole thing very mildly. His innate attribute could be said to be extermination or annihilation because of his Banishing Shift. 

Even if he managed to use his devil power, the attribute would be Gravity, another crushing and heavily empowering element that equated to destruction and annihilation. No matter what he used the punishment for the contracted ‘servant’ would be very heavy.

If compared to his attributes, which spelled total anarchy, Lucia's attribute as a Succubus was pretty mild. 

However, there was one thing that made him confused about the whole matter, “Why don’t we just use Asia’s attribute then?”


Lucia clicked her tongue inwardly with a sizeable amount of frustration. 

‘As expected of Basara-sama. Even in this situation, he can think calmly and find a valid alternative.’

Indeed, he was right. For Asia whose power was healing, her attribute would pose absolutely no danger in this situation. However, she wasn’t going to back down on this occasion.

“I recognize her attribute would be suitable to avoid any punishment. But… If that happens then Subjugation itself would become meaningless and there would be no increase in both of your powers. It would be a waste of the pact that I proposed rendering it almost useless. Safety or Power. Either way, the decision is yours to make.”

Lucia was utterly willing to slightly manipulate Asia for the simple reason that she had next to no emotional ties with that girl. But Basara was obviously different compared to her. He was the son of two people she respected the most and might or might not become her master in the future as well.

Hence, came her dilemma and restriction— all she was able to do in this situation now was to give a valid proposal and help him point out the better alternative, the right to decide, however, always belonged to him alone.

“Hmm… Basara-kun…”

Unexpectedly or maybe rather expectedly, the one who broke the abject lull full of silence and heaviness that had fallen in the quiet room was none other than Asia herself.


“I think I kind of understand now what the subjugation means.”

Asia might have little to no knowledge about sexual matters, but she wasn’t dumb enough to not get the subtle cues that had been laid out in front of her all the while. Furthermore, by now she kind of already has some experience in the matter with what happened last time between the two of them. So, she wasn’t really adverse about the option.

“I… I have already decided to follow Basara. So, if using Lucia san’s attribute has a better effect on the ritual, then I am… I am willing to go with it.”

Asia stuttered heavily as she eeked out those words since it was pretty embarrassing for her, but at the same time, she was determined to go through with it since she wanted to follow Basara.

Moreover, it wasn’t just about pleasing Basara anymore.

“I hate my helpless self that could do nothing but cry when I was about to be attacked by Freed. I hate my naive self that got tricked by the fallen angels. I don’t want to feel like that anymore. So, let’s go through with the ritual the way Lucia-san suggests us to.”

The more she spoke the more assured she became of her decision, and her determination shone all the more brightly. Asia didn’t just want to be some helpless maiden that was constantly rescued. She wanted to be useful to those who she cared for. She wanted to help Basara in some form — be it directly or indirectly.


Basara muttered quietly and scoffed at himself. It seemed that he was still underestimating Asia somewhat.

Naivety and Kindness were not equal to weakness as he had set out to believe. 

The experience Asia had gone through since she left the church was enough to fortify her character and make her even stronger mentally and spiritually.

‘It would be disgraceful of me to continue hesitating in this situation.’

"Okay–So? What do I have to do exactly for that Master and Servant contract?"

Lucia, hearing his acceptance, instantly formed a serene smile on her usually blank face making Basara and Asia’s hearts skip a beat at her transient beauty.

"Thank you. Well then, Asia-san, please stand on the side of the entrance… Yes, right there. That is the side of the servant. And, Basara-sama, please stand by the window."

When both of them stood in their allocated positions, the preparations for the magic ceremony started at once.

"Now then— Basara-sama, please hold my hand."

"Your hand? I just have to hold it?"

Basara followed her instructions obediently and took her hand.

"Basara-sama is using this magic for the first time, so I will take part as the assistant this time. Besides, as we decided, we will use my magical powers, instead of your own. Basara-sama just has to make the chant for the initialization of the ritual.”

Then Basara, after getting told the chant by Lucia, took a deep breath to ready himself and his worried psyche.

"Then let's start…"

Basara was a little bit nervous since he feared mixing his own energy into the ritual. He would never forgive himself if he were to hurt Asia in such a stupid way.

The moment he started to chant, the magic circle on the floor started glowing, then Basara and Asia were bathed in the same incandescent yet gentle light.

And then, when Basara finished the chant before long, Lucia faced Asia.

"Soon enough a magic circle will appear on Basara's right hand for a while. So please take his hand, and place a kiss on the magic circle before it disappears. With that, the Master and Servant contract will be established."

Both Asia and Basara looked at each other deep in the eyes.

The time they knew each other was so small that it was pitiful but in that short time, the two of them managed to get a good understanding of each other.

This was why, the moment the circle appeared on his hand, without hesitating, Asia kneeled down and took his hand to her soft lips.


Immediately, the light on the circle began to change and the two of them were bathed in a golden light. 

Out of Basara’s chest, a piece came out and began to float high until it reached the ceiling. It was a pawn piece.

Basara frowned at the sight. He wanted to switch and give her a different piece such as the bishop one for example but Lucia stopped him from interfering.

“Do not underestimate the pawn piece. In this system that piece is the most versatile one. Asia does not wish to only be a healer standing in the back. 

“To stand alongside you, she needs as much power as possible. Furthermore, your piece is mutated. Even one of your pawn pieces has more power in them than two ordinary Bishops would have. Granted, it is a bit far-fetched compared to the other mutated piece archetype but you are a special one, as you would’ve surmised already.”

The best piece for versatility was the Queen followed by the Pawns but giving the queen piece to Asia would be a complete waste. 

In a peerage, the queen piece represented the one who was second in command — the direct representative of the king, the one who held undeniable authority below only one above. No matter how much Asia changed, she had no leadership quality so to speak.

“I understand.”

“Now then. It’s time to subdue her. Make her recognize, body and mind, that you are her lord then the piece will fuse with her being and make her yours for all eternity.”

Taking a deep breath, Basara took her in his arms.


Asia let out a startled cry, at his sudden actions, that sounded more like a moan than anything else. Basara didn’t need to be told that Asia was currently in a state of deep excitement and arousal.

Already, around her neck, he could see a faint collar-like tattoo manifesting with a heart as a lock.

Basara could feel a heat unlike anything coursing through his veins at this very moment. Unlike last time when Asia entered the bathroom, this time he wasn’t just being passive.

Holding her in his arms, he could feel her warm body through her flimsy transparent clothes. Her body was covered with sweat and emanated a fascinating scent that made his consciousness go blurry with amorous thoughts.

As a healthy teenager, there was so much he wanted to do now. But this wasn’t just about him. 

Her hot breath as she muttered his name and her feverish eyes nearly made Basara lose all control over his body.

He needed to make Asia submit and swear her loyalty to him.

The Master and Servant Contract would be formed once Asia acknowledged Basara as her true Master.

Therefore Basara calmed his heart and just thought about making Asia acknowledge him.

To accomplish that, he had to touch Asia's weak spots, as Lucia had said.


Basara searched for Asia's weakest spot over her clothes, touching her all over her lithe body.

Her modest breasts fitted nicely in his firm hands while her firm but petite butt gave a springy feel whenever he pressed them and slightly kneaded them.


The power of lust must have been pretty strong. Wherever he touched, Asia reacted sensitively and her body shivered while she leaked a sweet voice full of sensuality. 

Still, Basara felt that this wasn’t what he had set out to accomplish. While she seemed to be quite sensitive in all those places, he didn’t think he had managed to find her weakest spot yet.

Finally, looking at her lost expression as she opened her mouth and exhaled shudderingly, Basara brought his face down and – kissed her on the lips.


The moment Basara did so, the effect was immediate and Asia showed an unbelievable reaction of incredulity and shock. 

Along with a silent scream, her whole body fiercely shivered while her sweat became even more abundant. Meanwhile, drops of a viscous and unknown liquid continued to fall from under her skirt on the floor and the magic circle formed around her.

Taking away his lips from her, Basara looked down as Asia could barely stand while holding on to him. Her eyes were completely dazed and her face flushed to the extreme akin to a ripe tomato.

Basara inadvertently gulped and Lucia showed a faint sliver of a smile.

"Apparently you found it… Asia's weakest spot."

Basara could not answer as he gently laid Asia down horizontally on the floor since she clearly could not stand up anymore.

This caused their current position to be even more sensual and intimate and had the advantage of further imprinting who was the dominant one in their relationship.

The upper part of her see-through dress moved and revealed her naked body to be fully feasted by the hungry eyes of Basara. 

For Asia, everything seemed to happen akin to a dream.

At first, Basara's movement had already made her hot and bothered. But the moment he kissed her, she felt like an incandescent all-encompassing light exploded in her mind. It was a completely different level of pleasure from what she felt at the time during the bath.


Under Basara's body, Asia writhed her hips and said pleading words of sensuality with an enchanting amorous voice.

Under her plea, Basara was all too happy to oblige.

Leaning down, he gently gave her a peck on the lips before slowly pushing his tongue on inside her mouth and changing that sweet kiss into a deep kiss.

This sweet sensation robbed the notion called thoughts from Asia. 

The earlier moments were awkward as both Basara and Asia were completely inexperienced in the matter. 

But, like an instinct, the two of them began to seek each other more fervently.

Their kiss became deeper and more torrid. For Asia, it wasn’t just a communion of bodies but one of souls. 

‘I like him. I like him so much that I can't help it anymore’

Asia did not know if it was love or lust that was talking at the moment but deep down, it was what she truly felt.

It made her heart melt and her body hot from the incomparable sensation of happiness and ecstasy.

She felt safe in his strong and reliable arms.

His presence firmed the belief that nothing could harm her in this world.

She felt happy because of how much he seemed to seek her body.

Asia's arms were twined around his neck, and she kissed him even more deeply, as though in an attempt to meld and fuse their bodies together.

‘The kiss is so good…’

Then, in order to make herself feel more of the ecstatic feelings, she opened her mouth to seek his saliva. It was terribly embarrassing, but her thoughts, which had been melted by excitement and carnal ecstasy, transformed the embarrassment into even more pleasure.

Basara didn’t just kiss her blindly. His hands were gently caressing her collarbone, rolling her nipples or pinching it, and cupping her breasts.

The moment they separated to catch their breath, Asia couldn’t help but mutter deliriously.

“I like you. I really like you. I really like Basara.”

Once she said it out loud and clearly, her feelings started to overflow.

At the same time, those words were like a sludge hammer against Basara’s heart. Holding her tightly he breathed in her ears, words that he knew he could never take back.

“Be mine.”

For Asia, those words were the last straw that kept her for herself and resisted the ritual from being complete. 


After a moment of sense of blankness — A fierce pleasure spark colored Asia's vision snow-white.

A pleasant feeling gushed out from every pore of her body and the feeling of floating enveloped her.

Her body stiffened up on its own and Asia forgot to breathe for a moment as pleasure wracked her entire body until she fell unconscious.

Above them, the pawn piece shone silver and crimson before slowly coming down and fusing with the body of the unconscious nun.

“Basara-sama, the ritual is now completed. Once Asia wakes up, she will be a changed woman and you will have your first peerage member. Congratulations!”

(AN: I honestly don’t know if it’s possible to make a girl climax with just a kiss and even if it was possible, you would need to be pretty damn good at it. Not something a virgin or even someone with years of experience can do. But hey, this is erotica. We gotta have our fantasies manifested here. For someone pure like Asia, I believe that rather than butt or breast or whatever, a proof of affection like a kiss is more suitable as her weakest point.)

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